How do you personally feel about pic related? Do you believe the land is rightfully Mexican and should be returned?
How do you personally feel about pic related? Do you believe the land is rightfully Mexican and should be returned?
I think they should try and take it.
Texas here. USA should keep it fug mexico
>Mexico sucks at running its own country
>Mexicans leave and go to white-run country
>hey ese lets make this awesome place run by whites part of Mexico
only makes sense if you are retarded
>Texas mexican clay
>Mexico spanish clay
>Gib back texas to USA
>Eternal friendship
>Do you believe the land is rightfully Mexican
I don't know about rightfully but it's definitely Mexican alright. I can't walk outside without seeing 20 orange-brown sour faced 250lb goblin women.
t. texan
>Do you believe the land is rightfully Mexican
So the first thief has dibs?
chucotown my man?
Are you serious? It would just be another shithole.
not him but 915 here my dude
mi hombre
qrollo wei nice seeing a lad here
yeah, i've seen a few around that've popped up on Sup Forums and all but one of them were all the way on the eastside.
we need another trail of tears. the spic savages didn't learn enough from the first one.
TexBro here, Come and take it faggots
met one from the westside but ne here. email?
Nope, USA should keep it, giving it back to mexicans would not benefit anybody except for illegals
We literally paid for the land, you gave up every single right to it.
Texas should be independent, but other than that, those places are no longer cullturaly mexican, no need to give it back.
They lost it to us in war and then we even paid them for it.
I'd say we paid for it twice already.
If they want it back they'll need to pay 4 times that amount adjusted to today's dollar value.
what if we give half of California,Arizona and new mexico in exchange you support an invasion of leaf land to connect Alaska to the other states
sent :^)
USA really deserves Baja California too though
That place would have been the heaven on earth if it had been controlled by USA
didnt texas like agree to join us though
>didnt texas like agree to join us though
like totally wanted to be with us omg!
>tfw Paco's clearly inferior genes leave him too stupid to realize his topic will get him legally and rightfully killed, right after all the children in his family are first executed for his crimes. It's just more proof thrown onto the already existing mountain of evidence that Paco and his ilk are not smart enough to earn the label "human."