Is Sup Forums just a front for Russian hackers and Putin shills?
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It is.
Yes. Also boat loads of hasbara
Yes, but
>Pretending every nation doesn't use it as a front. OP is probably a shill even.
>He's not a Russian hacker
We are not of Russian comrade))))
Is that a new knee jerk reflex?
If you're a lefty and a loser blame Russia?
Men, French are faggots if they really let themselve be hacked. What a loser nation. Time to hoist the old white flag again.
>implying you are not
Ofcourse it is
Oh definitely.
Yes. Since moot left
It has nothing to do with hacking. Russia believes in multi-polar world order and non-intervention. This naturally aligns with the diverse set of unfiltered views on this multicultural board
Found the shariablue nerd virgin thread :)
You guys outted yourself too soon. Once the leaks dropped you said you said "We already went through everything and it was the Russians. The CIA is using you, just go back to sleep."
Shoo shoo shariablue!
death to capitalist pig
Tell David Brock I said hello, man.
Sup Forums is always right.
Fucking big time. They cry shill every chance they get, but they're the ones with Pro-Trump generals rolling 24/7. Who the fuck has time to make/run all this shit? They've gotta be getting paid to shill for Trump like a motherfucker.
nationalist around the world are used by Russian to weaken there own country's.
Russia is surrounded and outgunned they not even subtle and hide. its win or die for them.
> nationalists
> weaken their own countries
KYS Angela Schulz
Russia does use us for their benefit but it doesn't really matter because we have similar goals (nationalism throughout the western world).
spotted the actual russian hacker in ITT
no it isn't comrade what made you think that
*muffled cyka blyat in the distance*
No. We're a board of peace
Reminder that the only way to deal with leftists is to detonate backpack bombs in lecture theatres at leftist universities.
Yeah, we're all Russian hackers.
reply to this post if you're paid to shitpost by Putin
You spotted the lard dripping into your eye, faggot.
Shitposter here.
where is the leaked informations?
>Tacitly admitting the leaks are true from muh Russia meme
dont worry bout it, we like russian hackers
Why the fuck did Russia start this now??
Macron's finished. Their internal polling shows that Le Pen is going to Trump the fuck out of Macron, so the cuck's campaign and globalists are setting the table for "LE RUSSIONZ HAKGED DA LECTION XD" meme in France.
Get fucked, political left.
Yeah. I hacked all the things.
Nothing personal kid.
I'm still not convinced the russians had the weight in the US election the media is saying. Sure, they might have done some interfering but I doubt they had that much influence.
The US has a huge white population. The gap between the rich and the poor has been widening for some decades. Trump knew the rules of the game and executed his game brilliantly (key states). Hillary was expecting to win just because she's a woman. She didn't make any effort to play the game.
Like it or not, the outcome was so obvious. Even a rock would know Trump was bound to win.
What I still don't understand is why this obsession with Russia. Russia doesn't seem like a threat to the US like China, for instance. China has been gaining economic and technological momentum for some time now and if the US doesn't wake up and do something about it, I'm pretty sure, one day, our children or grandchildren are going to wake up in a communist regime.
I hate commies, btw.
Have anyone else been having trouble exchanging their rubles?
The bank I go to is beginning to ask questions
Blaming Russia has been an American pass time for almost 70 years. You have to remember many Americans, especially those well over 30, remember a time in which the USSR existed. Does that make it right? No, but the ghost of the Red Menace still haunts some people's minds and is exploitable as such.
A Trump win wasn't obvious.
Clinton won the popular vote by 3million. She lost the key states collectively by about 80000 votes. The election was extremely close and if Clinton had gotten better turnout in big cites like Detriot she might have won.
The Russian stuff came from-
1)DNC hacks
2) Russian propaganda outlets targeting people on social media in key states with disinfo (ie fake news)
3) Supplying disinfo to Clinton critical sites.
I think it was a close election and the Russians helped swing it.
Pls get rid of Merkel and take over France. And help get rid of communism in East Asia. They are fiercely loyal, and will appreciate the liberty from communism.
Why do liberals insist on blaming Russia for everything that doesn't go their way? Do they really think a country with a smaller economy than California is pulling the strings on every election? KEK.
I don't think you know what a front is.
S-sure goi
You have an economic depressed population and you're telling me they'd rather vote for a person who wants to be president just because she's a woman (her own words) than for someone who's going to stimulate the economy and lower taxes.
I think it's pretty obvious who's going to get the vote. I don't think there's any influence here the russians could have. It's pretty obvious people will choose someone who's going to get them financial stability.
No, Russia has just become the scapegoat for any kind of hacking.
Now they have yet another reason to start a war with russia.
Grégoire Potton, director of gen. affairs @ #EnMarche tells staff "baise le peuple," which means "fuck the people." #MacronGate #MacronLeaks
>No, Russia has just become the scapegoat for any kind of hacking.
helping the pro-Russian candidate by hacking their opponent and releasing classified information in two important elections.
that's not just any kind of hacking...
stop trying we wont support a russian invasion, now fuck off
Lol, the MSM was in Clinton's camp for the entire election cycle, spreading mostly negative and some false stories about Trump and building Clinton up.
Then some seriously shady and borderline illegal shit comes out about Hillary and you people freak out.
>it's the big, bad Russians XD
Fuck off, literally everything was working for Hillary and she still couldn't pull it off.
The only reason it was so close in the first place was because the MSM and polling firms put out dishonest "fair" polls that showed Clinton winning in a landslide, so urged Trump supporters not to even come out to vote.
> I like to listen to .wav of draining sinks
What did he meant by this?
No. It's a scapegoat for fake news outlets. Russia's government has no power here.
Except most poor Americans voted for Clinton. CLinton made promises to improve the economy. She said she would strengthen the middle class. She said she would crack down on the wall street guys who caused the crash in the first place and raise taxes on the rich to invest in the middle class.
MORE poor Americans voted for Clinton , so the economy is a bullshit excuse.
I think the big deciding issues were illegal immigration and terrorism. If you look at the Trump voters opinion polls they're all strongly against diversity, Islam and immigration. Sure Trump voters liked it when he promises to improve the economy , but their bread and butter was the Mexicans and the kebabs.
>everyone who wants to maintain their country's national sovereignty is a russian KGB agent
This is how desperate the left has become. Nationalists are threatening to win elections across the globe and the only response that the globalists have is to accuse them of being russian agents.
OP is right. Vladimir here, behind 7 proxies ofc
What's wrong with giving ol Le Pen a hand? France hasn't had a good right wing leader in a while.
what he said was "je baise le peuple", which means "I kiss the people"
I fuck the people
Give me real, credible evidence that Russia hacked either election.
I need to see facts, not speculation.
If you link me to (((CNN))) or other MSM sites this discussion is over.
Well, I'll agree it's difficult to pinpoint the root cause or maybe it's a mixture of causes. But the "ruskies did it" argument doesn't make sense to me. It emplies americans are impotent and don't think.
Americans, or what I know about your culture, always proud themselves of their independence, individuality, strength, etc. Hillary didn't exude any of that. In fact, you're slowly becoming more socialist by the decade (IMHO) something which antithetical to your history and culture. Maybe this election tried to kindle that old spirit again.
Macron lose
Isn't France trying to suppress the Macron leaks going to just trigger a massive Streisand Effect?
>shilling THIS hard
>posting rick and fag fucking morty
Time to end
Are we shooting the messenger again,little retard?
merely rumors.
Did you see the amount of shills supporting Assad when Trump had his little fireworks show?
The Kremlin owns this shitty virgin ridden board
>Poor Americans
I think you mean niggers and spics. Trying to sanitize race from political discourse is the most delusional thing ever.
I'm actually squating in a 90's tracksuit while I type this post.
Your opinion is invalid
Besides people were against it because they are non interventionist not to mention it was probably a false flag
>kys faggot
The truth is coming out. Those pesky Russians are actually the one who took the apple from Garden of Eden. They hacked Eve and changed here DNA to want the apple. FSB's work, 100% guaranteed. It's in the bible.
exchange on street for Vodka. no middle man
you get paid! i get comrade points and special offers at Andres dentist.
macaroni is sweating
After watching this, yes, Sup Forums is definitely someone's useful idiot, not sure if it's Russia.