Mission Europe status
Success with the only ones that matter!
But Petry isn't even their candidate anymore.
nationalism btfo
pathetic weak EUnuch states crumble and die while glorious white ANGLO nations prosper
just as god intended
What do you expect? The women of Europe are drunk on mudslime cum and vote to guzzle more.
cEUcks are just adding more fuel to the fire.
It's ironic, since the the best option to keep europe from becoming full fashy like the leftists wanted so much was to vote for the nationalist/anti-globalist candidates. The muslim problem will reach critical mass in less than a decade and europe will have to choose between fighting for their land or becoming a caliphate.
Congrats on the spambots, Slavshit. Anglos are a bunch of gullible cucks, but I'm still impressed you managed to meme them into picking Russophile candidates.
But the party stops here, we Continentals have too much integrity to be fucked over by subhumans like you.
The Teuton rises again?
What is it with Mainland Europe and always wanting to be ruled over?
why is trump marked as a good thing? he sold out in .5 seconds
>tfw you'll never have a second vacation in Paris cuz it's gonna be a place full of Kebab restaurants and niggers everywhere
Why is there a lot of niggers in Paris setting on the ground selling keychain and other shit?
I remember an incident where a nigger sold a woman a broken keychain and ran away and one cop ran after him
>tfw anglosphere
lol ain't it funny how hard cucks try to justify their cuckening?
>we Continentals have too much integrity to be fucked over by subhumans like you.
Good thing that us fjellaper is nothing like the continentals (except Osloistan, but that place belongs to Poland, Somalia, Pakistan and Sweden)
Feels good bro.
why do you have an x on president le pen? also sage
sage is not a downvote
you're right, it's a reminder to future posters in shit threads, if there are any
Whay country is that?
On a phone, cant see
I really have just given up, brexit wont change the fact that i'll be a minority in my own country by 2060