When will Mexico take their rightful clay back?

When will Mexico take their rightful clay back?

Mexico can't control it's current clay.

When America doesn't exist anymore.

When are you?

I'm from the Southwest. It will never happen.

When it becomes Spain again.

>"When donkeys fly"

>rightfully Ukrainian
Top kek
They can keep Donetsk though

They're already taking over Texas and California since spics breed at a much higher rate than caucasians.

do you think they'd ever outbreed the locals and then try to succeed parts of the state?

>win spoils of war
>dude give it back lmao

This. Germans and Mexicans have infiltrated this country.


What do you think illegal immigration is all about? It is a stealth invasion.

If we gave all that back to Mexico, they wouldn't want to live there anymore. It would quickly return to the poverty and squalor that the rest of Mexico is, and they'd be running across the new border to get into the United States.

The conflict has never been about the actual land per se. Mexicans want to be apart of the American economy, that's why they come here in droves.

Wtf, you still had a English enclave as a state?

Those nice German American folk in the midwest typically vote Republican.

But spics almost always vote Democrat.

*Secede*, but your assertion is quite possible

When will Russia take their rightful clay back?

Never. Mexico will collapse and it's states shall be US territories and become states later. Most of Canada will join the US also.

yeh no. The northern mexican states will secede before that happens.
Still, it may not go back to us but the libshits are already making the west coast the sodom and gomorroah of the 21st century.

rightful? Didn't they lose it by force ? While we're at it Are we going to give back every other peice of land taken by force throughout history to its "rightful owners" ? Shit bait thread anyway

That "California" would have like 60 million people.

It would be immoral to give it back at this point.

By giving those states to Mexico, you are dooming its residents to more cartel tyranny and general corruption.

Come and take you wetback

What is American ancestry?

>Galicia not being its own thing
Shit map

We bought the land off of them, AFTER we whooped their ass in war. We could have just taken it. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, look it up

when the empire is restored

it's all in the third emperor's last prophecy

colonial folks since before the revolution


If LA is fucked now, I can't imagine how bad it would be under our awfully corrupt government

Maybe near the border areas. Even though spics exist in every town in Texas, they are mostly concentrated near the border. A place like Brownsville (browntown) is almost completely Mexican. You can't live there unless you speak spanish. A place like Amarillo (north Texas) still has tons of spics, but there's also a large amount of white people so it's harder for spics to overtake the town, but give it 60 years or so and they will.

I'm in Denver and I can tell you they're already trying.

We can just ignore the Budapest memorandum, you Russian clay


they are too dumb, poor, and lazy to do anything.

Mexicans have a history of just doing fuck all

There's always so many heroin junkies outside that building. I avoid the capital hill area because they're so fucking pushy when it comes to soliciting. I'm one of the few people who will tell them to fuck off when they ask me for money or cigarettes, most white people just ignore them and pretend they don't exist.

Population of Mexico= 127 million

Yeah Just did the math, Utah+ Baja Norte+ baja Sur+ Nevada+ the northern half of Arizona (6 million roughly)

that is a total of roughly 55,650,000

Now if we leave out Baja (4 million) and we just consider the American territories Mexico has to conquer

California=40 million
Arizona=7 million
Nevada= 3 million
Utah= 3 million
New Mexico 2 million
(most of) Colorado= 5 Million
and Texas= 27 million

87 million

So 127 million Mexicans will go to war with 320 million Americans, win and absorb 87 million former Americans into their nation.

Good fucking luck, la raza retards are retards.

>Didn't they lose it by force
It goes like this: US wanted to buy the land north of the rio grande from Mexico. Mexico wasn't selling. The American government then started putting troops on the then US/mex border to try and threaten Mexico into selling or at least negotiating something.
Mexico responded by sending their cavalry and slicing up our troops within our borders.
We declared war, proceeded to kick mexican ass, freed santa anna from exile and he overthrew the mexican government, then turned on us. We kicked his ass too, and conquered Mexico City.
We could have taken all of Mexico at that point, but the states said it would be too much chaos added, so we instead bought the land we originally wanted for the price we were offering, and told all Mexicans living on the land that you either become Americans or you gtfo.
You can imagine what they chose.

>87 million former Americans

>Mexican intellectuals working 24/7 with boro shadows and chicken bones to counter this post

That's not even getting into how we could turn the entire country of Mexico into a glowing green wasteland with a few button presses.


>post-colonial nations
>having rightful clay

No one cares about your arbitrary straight lines.

Texas has white people because spain invited them, because the mexicans literally could not SURVIVE there. How in the fuck is it mexican clay?

Aren't the two largest military bases in the US in California and Texas?

When will Canada take its rightful clay black?


When will America take back its rightful clay?


You know what's actually pretty funny? A huge number of Americans who call the French "Surrender Monkeys" are actually of French ancestry without even knowing it.

How many of those 87 million are spics tho? The real danger is not Mexico invading, its millions of spics on our side of the border living in once American and now wholly Mexican communities along the boarder thinking whitey in Washington doesn't like me so maybe we should secede. Nationalist insurgencies are a bitch to deal with. Especially when mass murder isn't an acceptable solution anymore.


Who's to say they would want to be part of Mexico anyway? It's more likely they form their own breakaway state.

When Mexico stop trying to make this clay as shitty as Mexico?

Very few french colonists permanatly settled in what is now the US. French land holdings were near uninhabited, which is Napoleon sold them so cheaply

They aren't loyal to a country they are loyal to their race "la raza" (the mixed race Mestizos)

And since Mexico is full of "la raza" they will want to join up

Yucatan independence when?

Population density was definitely much lower (French colonists were outnumbered something like 10:1, which is why they lost), but there were also multiple waves of people moving south from what is now Quebec.

That's why New Orleans and the rest of southern Louisiana were always seen as so romantic and French since there really wasn't any place like that in the US where there were authentic French people except near Canada

Japs bringing the bantz!


Modern Mexico is based on the idea that being a mixed race shitskin makes you objectively superior to everyone else

>Somalian flag
What the fuck?

That's retarded. No. Never.


Curious about that myself, you don't hear it used in reference to ethnicity here. Looking at the map, I'd say it's somewhere between black and german.
Oh god the memes are true.

what happened to Florida

Mexicans are a fucking mess. So much pride in being a failed race. It's actually heartbreaking.

No most arent. Vast Majority of latinos in these areas identify with being American.

why is everything flooded.

fun fact: Minnesotans are mostly Nordics from Sweden, Norway, etc

It seems that importing Somalians is genetic

It's mostly the Scots-Irish/Anglo/Irish working class whites who didn't own slaves

But everyone in the south hated niggers regardless because, well

Have you ever tried living around them?

The entirety of Latin America is made of such countries and they've never been able to unify. Mexico, Peru, and Argentine have about as much in common as Russia and Italy. La Raza/chicano bullshit is mostly the creation of leftist student groups and it has little basis in reality.

the map derives from a situation in which a massive natural disaster causes the u.s to enter mass panic, disorder, balkanization and is then partially annexed due to its state of weakness

are you retarded or something?

Grandpa coming to deliver the wisdom.

Switzerland will never split theres a treaty that keeps swiss borders the same way they are today.

Viva Aztlan

It never was theirs.

They tried to claim it when they got independence from Spain but the territories never recognized Mexico's lordship over it. That's why Mexico sent Santa Ana on what was basically a "swear loyalty or die" tour to the region refusing to recognize Mexico's claim.

Them claiming it was theirs is as retarded as the US claiming Canada belongs to the US because we got independence from Britain in 1776.

>100 people at a retarded protest dictate the majority

kys faggot, move out of new England for once.

Posting new flag of the United Soviet States of Amerixiconada

>it has little basis in reality.

I know it's bullshit but they still believe it

There is no racial "unity" in Mexico or any of Latin America.

The Castizos are at the top and the Mestizos and Mulattoes are on the bottom.

Santa Anna overthrew the Republic of Mexico and the constitution and named himself dictator which is why certain areas rebelled like Texas, Rio Grande, Yucatan, etc

Well considering the land they already occupy is a failed narco-terrorist state, I wouldn't hold my breath.

See this old Chinese propaganda poster from the 1960s. It's suggesting that the people of Asia, Latin America, and Africa are proletarian brothers united against the imperialist exploiter, while ignoring the reality that Africans have killed far more fellow Africans than they ever have white people and ditto Asians.

Bantus wiped out all the non Bantu Africans

>Estonia, Latvia Lithuania all independent and "not russian clay"

>There is no racial "unity" in Mexico or any of Latin America.

>The Castizos are at the top and the Mestizos and Mulattoes are on the bottom.

True. Rich neighborhoods and plazas are always filled with majority European blood Mexicans.

There's a joke among us """whites""" where we refer to mestizos as our fellow "humble" skinned countrymen.

>not knowing the intersectionalism with genocide in africa and white colonialism in which whites purposefully redrew borders with different african ethnics in the same borders thus causing conflict on purpose in order to keep them weak so whites can keep draining their resources with no resistance

Russia doing Russia shit. Dugin doing dugin shit.

Sow discord.

but multiculturalism is diversity and diversity is strength tho

>say diversity is bad



Ireland much?

it's already happened
t. Commiefornian

He's right. In most of Latin America, the whiteness of your skin determines your social status and meszitos/Indians are subhumans with the possible exception of Bolivia who strongly identify with their Indian culture and reject foreign influence.

Ten thousand years ago?

The Mexicans/Spain/France stole it from the native tribes.
Those areas were so sparsely populated when they were taken most people that lived there did not even notice a difference.
I still don't get "why would you leave an area because it sucks and do the same things that made your home country suck. Maybe the way we do things is why it does not suck.
You can bring your food, a holiday that involves food and booze, and a few words. But leave the rest of your shitty fucked up customs at home.

multiculturalism and diversity is only good when there's a white host that is economically able to support such a society since whites are like a unique resource that when in significant number can sustain a type of society that otherwise fails when attempted by any other race and thus the burden of diversity should be whites until the resource (whites) run out

This. Look at indigenous killed in Guatemala in 1980s. Racism is worse in Latin America than USA. Not even close.

When they can take it back by force

ex. Never

I'd like to see what Mexico actually accomplishes with all that extra land.

Something tells me they'd still desperately try to flee into the US.