* rubbing hands furiously *
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how progressive and tolerant
I'm convinced this guy is a troll.
Troll or not, ultimately liberals will fight for pedophile acceptance since they're "born this way" and "love is love". What are they going to do, admit those slogans are bullshit? That's homophobia of the highest caliber. Not to mention the islamaphobia that comes with age of consent laws.
Can't wait until they defend scatosexual and necrosexual - getting of to bags of shat fucking dead bodies should be tolerated!
T-this can't be true, r-right guys?.. guys?
This. They'll do it pol. These people have no sense or endgame. Letting liberals run society is like giving a child a handgun.
I hope its not true, but at the same time I know plenty of reasonable faggots who would jump ship if this became a thing.
I'm okay with this, let the faggots suicide their organization.
>implying pedophilia will ever EVER be accepted in western countries
This image is fucking disgusting too.
I highly doubt this is real though but we're getting there.
>tfw people laughed at my face when I said accepting homos is a slippery slope and will lead to pedo acceptance and I was right all along
>that big omega character looming over the smaller one
What did they mean by this?
is this a troll campaign or real?
It will be true soon enough and I more than welcome it
Let it all burn
Sorry Jordan but we can't win against the postmodernists. They control everything.
> Omega sign
Definite troll
Call me when it gets promoted by someone who isn't a total nobody and then gets thousands of likes and shares.
Until then, just a troll.
What's wrong with giving kids guns?
its troll, the real campaign is for incest
Omega acting like two legs and feet over two small legs and feet.
That's actually a disgusting symbol and it's been thought out.
Sup Forums needs to find a way to destroy that symbol
People who hate pedos are probably pedos, just sayin
it's a kind of sad sign of the times that I had to ask
There is literally nothing wrong with this as long as you don't act on your urges.
Except those who are into toddlers and babies, it's the noose for you.
>People who hate murder are probably murderers
It won't happen. Literally every parent will stop this happening
Liberal faggot here, pedosexuals need to be strung from the shortest rope humans can find.
Islam needs to receive the same treatment as every other religion, it needs to be tucked in a corner and ignored for society truly to progress. Any religion being held on high regard is ultimately a gigantic failing of tolerance.
how many threads are you going to spam this fallacy in?
Nothing, if you teach your child responsibility.
These people missed that lesson.
Preggophiles yes, but not child molestors.
I'm turned on by the sight of pregnant women.
I want to have sex with her body, not the fetus.
Ewwwww not the kids man! Anything but the kids!
Those symbol thingies mean adam and eve dont they. Since they were hetero and created all the shit they complain and lie about
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
oh, really?
already proven to be a fake account, stop spreading bullshit.
You'll be ostracized from the left now. Welcome to the alt-right, fellow Nazi.
But if Pedophilia becomes accepted and legal then how will they bribe and blackmail people with pedo sex parties?
the day they protest to legalize this shit they should get bombed
i remeber when they said the slippery slope dind exist.
>the first normalized faggotry
>the then normalized tranny faggotry
>and there latest plans are necrophilia and zoophilia
>now this pedo shit
there not going to stop the normalization of degenaration are ((((they)))?
Troll or not, we should meme this into a reality.
They keep adding letters to the 'LGBT' every week anyways. So anytime you write it or say it in public, make sure to add the 'P' for pedo to make them think they are pushing pedophilia too.
I am now scared for my safety.
One thing to do!
I still don't think "pedosexual" is a meme that will ever take off. Everyone hates pedophiles and no one wants to talk about giving them more rights.
I think what will happen is a "kids' rights" movement that advocates granting more autonomy to children, up to the point of drastically lowering the age of consent.
Interbreeding is proven to cause defects in intelligence.
Humans want to survive, don't they?
2. Because you're in their country.
Don't like it? Start your own.
there are parents of 3 year olds that have had plans of chemically castrating them before puberty before the embryo even became a fetus.
How about nocrophilia? When will people be able to dig out corpses on the graveyeard and fuck them?
Czechs make me laugh.
Honestly the best way to combat this is to set up troll accounts promoting it. Have at it.
When will they stop ruining symbols that dont beling to them
too soon
>the symbol for progress is the same as the one for resistance
is it supposed to look like a buttplug
>people still make fun of me for believing this
This is the worst part.
While this is ultimately a flawed argument, many leftists could try to counter 'too young to know better' arguments with "We are teaching sex ed at a younger age." and "Children in elementary school know more than many adults. iphones, computers blah blah blah."
Sadly, I'm sure many gullible leftists would believe that meant they were mature enough.
"Gay marriage won't lead to beastia-"
and you ask us why we throw homos of buildings?
>in the future you're going to be allowed to say My wife's black daughter muslim boyfriend is having sex with my wife(male)'s boyfriend (female(male))
Someone should shill for bestiality. I certainly am not going to do it.
way too fucking soon
Stupid goyim...
pretty sure canada is on the case
it doesn't hurt anybody so it is ok
This is not going to stay as satire.
Someone, somewhere will think this is a good idea.
And of course, that person will be one of (((them)))
>Implying she's YOUR wife, when any term referring to 'possessing' a female will be outlawed.
It's already happening with muslim child brides in germany.
wtf im liberal now
let it be true
this will destroy all credibility of this movement in the eyes of the normie majority
>My owner(wife)'s black daughter muslim boyfriend is having sex with my wife(male)'s boyfriend (female(male))
Heart Progress Accounts
as soon as chelsea clinton tweets her support you'll fall in line. fuck off zombie.
>people who don't hate pedos are definitely not pedos.
>Darkseid was a pedo all along
Fresh OC
>can't read a few sentences without some kind of picture on the page
Literal children
And I was the one who laughed
Burn everything destroy these shit! Burn the activists! Antifa and lgbt are kike paid organizations destroy everything nothing left!
>employed at starbucks and mcdonalds
it was a real thing in the 70's
they even made child porn commercially available
>look up color climax if you want to know more
hmmm now where have i seen that symbol before?
This really happened btw.
is this symbol supposed to be a child licking some adults asshole?
Too soon. WAY too soon.
you mean forced.
wtf i love pedos now
I don't get why asexuals are lumped in with the gays and trannies. They don't have any degenerate fantasies to justify or defend.
I haven't interacted with any though, do they act enough like fags to have gained honorary faggot status?
These filthy humanoids should be lion or tiger feeding meat.
How this shit is happening this society is getting at peak of collapse.
Pedos realize kids don't stay kids forever, right? They should just give up and accept they're fucked (until lifelike androids)
Fucking kikes
I think it's for the benefit of all the nu-males that are too emasculated to complain about the cuckoldry.
>account created on the 2nd of May
Then they'll move on to the next child, and the next. They're pedos aren't they?
>people who hate fags have supressed homosex tendencies
This fallacy has been memed for over a decade yet I still can't see the evidence for it being true.
I can't wait for the pedo push so even moderates start considering the gas.
Where I live you can beat a pedophile to death and get off scot-free. Love to see libs get angry about this.