A tape could be released of Trump polishing Putin's knob and Sup Forums would defend it.
A tape could be released of Trump polishing Putin's knob and Sup Forums would defend it
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Having Putin cum on his face is all part of the plan. 4D chess is too complicated for you.
Still hurts huh?
Yes, it's a sad time for America when so many people forgot their values and supported a foreign puppet.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
I'm confused as to where "Trump is Putin's puppet" comes from. The economic sanctions levied against Russia as a result of their involvement in Crimea and the Ukraine have absolutely crippled them economically, and put Russia in a weak negotiating position.
Why do you think it was part of the deal that Trump would get rid of the sanctions in exchange for part of Rosneft?
why is everything a metaphor for sucking dick with you people
Sup Forums seems to always have penis (mainly black) on the mind.
Penis envy is big on Sup Forums
I'd even say it's the main reason for its ideology.
>pls mister trump help us out and we will give you things in return
That make him Putin's puppet how?
Please tell us all about Sup Forums's single ideology, we'd love to know.
>you people
It's liberals who have been saying LE TRUMP HAS A SMALL DICK HE'S GAY WITH PUTIN LMAO for months now
fuck off, shareblue
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The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
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also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>muh Russia
Hillary had more ties to Russia, you idiot.
Nice homophobia, leftist.
>he thinks that was homophobic
Wew lad
Still think you're going to change the world by trolling people you've defined as more evil than you?
Sup Forums still supports Trump? you're clearly a leddit fag who doesn't actually post here
>Trying to use a gay act to shame a person
>Not homophobic
Nice try Colbert.
I would defend it. I voted for the cock holster in the first place for this exact reason
It's a good thing that those people lost then
Yes, Trump is definitely losing hard.
You're talking about Netanjahoo? I am sick of supporting that conniving snake too.
Finally found some common ground with you comrade, FUCK ISRAHELL!!
Thinking about it, I actually think muh Russia and Trump is being used to hide the crimes of the DNC/Obama and Russia.
We know Hillary had very suspect deals over selling uranium to Russia.
Outside of that, what else could have been going on? Obama's inaction of Ukraine and Syria could very well be seen as something amiss -- especially when "cockholster" Trump took out 1/2 of Syria's air force over a chemical weapons attack, which Obama backed off from.
Ukraine and Russia are also thought to be big areas for human trafficking.....
Can someone please explain to me how ,if it was true would it be treason?
Even if djt went directly to putin and said "hey leak some dnc emails" and there was video proof and they were both holding birth certificates and identification - its not treason .
Why do liberals keep calling it treason ?
Easier to rationalize the loss and foist responsibility off of themselves with the label.
take your homophobic hate speech somewhere else
of course, because his sex junk is so so so so . It's 2017 OP
>8 more years :^)
I would. Literally sucking Putin's dick is better than the establishment alternatives.
>Homosexuality is natural and ok! Fucking conservative bigots!
Nice mental gymnastics. Also I guess we should just ignore the fact that Russia and US relations aren't too great right now.
So being gay is synonymous with commiting treason? Why is the left so homophobic?
>uses mental gymnastics to excuse the fact that they would love to watch Trump suck off Putin
Why are Trump supporters all such defensive closet queers?
Sup Forums would fap to it
based leader
t. shareblue
I would defend Putin
12 more years
>liberals are always thinking about gay sex and penises.
colbert, go back to 05 when i enjoyed you at all
you cant be a libshit petitioning for gay rights, homo parades, and bearded trannys using womens bathrooms while also using homosexuality as an insult.
either homos are bad and they should die, or homos are good and so even if Trump was one it would be cool
Treason isn't a real crime.
stop being gay
Assimilating Meme.
If there was proof of collusion between Russia and Trump, the opposition would've published it, and ousted him, long ago. It is literally fake news meant for the consumption of wannabe intellectuals and authoritarians who think they're actually liberals. Please, please, please, just kill yourself.
>took 2 years until nixon resigned
>he thinks it'll go away quickly just because it makes him butthurt
This, 100%.
There is ZERO evidence of Russia hacking the election or colluding with Trump on anything. Libs believe what they wish to be true and act smug and/or enraged when others don't share their stupid fucking hallucinations.
>There is OVERWHELMING evidence of Russia hacking the election and colluding with Trump on everything. Conservatives believe what they wish to be true and act smug and/or enraged when others don't share their stupid fucking hallucinations.
>comparing the 1970s to the current surveillance state you live in
whatever helps you stay in your fantasy world user
Thank you for correcting the record user. David "Mugatu" Brock will have your twelve cent check mailed out promptly. Buy yourself something nice like a new blue fleshlight or a pussyhat.
Yeah kikes are so much better
Remind me again how Trump is even tied to Putin in any way whatsoever?
Former warren voter here, not gonna lie it's been hilarious watching warren crash and burn. But seriously we can't let this gal get her hand on the tomahawk missiles,
If you need to be reminded then you aren't actually interested, in which case I'm wasting my time.
Google it, there are government documents, intelligence committee sessions on video, and countless news articles.
But you don't actually care, do you? No, of course not.
hes not its some low tier libshit propaganda attempt that seems to have gained widespread appeal among those same libshits that invented it in the first place.
for months now we've been hearing about how Trump is a Russian pawn and will soon be impeached and arrested, yet nothing ever happens. If they had actual proof wouldn't Trump be in prison already?
Fucking rape and assault cases can take over a year to even get off the ground. You're talking about a case with dozens of players, with international elements.
If it gets done sooner than two years I'll be surprised.
you really think if they had any concrete proof that Trump was a Russian puppet that they won't speed this along, but instead leave him charge of the most powerful country and military on Earth? If he was compromised by Russia don't you think they'd move at breakneck speeds to impeach him so he couldn't damage or sabotage American interests at the behest of Russia?
The libshit fantasy doesn't hold up to any logical scrutiny, and there has yet to be any real evidence produced, just baseless speculation and "MUH DOSSIER" which was literally nothing.
-Carlos Slim owns the NY Times and is allowed to disseminate fake news and propaganda.
-Twitter is held hostage by its Saudi Investors. Allowing child pornography and terrorist groups but banning conservative accounts.
-Clinton Foundations bread and butter was foreign donations. They've since dried up because she wasn't elected.
-Soros leaks show that since 2007 his group has been strategizing a government takeover.
Lol, I'm glad Trump got help from Russia. The left is just mad that they got played because guess what, Russia colluded with Obama and Hillary too.
There are literally two grand juries right now looking into as many as 40 people, you honestly think that can be rushed?
Back in my day I would kill you for being a fuckwad
Just sayin.
Back in my day I would kill you for threatening me.
Just sayin.
Frankly, with all the investigations everyone and their mothers have been conducting, the lack of any real damning connection to Putin or even something truly horrific is astounding. Trump is probably the cleanest politician of the past few decades.
wikleaks could be confirmed with math
your proof is nonexistent or unconfirmed.
"grand jury" is meaningless
The people who have access to the classified information have said that there's 2 to 1 odds that Trump won't finish his term.
Maybe stop LARPing and read the news sometime.
Shillary lost, you lost, get over it already.
Le Pen lost. And by more than Hillary.
Trump's mouth is Putin's cock holster. Everyone knows it.
Lets see it
And yet, nothing has come of it.
Maybe they're the one's larping here.
How about you think for yourself sometime?
>At tape could be released of Hilliary bathing in the blood of a sacrificed virgin and SB would still be here shilling.
Maybe you wait until the investigation is over, like a normal case?
You're like some kind of retarded dindu who claims he's innocent and needs to go home when the prosecutor hasn't even presented all his evidence to the court yet.
4d chess my bro
by doing so TRUMP gains the votes of pro-russians, gays, lesbians and racemixers.
4 D chess
[citation needed]
Russia's whole interference in the election wasn't so much to get Trump elected, but to damage Clinton and make US Democracy look like a joke.
Putin HATES Clinton. He was terrified she would directly confront Russia in which case he'd have to back down.
SLIDE SHILL a bad one at that. stop distracting. and Sup Forumsacks stop falling for this stupid shit.
And you have zero self-awareness you dumb faggot.
You didn't fucking wait to start pointing fingers at Trump and acting like he's blowing Putin every Friday, why should I?
>[citation needed]
Just like the evidence that Trump is a russian puppet.
Because there's enough evidence to show that Trump is a treasonous piece of garbage and that Trump voters are retarded sheep.
People like you are trash-tier. You're even below niggers. I would deprive you of medical care and pay you below minimum wage and give niggers and mexicans all the good jobs before I would let Trump voters ever have a chance at a decent life.
You're not American. You're gutter trash. I would spit on you every time I walked past you begging for food.
I'd rather have our president suck off Putin than suck off every single Israeli Jew.
>but he's more likely to do the latter anyways.
> He used the n-word
I hope your handlers don't see your post history
>I'm confused as to where "Trump is Putin's puppet" comes from.
here's some shpaghet-
A Russian newspaper editor explains how Putin made Trump his puppet
“They consider him a stupid, unstrategic politician.”
Updated by Sean [email protected]@vox.com Feb 22, 2017, 1:10pm EST
Fishman, a Russian citizen and himself outspoken critic of Putin, has covered Russian politics for more than 15 years. For the past year, he has monitored the increasingly bizarre relationship between Putin and Trump, with a particular focus on Putin’s strategic aims. In this interview, I ask Fishman how Trump is perceived in Russia, why Putin is actively undermining global democracy, and what Russia hopes to gain from the political disorder in America.
Literally nothing could be released in any way shape or form that ties Trump to Putin and the left would still call Trump a Putin puppet
Of course I'd defend it. Everything else would be homophobic and make me a bad goy.
>what if
>maybe if
ok i'm gonna spell it out so retards don't parrot what you say
Hillary clinton was the secretary of state under barack hussein obama
muh russia
muh putin