There are Pajeets all over Warsaw. They're literally everywhere. What is going on?
Pajeet invasion in Poland
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And the streets shall run brown with the stool of the nonlooers.
Don't worry we will make Poland great again.
Also, my English teacher at school was from Poland and she was indeed really nice. I remember her teaching us about Don Quixote.
What do you do to help it?
I go out in bike at 3 in the morning.
Shit stains never dare unless they're in a pack then I can just scram
>Soon designated shitting streets
>Don't worry we will make Poland great again.
It'll be Pooland after you're done.
>Soon designated shitting streets
So nothing will change in poland?
>Indians started migrating to Poland in the late 80’s and early 90’s when the political situation changed and new opportunities started to emerge.[2] Most of them are businessmen[citation needed] who migrated to cash on the economic boom after Warsaw opted for a free-market economy in 1989 and joined the European Union in 2004. In 2007, Poland signed an agreement with India to admit more Indian migrant workers, as part of an effort to ameliorate labour shortages caused by the outward migration of hundreds of thousands of Polish workers to richer countries in the European Union.[3] New important group of Indians in Poland are students and academics.[4] Recent research shows that the Indian community is quite well integrated in the Polish society.
You wanted to end Communism, now get browned.
Replacement Migration: The Future of Poland
too bad your engrish teacher wasn't able to potty train you.
>Poland?! Damnit, Ranjeet! I thought you said POOland!
Pajeets aren't so bad really
They're overflowing from the toilet bowl, it's happening all over the world.
They're not really as big an issue as niggers or asians or the like because literally nobody likes Indians and they're all ugly mutants.
Forgot to add that they're also relatively well-behaved, they're just unsightly, loud and they smell awful.
Pajeet's streets overfloweth with poo. He needed to find a new place for his people, greener pastures for them to squateth in. Pajeet picked up a map and scanned over the distant, yet unsoiled terrain. "Poland", he noticed. "Poo-Land". Perfect, he said to himself with glee; shit dribbling ever so slightly down his leg from all the excitement. "Raj, call the others" he said, "we've found our new home".
Neither are Muslims or Africa, you just need to become one. Nobody worries when he's extinct. After death you stop worrying too.
Indians are not like your Paki friends britbro. Look at US where we are the most contributing and well integrated one.
Fun fact: Indians are the second top most investors in UK
I mean they all seem nice, haven't seen anyone pooping in the streets yet. Just wonder what are they doing here. Right now there are Ukrainians and Pajeets everywhere here. What will happen if they mix? What kind of new race will it be?
What happened to that one Polish MEP that called "refugees" human trash?
I don't mind Indians in the UK. As long as they don't breed like crazy, they're some of the nicest and most hardworking people here.
Korwin-Mikke? Nothing happened to him. They gave him a fee to pay or something for saying women have lower IQ in general.
Common misconception, actually. Cats are the second most invested in UK investments.
God dammit Poland. You and Iceland were my only hope.
no one cares...He was there just so we could laugh at him
Whatever feeds your catass brain you burgur cunt.
That cat is fearless.
He was there to destroy the EU
They're not Indian. Indian men have a very visible "betaness".
Bangladeshis and some Pakistanis look like Indians.
reunite of fraternal nations
toilet witches, mostly.
One can only dream, Boris
man, just think of all those chemicals he must be soaking in
I figured it out recently.
Ever noticed the pajeet courtship methods? That nagging shit? Obviously you did, you are on Sup Forums after all.
Now the reason why they're so numerous in IT is partially because they act on job hunt like they act in romance, at some point somebody WILL hire them.
Warsaw is the refuge for IT companies wanting to run away from Pajeets, but they don't give up so easily and chase the market. They were told that they will have many successes if they'll work in IT so that's what they do.
Seeing as Minsk is another go-to direction for IT it'll be funny seeing as Belarusian authorities try to deal with pajeet invasion.
>Good you potty trained them.
Now don't fuck cats. Because for ya cucks pussy = cat too.
>i showed you my resume, answer me.
the Eternal anglo strikes again
> they act on job hunt like they act in romance, at some point somebody WILL hire them.
That's brilliant. Never tried that before. Maybe I'll finally find a job.
GET OUT OF MY (ancestors') COUNTRY
student exchange I guess
You mean our students voluntarily go to Pooland?
that is how you find a job in Poland you bully people into hiring you
You bully your uncle/other relative* to hire you normally
Where do they poo? Are the stories real?
>English teacher at school was from Poland
why? and which posh school? and did you masturbate to her as a horny teen?
If that's the case then Poland is a very beta and a stupid country
Oh, your ancestors were German?
Yep I know I girl who went to fucking Algeria for student exchange. I don't talk with her anymore, fucking whore.
There's too many International Schools in India you poor public school fag
Indians are better than Muslims.
Every Pajeet I've met in my life smells disgusting.
Why don't you guys use deodorant and shower? Is it against your religion or something?
No they don't smell.
It might be just the air of your shitty country.
It's happening, fucking MerKILL ruining Poland REEEEEEEEEEEE
[spoiler]Med schools, you nigger[/spoiler]
no they smell, and it's in part of your shit diet
>live in a shithole country
>go study in another shithole country
Literally the worst immigrants Poland could get
They don't have any toilets to plumb
R1a1a brothers
Poo in loo/Slav squat brothers
It's your diet. Smells horrible.
>It might be just the air of your shitty country.
A Pajeet calling Canada, shitty
I've heard indians have the tiniest penises on the planet.
My 16cm pecker would be king-kong size there wouldn't it?
where do i look for qt poototie brown gf?
What you mean in poland i thinkyou meant Prussia
maybe instead of taking fucking photo u should crash those shitskins?
Warsaw isn't even close to Prussia Achmed.
Hahahahahahahahahahhahaa burger clean up on aisle 9
Our diet is fine. We don't get fat like burgers or skinny like the africans.
You should too follow our delicious diet.
Yeep hans.
Still Prussia land anything poland related belongs to prussia
got em
No you would get cock mogged and iq mogged in India. Stay out.
You mean land you lost and wont get back?
my office bathroom tells a different tale. Explosive diarrhea every god damn day.
Maybe if your ancestors didn't genocide Prussians they would come and take it but as it is they won't.
Jews in Poland stopped protecting the people and their women fell for the Hollywood Jew and fell in with Tumblr
They're fucked, regardless if poles in this board want to admit it
Sanjay, my son. Ignore them. We are untouchables, we must just accept that.
How many times a week do you shower?
Fuck off you idiots swarm over here with your fake ass degrees and can't program for shit.
>Jews in Poland stopped protecting the people
when did they protect them? it was always us who protected them
inb4 Polish death camps
Get their pretty girls quik !
>How many times a week don't you shower?
Fixed for accuracy.
>You should too follow our delicious diet.
No thanks I don't want to smell horrible the rest of the day.
I seriously hope you don't consider /pol as a reliable source of information.
actually Warsaw is full of pajeets and mudslimes it's uncanny
>My 16cm pecker
That's a Bangladeshi man doing work for poo in loos because the fuckers are good enough to shit in the street and rivers but too good to fucking clean up their mess and fix their broken stuff(iirc he is working on some submerged valves in that pic)
They are trying to flood you so eventually you will have to borrow money so they don't starve in your streets... Crime against humanity.
White man prepare to defend yourself!!!
Like we say in Poland, "with God on our side, or without him".
You've taken your quote Poland.
It's your "fair share".
>Nice trips
Visit an Indian doctor for immediate help.
Once a day.
at least they don't blow up