I understand you wanting to redpill people, but why do you have to flood us with cancer? Don't mention us, you stupid fuck.
I understand you wanting to redpill people, but why do you have to flood us with cancer? Don't mention us...
Muh secret club
Take responsibility retard
Are you okay with being flooded with normies? If so, kys.
>t. jealous reddit cuck
The rules of old Sup Forums still apply here faggot, this is where we all came.
Rule Number 1: You do not talk about Sup Forums
Rule Number 2: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT Sup Forums
Shadilay my friends, for Kek shall bless this post, and we will no He approves.
Look at that Sup Forums, HE broke the stories and is getting the credit. You guys did nothing. LMAO.
Guess Kek wants the normies to know all they can...
I apologize Kek.
Exactly. Once Sup Forums got popular we decided to stay on Sup Forums. Now these faggots are trying to kill Sup Forums too. Pisses me off, mang.
Seems like a trustworthy fellow LMAO
All your hard work Sup Forums stolen by this fake news vulture scumbag