>go to France
Lauren Southern is done for
Who cares, I hate attention whoring leafs. Go away Lauren you pathetic abortion loving civic nationalist.
>in process of paying toll
Don't care.
>(((civic nationalism)))
>afraid of it
What? Lauren please repeat, your message was unclear.
fpbp. To whom is she trying to prove that immigration is the problem? It's not as if the left is going to listen to her.
Plus, being surrounded by rapey Africans is an average weekend for her.
>A photo of the attacker was taken as he fled the scene
she's always been a white nationalist atleast for European nations, she has a weird idea that the European colonies should be civic nationalist though.
Is what she will be best remembered for?
I wish I was there to save her. :-(
>no go zone
>attack, battle
I seriously hope the larping bitch gets raped so she has an actual reason to whine and complain for once
Someone's getting pregnant.
One less thot
Yeah she is(was) pretty far to the right among the "alt-light". Definitely further right than the cucks such as Cernovich or Watson etc
That, and the alleged tit pic
RIP attention whore. She will never bathe herself in the desperate saliva of lolbertarian virgins anymore. What a sad, sad day.
Ever since she left The Rebel she's improved a lot.
Pls no rip bb.
*sheaths cock*
sound like a porn movie i woudl watch
shes not a celebrity shes a jouranlist
france? thats somewhere in middle east right?
>Dude just accept the immigrant who are here bro or else you're working for shareblue
Fucking civic nationalists everybody.
This was Hitlers futuristic vision of France.
So... Basically yes
One more eceleb thread.
Why don't you kill youself you fucking faggot?
Read a book. Stop reading fucking sh1te
You were good flypaper. We enjoyed looking at you.
>Read a book. Stop reading fucking sh1te
She's already been BLACKED multiple times in her past. She dated some American black guy for years
Many faps were had, thanks mommy.
>Fucking baaaassseeed!!!
yea so is paul joseph watson my t_d bro! that guy just doesn't get it
by the btw, did you see the EPIC based milo rally the other day? EPIC
>blonde white girl goes to nigger infested no go zone
>"ahh im being attacked right wing white guys! ahhh!"
>"..p-please don't stop!"
>goes in a zone you're not supposed to go to
>bad things happen
Your American fetish fantasies does not make it reality
What does not caring about some attention whore have to do with Trump?
yeah pretty sad that he didnt predict that he doesnt have a single chance in war from the fucking beginning
She would be more useful to us dead than alive. Someone text one of our Moroccan SS members in France and tell him to point her out to the others.
After she gets BLACKED her fanbase goes away.
>if we shitpost really hard they'll be totes confused! We'll actually influence their opinions!
wtf I love Hillary and Communism now!!!
We all know the nose
Faith is a beautiful thing
>no-go zone
Go to France for the culture they said
It will be enriching they said
Now I have anal herpes and have to pay some Somalian man money because my anus chaffed his dick.
I'm in jail currently, it's pretty comfy and I have internet.
it's called being a journalist
Kek. Have a you
Only jewish whore less
>its another thread about some Twitter attentionwhore riding on edgy Sup Forums fame
You do not belong here. Please, and very quickly fuck off.
please post
Once I found out she was with a black guy, can't look at her the same anymore.... At all. In fact it fucking disgusts me she lowered herself that low once...l nope...l fuck her.... Could care a less about the cunt now....
i know im just fucking around. I kind of like her actually. more than the other alt-light faggot thats for sure
>9/10 young blonde in a no-go zone full of sexually deprived niggers
assuming she's not ignorant and understood the gravity of the situation beforehand, one can assume she was asking for it
If she gets gang banged the shitskins should at film it.
Is she's such a lil badass, why isn't she in her own country starting shit against that faggy leaf President. Our election is over. You can go now.
it's true what they say, you know
the fp is always the bp
She is a 6.5 out of 10 at best. And she is a whore for the Jews.
gud indeed, don't even know how she got a career in the first place
Being martyr sure would be a bitch but it would further the nationalist cause more so than her show ever could.
Die reddit nigger
Poland, we have pretty low standards too but even that is an exaggeration. A 9/10 doesn't have a face 20 years her age.
>surrounded by north africans
giggidy, i like where this is going... desu
what social network (or whatever) is that?
Twitter direct message
In America she's always been surrounded by McInnes proud cucks so it would make sense for her to forget reality.
She may be not have the message 100% right but she is one of our people in danger. How can we have hope if were so quick to cast our own away.
To France men, save the girl and show her the way.
wtf ? i only love civic nationalism now !
Good bye Lauren you had a good run but you belong to the niggers
Thank you. Is there any way to follow the development?
lol, hitlerdindu stormniggers are just as cringy as t_d faggots
Fordi hun er en kvinne og har blondt hår.
Also isn't her hair dyed?
Imagine her snagle tooth just grazing the tip of your dick as she sucks furiously
I wish I was there to rape her so they couldn't
Hey can we speak American please
>YFW she turns up in a few weeks as a devote follower of islam and property of Majadahamberger Allahshiki dushit talking about how much she loves her husband
Who cares?
i said hitlerdindu stormnigger
> police left after being attacked...
So French government really does not have control over the country?
Storm nigger is that Swedish for North African cause I like it
did she die for our sins
Lauren NO!!!!
Be safe, don't get attacked by animals.
post it nigger
I think she was a good sacrifice
When she gets breed by virile young North Africans with their superior Muslim seed she will change her mind about Islam.
shell be fine
Is that svenska for "I bend over for islam"?