Answer this atheists

Answer this atheists

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They're called "Australians" nowadays bud

The first statement is false. There aren't millions of those. Rather, that was a common ancestor. Branched into humans and apes.

that's not how evolution works retard

Poor taste


Evolution is an embarrassing lie. shameful.

>Where are millions of these?


They died out OP, I know it's very convenient but you just have to believe in it, hath faith I guess.

you'll get to see how evolution works first hand as you're bred out of existance, swedecuck


Only scientifically illiterate people think evolution is a 'theory'... then again if your answer for everything is God or Jesus then no wonder you have such basic reasoning. I'm so glad religion is dying out slowly but surely.

We are descendants of "ape-like" the between died off becoming the end result (us) You stupid moron. God damn people are so stupid these days. So many stupid people in the world because they choose to be stupid.

>I don't need proof for whatever religious book I fap to
>but prove me evolution

Evolution does not care about the existance of God, you imbecile.
In your retarded eyes God could start the evolution as well.
Denying evolution is like denying gravity.

What the fuck are you talking about?
>There are milions of these
No there isn't that ''monkey'' at start of evolutionar lather has died long time ago, modern day apes are not that ''monkey'' at start of this image he is a comon ancestor of bouth apes and humans but he is not nor ape nor human.

evolution never happened. it left zero evidence.

no short neck giraffes, no dinosaur bones, no missing link between man and monkey

just hoaxes faker than the holocaust.

>ITT deluded leaf that doesn't understand evolution embarrasses himself

There are people that believe we co-existed when dinosaurs were around. You were high watching the Flintstones you fucking idiot!!!

There aren't millions of chimpanzees though, and the ones that did survive did so by hiding in the jungle.

Have you looked in Africa or Australia leaf?

>there are millions of australopithecenes

I fucking hate modern science. It only counts for horseshoes and hand grenades these days (rockets and space exploration).

Modern scientists don't even bother acknowledging or disproving claims these days. It's just the same tired statements time and time again from these goons:

>no proof, sweep it under the rug
>too silly, just your imagination

YOU'RE. A. FUCKING. SCIENTIST! Find some proof! Fund some research! Explore the uncanny and fantastical!

Do it, no matter how society veiws you. Do it for progress. Do it for integrity. Do it for all the alchemists, wizards, and astromomers who braved the Christians and sneered at the church in the name of PROGRESS.

There a lot of niggers to prove the ape-man genetic link

Those things in the middle are ugly, that's why they went extinct. No one would mate with them.

I know this is a bait thread but it always depresses me that people who might otherwise be intelligent actually deny evolution. Anthroprogenic climate change, I sort of get questioning it (although most people question it for the wrong reasons) but the denial of biological evolution is retarded.

>hurr durr you think humans used to be monkeys harr harr you retard
Why do religious people cling to that oversimplified point like it's the entire point of evolution?
Is it really so difficult to wrap your head around the concept of nature's selective breeding?

That first one isn't an australopithecene

This pic is wrong either way. Evolution isn't a linear process and we certainly didn't came from a single specimen.

>missing link
There are still unexplainable jumps in the evol process.

The person who made that graphic is most likely an elementary school dropout and methhead. If you don't believe in evolution then you are quite literally retarded.

You need much more faith to believe in evolution than you do a Creator God.


And we'll never find them because mutations happen all the time and can be insignificant enough to mislead scientists into wrong conclusions.

They believe in Adam and Eve bullshit. Their kids must have had incestuous relations. That's why they think it's ok to fuck their own relatives.

You don't need any faith to believe in evolution. You can quite literally see it happen. No faith required. That's like saying you need faith to believe in gravity (which some idiots probably don't believe in either).

Chimps and humans split from each other from a common ancestor, this is why there are still chimps.

We went from Au. Afarensis to H. Sapien in the span of about 3ish million years. In that time there were many species but most were either short lived or could no long compete with the long term climatic changes. Last men standing were Neandertals and us and we outnumbered them 50 to 1 and fucked/fought them to death.

fuck everyone and their mother replying to this thread without saging

Think guy knows his shit!

>I hope every communist dies a violent death

OP ' picture lies.

He knows his drawing is incorrect

Ape and man had a common ancestor.

Learn2 palaeontology,

in brazil

Because animals evolve from a common ancestor. Not directly from each other. Humans didn't evolve from modern chimps.

Checkmate christards


They made it uglier.

>muh missing link meme
Oh, like what? Point out one that isn't just a gap in the fossil record?

there were no "millions of" pre humans. their numbers never went above 1 million.


Most breeds got fucked up over the last 100 years. Breeders are shit at evolutionary engineering.

Eh. That one's not so bad. The Bull Terrier just looks inbred though.

This. I own a pretty good example of selective breeding myself (not that it matter). A breed of cat called the Nebelung. Literally just a Russian Blue that was bred from examples of the Russian blue that had long fur, the point of bringing this up of course is that it's a fairly new breed, the mid-1980's. I guess my point is that these retards won't deny that that is possible but somehow given more time, dozens or hundreds of generations, and the desperate struggle of survival, wild populations of animals don't change.

I'm just going to keep posting pictures of my cat.

This. Artificial selection was a well known human practice. Darwin's theory took a concept that everybody already knew was true and had been practicing artificially for thousands of years, and simply said that nature did the same thing but over a longer time.

We ate them

This is a pretty good point too. I mean homo sapiens only 70-100 kya numbered less than 30k individuals across an entire continent. Rarely has or did any species of hominidae, human ancestor or not, get above 100k at any one time.

The millions of things on the right, and the millions of things on the left, competed for similar food sources.

The things on the right were smarter, and likely killed other protohumans over territory and hunting grounds, using tools, which the other dumber human ancestors weren't smart enough to figure out.

I had a rescue that looked exactly like yours, she passed away a couple months ago, was the biggest sweetheart I've ever met

this fucking thread again
What are you sliding faggot?
OP is a faggot

This was a wolf before selective breading. Humams being monkeys arnt that far off, just look at abos

We know Achmed your almighty allah created life

We didn't evolve from literal monkeys we have a common ancestor you fucking dumbass stop this bait.

Fuck it. I'll take the bait.

Your image is making a couple of fundamental misunderstandings about evolution.

Firstly we did not come from modern chimps. We share a common ancestor. Basically an animal that is not longer around that's half way between a human and a chimp, that branched down those two lines.

The intermediate stages are dead. You could ask "where are the remains then", to which the answer is long gone for the most part. You sometimes find fossils, of which we have found quite a few intermediates, but fossilisation is a rare occurance. Most remains of these animals are simply gone.


there are skeletons tho

Unlikely it was a Nebelung but if it was, they're awesome cats.

they got mixed up with human few hundred thousand years ago.


Found em!

that really made me think

>retard doesn't know what a common ancestor is

I should have changed that filename to
>kills camera at incredibly highspeed

1 post by this ID


>This was a wolf before selective breading.
two corrections:
1) breEding, not breAding. I won't even try to imagine what breading feels like.
2) dogs from wolves is the dogma of the day, but there are too many unsurmountable problems with it. dogs more lkely descended from southeast asian wild dogs. does not make forcibly evolving from them a joke like your pic any lesser achievement, though.

Yeah like there arent millions of niggers who clearly show you the intermediate kek

Of Men and monkeys, no monkey-men skele's though.

Humans didn't come from monkeys u stupid shit.

Leave Achmed alone Mehmet

t. uses a stumblr jewniverse reaction image

For a Fedora-tier atheist, Dawkins is pretty based.

Evolution is not just one object statically evolving, you fucking troll.
Ever heard of London Underground Mosquitoes?

Evolution goes like this.
I could be wrong, but I know it is not just a static linear process.
aa -> ab
----> ac
Species that do not work die out.

Humans most likely killed them off, or plainly out competed them.

Also, that fucked up.
What I meant was evolution involves branching out, not to mention that THOSE ARE NOT ALIVE ANYMORE.

Fuck off tyrone

The piece of paper wasn't big enough you fuckwit

Okay, so how come Himalayan Sherpas have increased oxygen capacity over ordinary Chinese, and how come blacks and whites have different builds and skin tones?


If you're your cousin's son, why is your cousin still alive?

Checkmate atheists.

Fossils are rare dipshit and as said, the paper wasn't big enough

slight changes, not noticeable until a few hundreds generations have passed - we are taller than Middle Ages' people too

They found what they believed to be a 50,000,000 year old mosquito captured in Amber. Wanna know how different they were back then? No different at all. Not anatomically, not physiologically, none.. Still fed on blood, still had a 7-10 day life span. So yeah... Evolution.... Muh evolution, muh science professor says... Um. But muh Richard Dawkins.... Muh evolution...

Humans, supposedly evolved from monkeys... But there are Still monkeys though... Tails are very useful.. Humans have not progressed and evolved any new anatomical attributes like tails.. In fact, a mere squirrel can outrun a human, humans have no claws, no tails, most are susceptible to severe sun burn if not properly clothed, we have no night vision, no specially evolved hearing or smelling, nothing.. We have >Evolved into a weak, slow, puny sack of shit that will die in minutes if we get dropped off in the an artic environment... Muh evolution lololololol

>being this obtuse
Mosquitoes are pretty much ideally adapted for their environment. I bet you think cases of convergent evolution means that those are the same species too, huh?

Chimps, Bonobos, Oraguntangs, and Gorilla don't have tails either... I hope you're just baiting or something

50 million years though. You always love to bring up "muh enormous length of time" as incomprehensible and the sole reason for entire species to exist. Yet, mosquitos are global and would've changed enormously given that time frame.
so they didn't evolve tails either, further hurting your entire argument.


>implying the first bacteria fidnt inbreed
>implying the universe didnt cone from a single source
cant have it both ways sci-cuck

Moron, the science of evolution is not a religious argument. It's like saying round earth is atheist and flat earth is Christian. But if you want to go there the church recognizes evolution. There are giant collections of bones from these early humans showing the gradual evolution over time. Maybe go to a museum and look at the replicas of them?

>the law of gravity

Damn when did they figure it all out? I've been under the impression that it's still a theory because they still have no idea how it truly works.

Atheism and evolution have nothing in common. Why are these threads allowed?

You realize the time and generations are part of the POTENTIAL change and that unless you either have an incredibly small founding population or significant environmental change that these things aren't going to just change spontaneously since it's pretty clear the general lay out for a mosquito, which there are an entire fucking family of, isn't going to change much. There are tons of species, genus, and families like this which have stayed more or less anatomically similar because their either so adaptable as they are or their environment and needs haven't changed. A good example is the Nautilus. You clearly don't understand how biological evolution works which probably explains why you deny it.
>so they didn't evolve tails either, further hurting your entire argument.
Are you fucking retarded? It's in large part due too having a common ancestor that gradually (most likely) lost it. No great apes (to my knowledge), extant or extinct, have tails. It's a feature that is only helpful for smaller arboreal primates or otherwise animals that use it as a counter balance when running. It's useless or out right a hindrance for great apes.

>he thinks bacteria produce sexually