I don't wanna see a single British drunk on Mallorca ever again

Thank God the EU will make an example of you, British scum. I hope you cannot afford those visas to Europe any more.

Sounds right to me. Did anyone not realize this was going to be the case?

If this isn't haram to you then it will be to your children

GOOD, EU will be starved of even more tourist money, surprised all the terror and negros didnt kill tourism already

We have to fill out Visas to go on holiday most places outside of the EU anyway so whats the difference?



Fair enough, I suppose. We shouldn't get any special privileges.

Holy shit. VISAS? I wish I never voted for Brexit. Fuck me!

Oh god their tourism industry do they not care about it at all?

RIP tourism revenue

American here

...we don't need travel visas to go to Europe...

We are visa free for 3 months in just about every nation in Europe. Other countries like Georgia for example we are visa free for 365 days

>ruining our tourism industry will surely show those Brits!

Good luck, Spain.

Former Brexiter here but I have to admit it's hilarious seeing this country crash and burn for the sake of muh independinz

Won't happen. Making travel more complicating for Brits will hurt the Spanish economy.
Without the Brits Mallorca will lose a huge part of their income


This is the most cucked thing I've read all day.

nooo dont enforce your borders, thats exactly what the terrorists want you to do

RIP Spain, Greece and Cyprus and our delapidated coastal towns get revitalised UK BTFO

Not a single Muslim Brit will get a visa. Not a single one!

>he doesn't realize the entire economy of the Mediterranean countries is basically being propped up by combination of retired and coked up brits, sometimes both.

Fucked that up breddy bad senpai

But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get their hands on the visas

Countries like Spain and Greece are literally sustained by the British tourist economy. This is just another dirty kraut plan to bankrupt europe for total control. Spain. Greece. Don't let them do this to you.

Ruining the tourism industry is literally the best thing that could happen to Spain.

Dear God no, not visas. How on earth will us neanderthal Brexit voting retards work out how to complete a form and pay £20

I luv magaluf tho ;_; 》_《

Damn then they're not gonna be able to visit their 50 cousins in germany

You really haven't got the monopoly on "kek Muslims"

Who wants to visit wuro shit holes anyway? Fucking Africa2, please ban all uncucked nations you immigrant faggot.

Watch tennerife turn in to a ghetto then

Brits ruined Greece, time to pay

Enjoy your crumbling EU faggot cuckman


Yes, brits can go visit non-muslim countries for a change.

Who wants to go to muslim europe anyways , fuck france fuck germany

What difference will that make, they all go to Pakistan for their "holidays".

Don't we have visa-free travel with the EU?

>tourism and olive oil are Greece's two main exports
Yeah and the EU will SHOCK (as the article would put it) one of their two main sources of income.

Good jawbbb


why do british love one of the worst part of spain so much?

T.Amerinigger on ramstein base

>Don't we have visa-free travel with the EU?
Soon, the EU will put together a visa system for all non-EU citizens.

yes under 3 months i believe. maybe 6 because i was there for about 3 months

Lol €30 won't stop chavs from coming.
Anyway Were probably gonna end up deal like Serbia and turkey where we get 30 free days. It's in neither the EU's or ours interest to stop tourists

>stifling tourism even further
You guys in Brussels aren't very smart are ya..

Yeah which is why you brits can fuck off. Europe will be much nicer now that you're not a part of it.

People might actually want to visit without seeing some obese Liverpool or Hackney tart knickers around her ankles pissing against a wall trying to speak broken french and get fucked by Le Jamal.

Pakis can still get in visa-free though. Just don't speak English.

Do you see Germany on that list? Do you?

You think you're being sarcastic but notice the lack of ((yous))

Noone else does.

As is tradition in EUnuch land


Lol at 60% calling us Africa
You don't have enough rope for a day of the rope in America. And that is if you bother to get out of scooters

stop bringing your degeneracy to spain

Without the UK underclass rampaging about, drinking, spending, fighting, and fucking the locals, these shitty little islands would collapse within the year. How pathetic is that!

>>stifling tourism even further
>You guys in Brussels aren't very smart are ya..

Better security than having those Anglos and blacks from Murrica come to Europe.

Damn that hurts.

I'd give you a burn back but I don't want you to die in poverty from your healthcare debts.

It's the same autistic German starting all these anti-UK threads, isn't it?

Tying to speak a language other than our own

Haha we got the whole of Europe so cucked they have to speak English

>Brits ruined Greece

>implying i want to visit the muslim states of europe
enjoy your sharia

Being raped and mugged in a ghetto by tanned individuals remind them of home.

Make clacton grey again.
Send the jaywickers to gas chambers and bring the tourists back

>implying i'd ever want to visit an EU country for a holiday
Sadly, I can look at muslims do dumb shit at home.
Literally the only two places i'd want to visit are Portugal for the cool as shit monasteries/churches and Poland to see what modern-day Danzig (Gdansk) is like.
The rest of europe is too cucked.
Place like Bhutan, Nepal, The USA, Eastern Russia and Japan would be more fun to go to right now.


>Italy bringing the burn. Damn.

Does Germany have some eugenics plan we don't know about?

I've had the pleasure of getting stuck in an Irish resort. Funnily enough no different.

>pls stay in EU
>no, fuck you guys

lol, acting like children

London is 40% native English and shrinking

How will Greece PAY DENBTS now??

British Muslim
Gonna get a German passport cause I do to much business there.
All Germany is gonna do is increase the number of Muslims there cause most of us wanna be in the eu. And you know you cucks are gonna welcome us with open arms

I won't refute that.

One major difference. We have a tendency each other when we're pissed. Brits have a tendency to attack the locals.

Thats the only difference I've noticed.

And this should change, Spain shouldn't and will not be dependent on tourism anymore.

Add the European whites to the British whites and it's white majority.
>inb4 "Muh Muslim mayor"
You had a nigger president for 8 years.

It's also 12% Muslim.

London is 20% eastern euro and growing so we're 60% white overall.
>When fucking Londonstan is whiter than whole of America (which counts Arabs as white)
Now have fun and look up the demographics of Detroit

>being this delusional

t. Abdel Rahim

Just because you Krauts love being cucked and are anally forced into accepting the non elected officials of the EU doesn't mean everyone else has to

Benidorm will be like I Am Legend

>had the biggest industry in europe
>get into EU

thanks germany

>It's an "American tries to insult another nation's demographics" episode

at last we're first at something that matters nowadays


how about cheap vacations with free brown lolis?

I fully support what this kamarad said.
Tommis should get fubar by the EU. They are fucking leeches.

yah up until France leaves the EU next year and it officially falls apart and the only holdout countries left are you, Greece and Spain

This. Spain wil be crippled and begging for EUbux as soon as Brits stay away for just one summer. Benidorm will be a ghost town.

Fuck you german cunts, you short sighted retards don't realize you put into play the pieces to form an Anglo sphere Union. You idiots are like the fools at Versailles that think being spiteful is a good tactic. You create 100 years of war and misery to make yourselves feel good temporarily.

Stfu fucking britbong. You faggots are thr worst thing to happen to this motherfuckin planet. Just kys already.

EU's over tomorrow, Ahmed. Didn't you get the memo? You have to go back.

How did Germany get ahead whilst you guys suffered? How did the Euro benefit them so much if you were on the same level at the time it was implemented?

Saved for future dumb burgers.

Real life lolis available in mehico?

>not London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds
How old or what dimension is this infograph from?
Rename and reflag it to 5 biggest English cities.

>EU starts charging Brits insane fees to holiday in mainland Europe
>Brits start doing holidays in US instead
>Amero-Anglo relationships improve ten-fold

>Pay in Billions more than we take out
>Romainian Intellectuals
Stay mad cucks

Never change, burgers.

Yeah, hopefully this will lead to more competitive costs for flights, which can be very expensive by average punter standards. I'd love to switch boring old Europe up for the US and the colonies.

We have beheaded lolis for those seeking the more affordable model without a blowjob function.

11% of the GDP gone is a great thing!

>doing vacations in africa 2.0
