Day of the rope when


Other urls found in this thread:

>hanging some nigress

>Not the dindu-gansta nigger

It will never happen. Bitches are too pussy to crush the actual problem with the Iron Fist.

Too bad it's not real.

god snuff films are getting pretty shitty these days

>can clearly see its not around the neck but hollywood style attached to harness behind the neck

Looks fucking real to me.

fake and gay

that shit again

this is going to happen in usa very soon

Saved for personal purposes

>some leftists actually made this false flag

thats because youre a brain damaged faggot that cant into basic fucking physics.

I know right
unforetuneatly its not.
Fingers crossed. hopefully on a massive, wide scale

Top kek

what laws of physics this clip breaks?

The Day of the Rope will happen, but it wont be the way that Kike William Peirce envisioned it.

A Catholic American freikorps will leave these revolutionary socialists dead in the fucking ditch just like Rosa Luxembourg.

So it will be more or less the day of the ditch. That day that subversive anti-American Asiatic-minded freaks get a bullet in the head and left on the side of the road for chain-gangs to clean up.

The military will assist us.
How much fun will it be hunting down Nazis and Commies with drones, swiftly executing them while they pathetically beg for mercy from the bushes they'll be hiding from.

I would have whited her.

naw, I've been to hangings, this shit is staged.

Why would you hang black women they aren't even a problem in most cases.

Just hang all male niggers

I was with you until you said nazi. then u became an fagget

The presence of a harness is fairly clear. With a real hanging, the neck can't move freely like that. Good attempt at theatre effects?

none, but its obvious that a person would not look like that if they were hung by the neck.

>I've been to hangings
Hi, Abdul. How's Canada?

What faggotry is this!

I'm a Socialist killer in the making, and make no distinction between the different schools of Socialism. I've severely fucked up people from both groups, but haven't killed anybody yet.

Blacks are a problem, period.

>Day of the rope when
it will be your race who will lose the race war, wh*te subhuman.
there's a holy alliance against your subhuman kind and we, ottomans, will lead it.

>I've been to hangings, this shit is staged

>doesnt shit herself
fake and gay

>muh ottomans
Ethnic BioBomb at the end of your lifetime Abdul, look forward to it. Won't be long.

allways the same fucking turk Roach
dont you get it ? your shitty Country is done for

Is that Beyonce?

smushie smuhsie infidel cock sucker

>not real
>what is real is that one of these redneck retards has a nigger gf


What happened?

Been strangled before that's not how strangled person reacts. She would be panicking and her face shows little emotion.

Mr. 70% will get raped and ravaged by the kurds
and the muslims will go straight to hell after getting killed by a female kurdish fighter

rats had a crane collapse on them in some muslim shithole(saudi) while doing some dumb Muslim pilgrim thingy


Nigger women are the problem.
>They lay the nigger eggs

0:02 that fucking impact, beautiful

>meanwhile the mudslimes who did it are getting raped in prison
Remember abdul, you only have 20 years before you and every single on of your ethnicity dies.

nice bait turkish nigger

its easy to hang a female in two, nigger men are the real problem , fucking pussies



Wouldn't her neck normally break?

Wouldn't it just make Sense, that something Not-White, would , try , to act human?

If this were real the chimpout habbenings would be beyond our wildest dreams

You become unconscious after 5 sec you burger.

Her weight is clearly being held up by her belt...

Nothing about it looks real

>gonna hang this bitch, better make sure her hair looks good
>weight distributed through her belt
>not thrashing wildly like she was literally about to die

no, idiot.

toxic gas leak

Hahahaha you faggots arnt gonna do shirt but suck your apostate popes dick how long did it take you to get the shithole Ireland back from the Anglos?

>>not thrashing wildly like she was literally about to die
well duh she didn wanna mess up dat weave tho

>Looks fucking real to me.
Really? Are Americans really this retarded?


The last hanging in Canada was 1962, beheadings on the other hands happens in each of our countries you dishonest mudslime

But he's muslim lol, traitors will be hanged on the day of the rope you stupid roach

>these redneck retards
The rebel flag is a bit too prevalent for me to believe they are actually rednecks.
More likely they just ordered some rebel flag gear off ebay and tried to stage a shitty hoax.

>white guy gets kidnapped, assaulted and forced to drink toilet water

>random black girl gets hung, whether or not it's fake or not
>Sup Forums : "I wish she actually got hanged, fucking niggers"

Christ, no wonder the Left is winning. You guys have become hypocrites, and literal SJWs.

where is your god now ? aha


Women produce children. Each nigress you kill is six more niglets that will never be born.

>white guy
>not an actual 'tard.
>random black girl
>not a black girl trying to stage a hoax
Goddamn. so equivalent!

Nope. Allow me to humiliate you effortlessly and utterly.

1: We hate niggers and we love our own people. It is not hypocrisy to celebrate when an enemy dies and grow angry when a friend dies.
BTFO. Easy enough.

2: SJWs. You don't know what that word means, and you cannot actually defend this assertion without drawing false parallels. We do not desire social justice, because social justice does not exist. We don't believe in it and we are not fighting for it. We are also nothing at all like the people who we call SJWs.
BTFO again.

Now you have been soundly defeated, and cannot explain to me why either of these things is wrong. If you try, I will humiliate you again.

>Catholic American

Will your clergy stop molesting children long enough to assist in this?


Beautiful. Hopefully it happens again.

Is this some "art" piece?

We aren't some Armenian peasants hiding in the hills. You will be unpleasantly surprised if your roach army tries to fuck with us.

Usually happens when done properly with Gallows, The sudden drop and the your own body weight are enough to cause sever neck damage if not a broken one.

Also depends on how well the noose is made, there is a reason Hangmen were actually employed and it was a sort of quasi trade.

>lolbertarian snek

Lol what?

You could not have expressed this in a cringier way.

>tips SS cap


No, there would need to be an actual hanging noose and a drop.
What we have here is a fake noose (the rope is tied to a harness), and no drop.

>We hate niggers and we love our own people.
Therefore you're racists, and guess what America tends to hate.

So you're fine with Left, and to a lesser degree Leftists, ruling the media, the community and the corporations? Fine by me. Now fuck off back to stormfront.

Full video?

Meant for my edgy friend .

>using an ad hominem as an argument

Instead of being horrifying to me, a white male, why does it elicit the feeling of euphoria? I wish I was fucking doing that!

>the actual problem

Do you need to ask?

Because this is most likely fake. she doesn't seem to struggle even though she is awake.

Could be drugs, but honesly ... It really feels fake.

Thread theme

Alright, let's dance baby.
>inb4 "there's no we newfag" even though it's clear what I mean
Do you know why you notice this hypocrisy and why I label you a Jew? It's because this hypocrisy was not always here. There was a time most of us would be equally disgusted with the lynching of an innocent nigress as we would be with the gang-torture of a poor hwhite tard that also didn't deserve what happened to him. But here's the thing, that time is no more, and with good reason. After needing to suffer the hypocrisy of our enemies, and dealing with this crypto-gaslighting projection bullshit of us being accused of what our opposition are guilty of, the fucks were lost. Already, there is no reason to adhere to rules that our direct enemies will not adhere to themselves, beyond virtue signalling and trying to maintain honor to prove ourselves. I don't know if you've figured this out, but the white race is facing an existential threat and has been for a long time. Now, it's not about winning an argument, it's about surviving a war. This double standard crops up, not because we are hypocritical by nature, but because this perpetual conflict and all the radicalization from being pushed back against a wall has made us just stop giving a shit. That is the fault of (((everyone))) that have used and abused these rules for radicals techniques to make any level of sensitivity in us a suicidal trait.
>no wonder the Left is winning
They aren't, and it's clear you're apart of the left. It's because of shit like this that we became what we are. You, those whom you rub shoulders with, and those who came before, are just as to blame as Dr. Frankenstein is for unleashing a monster. If this video were real, which it isn't, you fucks would have blood on your hands.



can't even cum to that fake shit.

as to your question soonMT

once the clucked baby boomers are little older.

in under 10 years is a good estimate.

kek wonder how much money they made for this awkward raceplay snuff film
nice body harness and fake death juices though
also nice LARP cosplay
>that attire
>that conveniently in-frame confederate flag
i know who's getting off to these kind of videos
black females, the self-insert focal point of the video

t. Dr. William Pierce

>Christ, no wonder the Left is winning


shouldn't you be helping sinn fein let in more pakis

I know right. They are losing ground every fucking day.

I'm guessing they'll be telling each other they are winning when they are on a cattlecar headed to the mid west. for a " Work Camp "

I supported and voted for Trump, as well as I have came from a very Christian family. The Left is winning, at least for the time being, if not explain to me why big corporations and those you claim to be Jews control the majority of media, social media, marketing and control what the general public believes?

While not everyone here may not think the say way your delusional, edgy, cringey mind might, there is definitely a hivemind that will lead pol to it's death at the hands of the Left/ists.

Not to mention labeling me as a kike or whatever just for having different less radical and extremist ideals is a tactic used by your opponents [Liberals/Leftists], further leading me to believe we are now just a right-wing version of Leftists, otherwise known as Rightists.

worst false flag ever

>reddit spacing
>Rightists meme
>cringy with an "e"
>implying what I said was delusional in any way
>Sup Forums without slashes
>H I V E M I N D
>"You labeled me, therefore you're in the wrong!"
Do you know how I know you are either very new or a genuine outsider trying to start a fight?

>not pissing herself


>obvious waist harness

wow, would you look at that
an actual real life false flag

allah ackbar

>"those you CLAIM to be the Jews"
>this nigger doesn't know about the Rothschilds
>this nigger doesn't know about the Enlightenment-era secret societies
>this nigger doesn't know about international bankers and the politics of central banking
>this nigger doesn't know about the Bolsheviks or the Zionist Congress
>this nigger hasn't seen what the Israeli lobby and intel agencies have done
>this nigger doesn't know about the ethnoreligious ideology of the Jews
>this nigger hasn't paid a lick of attention to the media, education, and so on
>this nigger hasn't seen the billion-dollar industry the Holocaust myth has become
>he thinks he can say "you claim it to be the Jews" even though our informal masters are Jewish supremacists that project their own evil onto their enemies