as a britpol femanon, All guns do is destroy and kill. Pistols would be good for self defence but beta bitch fatties want to have 30 Ar 15's in their homes to shoot at snakes. Just give us your guns pol, they will save many childrens lives from school shootings. Lets go through some anti gun arguments
> i need teh ghuns to stop the gubbamin upraising If the "gubbamin" wants to kill you, they will carpet bomb your neighbourhood.
>M - muh second ammendment You can still have BASIC pistols for self defencee, not fucking LMG death machines
>b - b- but if you take away muh ar15, you will take away all muh guns No, just the deadliest ones fit for school shootings
>if you ban guns, criminals will still get them. checkmate tea commie
That's why we have to take them out of circulation. Stupid amerifats just handed them out like candy and now any old fucking nigger can get one.
Prove me wrong pol. PROTIP: You can't
Julian Powell
>femanon tits nao roodypoo
Isaac Ward
Fuck the kids. We're keeping our toys.
>"Shall. Not. Be. Infringed."
John Stewart
Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads
Alexander Peterson
>women >thinking clearly
Pick one bitch.
Try to take our guns. We fucking dare you.
Tyler Nelson
Handguns are used to murder more people than rifles are. Rifles are long range weapons, handguns are for shooting people close range like in a school. Stupid fuckn dyke.
Jacob Price
Kayden Reyes
you're a retard fuck pistols do most of the killing
Xavier Hill
Burgers are just retarded and can't be trusted with firearms. The Swiss on the other hand know how to handle their shit.
Colton Brown
The entire purpose of the second amendment is to discourage our government from attempting some Stalinistic/Nazi type shit. 100+ million registered American gun owners. Our armed population is greater than the entirety of the world's standing armies put together.