>be amerifat
>invest in korean war billions of dollars
>get bodybags
>be amerifat
>invest in vietnam war billions of dollars
>get nothing but bodybags
>be amerifat
>invest in taliban insurgency trillions of dollars
>get more bodybags
Is USA the most pathetic country in the world?
Anti-Usa thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Not as pathetic as a roach
the only good thing USA ever produces is dead american soldiers
i hope they invade north korea so that i can fill my dead american soldiers folder with even more dead american invaders
>America loses wars
Why are you sand niggers always complaining then?
Because whites are subhumans
I love watching butthurt brown people trash my country.
We all know you'd prefer to be a white American
I fucked a Sibel once who was Turkish. Biggest whore I ever met.
>wh*te subhuman unironically thinks anyone wants to be wh*te other than cucks
Yes you sure did
I'll break every bone in your body and fuck your female relatives in front of you when the race war begins. Get ready.
I love how roaches bait. You can only copy our banter into your form.
The problem is, we take such graphics as a joke - you don't, because your median IQ is around 65 to 70.
Have a hebrew for your efforts.
I fucked her in the ass in her own car. When I tried to get rid of her eventually she wouldn't stop calling and now she hates me. She is with a Mehmet now. I wonder if he knows (he knows me too).
>Thank You for Your Service
It must suck to be you
more like 1/64 indian 1/64 tyrone and so on
do you think posting pictures of two faggots is supposed to offend me?
The fact of the matter is my country is better than yours and my life will (most likely) be better than yours.
This upsets you.
This jelly roach... Top fucking jej
Yes, but I think that a lot of it has to do with the CIA and bankers using constant war and proxy wars as an excuse to maintain financial control over the masses. If you look at how easily Americans are swayed by visual propaganda you can better appreciate why they drangged themselves into both world wars.
wish i was jelly
Post Amerifat ZOG soldiers getting what they deserve
Shut the fuck up, ukrainian subhuman. Poles and Americans give you money, weapons, munitions, medicine, food and training to fight separatists and that's how you treat us? I hope you and all your countrymen die. Nobody likes you, faggot. Not even your neighbours.
>we take such graphics as a joke
Don't you fucking lie, dirty poole!
You are most butthurted wh*tes out there.
love this thread
Can you show us on the doll where the American touched you, user?
>be amerilard
>get shot
Pretty much. They're just great at getting Jewed while we bear the consequences. Now they're flooding us with sandniggers due to their string of fuck-ups in the Middle-East.
Thanks Burgers.
I'm not a ukrainian subhuman. I'm an Arab, studying here and fucking white whores.
first post, honest post
how can we be pathetic when we WON every single war we fought?
>held the 50th parallel
>north signed peace agreement
>saddam lost
>taliban out of power
name one war we lost roach
protip : u cant
>H-How could t-this happen
>I-I was s-supposed to help Mohammad o-overthrow the secular G-Government
I pray they experienced hell on earth as their head was ripped from their shoulders. American """""""Soldiers"""""" serve Israel and Saudi Arabia. Their deaths can make me cum.
Goodest of goys. I'll bet you're circumcised too.
we never declared war on syria
nice try kike
Why are you even fighting these wars? I don't get it.
I tried to find a cool picture of Turkey to show you, but it turns out no one cares enough to make them.
So instead take a picture of the bird that is more important to us than your entire country.
Hows Erdogan working out for you roach?
Great baiting bruv, kill yourself.
Even worse, an ukrainian arab. What a retarded combo!
Im impressed by the dedication of our roach friend here. I sometimes wonder what he does in his normal, day to day life but one things for sure: hes a professional shitposter
of course
look at the body count
we win that competition too
we're just that good
Reported you subhuman trash. I hope you get killed soon.
>be roach
>have anglos rubbing their balls all over the face of the ottomans
>have anglos support your worst enemy, the kurds and you are forced to say "thank you master"
>dance and demean yourself for a decade trying to get into EU, do a textbook example of sour grapes as the superior races laugh at you
>betray the heritage of the closest a turk has ever been of being considered human by supporting erdogan destroy what Ataturk made
>be a roach
Turkroach plz
>Destroyed a Nation that was destroying terrorists
>Now half is terrorist hellhole
>Afghanistan's entirety but Kabul is Taliban central
>Bombed people bombing ISIS
I get it now senpai, you're a Jew lover. Makes sense considering the amount of kike loving vermin Sup Forums now has.
whoops misread
we fight them to sell weapons
Wars are fantastic for the economy when they're not happening in your country.
Why do you think the defense industry is so huge? It didn't happen by accident.
>I love the US Military, they fight for Jews and Israel, fucking based!
>Fights war against militarily inferior opponent
>War should be over in months
>Actually takes decades
>Thousands of americans dead
>Trillions wasted
>Leave the place in worse state than it was it first
>Americans are STILL dying
A-at l-least we w-won, right guys?
Because sometimes it's more fun to play with soldier 76 than to main with zenyatta poo in loo
This should be rich, I'll get a drink to watch you pathetically try to make clever assertions about America. Nice flag, weak little faggot
>string of fuck-ups in the Middle-East
Not thinking that the plan is unfolding exactly as intended.
no. see Generals and intelligent people who know what they're doing decide the war goals
not faggots in there moms basement that never went to college
Making America Great Again by focusing on nationalism while the world outside our boards destroys itself without our money or lives. leave the savage beasts at home to hunt and kill one another. I say nuke everyone, particularly China and Africa, and the EU countries no soul left alive in those regions.
>my life will (most likely) be better than yours.
With minimal effort on your part. Can't forget to add that. You'll have a better life by accident than the Triggered Turk could ever hope to have in his wildest dreams.
>no. see Generals and intelligent people
No good goy, pic related decides where to send ZOG Soldiers (US Military)
its like u literally make shit up
lets try this
>UK fights in WW2
>UK goal is take over the world
>UK doesn't take over world
>UK lost WW2
see I can do that too
Poor little guy, at least he can survive for a few days after a beheading, or survive the fallout of our nukes
is that a picture of a kindly bearded cowboy?
why do you hate the troops so much?
I'm making nothing up. The US routinely fights criminal wars against vastly inferior nations, and get bogged down in quagmires that last years and kill thousands for no good reason.
remember when we defeated you in 1812?
So, all your soldiers lives end for selling guns and fun.
You're indeed the Earth's scum.
>Afghanistan's entirety but Kabul is Taliban central
>War should be over in months
thats the part u made up
the goal was to implement democracy and security.
they voted in a prime minister
mission accomplished we win
Yes please
>be amerifat
>invest in turk war billions of dollars
>get trillions instead of bodybags
>not what i wanted
fuck off roach
>Why do you hate the soldiers bro, it's not their fault they voluntarily signed up to do the bidding of Saudi Arabia, Jews and Israel. It's not their fault they destabilize and overthrow sovereign secular countries and make the world less safe. They do it for you and your countrymen, and certainly not the benefits or money.
Just admit it, you're a Jew lover or a Kike with a military worship complex.
Sorry. To be fair, you did inflict a lot of enemy casualties.
I loved the poles we worked with in our NATO drills and shit.
>Being this oblivious
Holy fuck the Jews sure did a number on you.
In the words of the Greatest President of my life time. Why build nukes if we cannot use them. This would make the war quick and painless for Americans, I say we start doing it.
u didnt know we wuz arms mercheants n shit?
we're the best at being bad
>Is USA the most pathetic country in the world?
No thats a toss up for Germany, Sweden, France and Canada for their lax immigration policies. Theres also India for its public street shitting. Turkey and every other muslim country for their terrorism. Take all that into consideration and then try to justify your question.
Fucking roach, day of the Raid when?
>americans are this stupid
we torched your parliament
means we won
mission accomplished
user we fucked up Iraq and now we have ISIS. Mission may have been "accomplished" but look where that got us.
Meanwhile our country pretends to get rid our illegal immigrants without cracking down on all of the dairy farmers, food processers, and construction companies that hire them. Just suck up your pride.
thats their fucking problem now bro
Hey roach, you remember our reason for getting into all those wars? We were fighting the USSR in the cold war. We're still the world's only super power, and the richest nation on Earth. What happened to the Soviet Union again?
Enjoy your theocracy.
why is it fun to you to self flagellate through a turkish proxy, that's almost as bad as actually being a roach, get your act together
I went to a McDonald's once and they forgot the fries. Never buying American goods ever again.
I am sorry your mother fucked a pig, it is NOT your fault.
What's wrong with "America world police"? I'd have no problem with my shitty country being an occupied territory of the USA. I'm working hard and trying to prove my worth so I can get a citizenship so I can serve in your military right now mate.
Except it's Europe's now too. Now that its Europe's problem it's ours again. We do a shit ton of trade with them and personally I don't want Norway to be overtaken by mudslimes as I like to go home every once in a while
I went to Auschwitz once and they forgot to fry you and your family. Never using German services ever again.
Join the Navy or Air Force, Polanon.
>Never buying American goods ever again.
you already do. thanks for buying our missiles
vote republican
I once went to a gas station, and they didn't gas me. I'm never using shell services ever again.
all muslims need to be fucked with dildos covered in pigs blood. kill al muslims
How about these shell services?
I fucking hate when they forget my fries. I haven't eaten McDonald's in 5 years because they forgot my goddamn fries.
Well, I'm really keen on joining the Navy. Might sound stupid, but I hope to be a citizen before I'm 26-27, so I can try and join the Teams.
Also, I've heard that with a student visa you can apply for joining the military. Is that true? I've heard conflicting reports about it from recruiters, the embassy and an American friend.
Average american.