"white people are going extinct meme"

"white people are going extinct meme"

New immigrants always bring their culture with them, but eventually they succumb to the status quo if the inflow of immigrants is at a slow enough rate. Yeah america has china towns, mexican food, little itallies, and irish pubs. Its better for it too. There is a culture fushion but in the end everyone is americanized.
There is nothing wrong with a progressive and inclusive systems as long as it stays that way. Skin color is not the issue here and neither is culture. The old man talking about his generation being gone was talking about the ideology and view points, he was generalizing and incorrectly associating it with "whiteness" which is in itself a racist and stupid way to catogorize things. But SJWs and facists both love to do that so you gravitate to pointless videoclips like this.

tl;dr: 1. races dont go extinct. 2. Race based ideology is narrow and the last resort when a person has nothing else going for them. 3. A progressive egalitarian society where everyone is cared for and ensure the right to life, liberty, and property is better than a race based circle jerk

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 post by this ID


>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

Nope. We're worse in every regard for it and they never assimilated. The Chinese still speak Chinese, the Mexicans still speak Mexican, the Blacks still speak in Monkey shrieks.

Whites and Whites alone assimilate.

>races don't go extinct

>Race based ideology is narrow and the last resort when a person has nothing else going for them
What a cringey statement. No proof, no argument, just shaming. Embarassing desu.

>A progressive egalitarian society where everyone is cared for and ensure the right to life, liberty, and property is better than a race based circle jerk
Was it better for all those South Africans who got farm murdered? Shut the fuck up. You're not Polish, you're a Jew, and you'll never BE Polish.

Saged. Have fun dying on page 10 having been completely BTFO..


>MONKEY by this ID

I'm fine with multiethnic societies as long as they date within their race.

don't burn the coal, or you'll pay the toll

I'd like to point out that white men as a whole are far more desireable than the media gives them credit for. Even if every every white woman disappeared tomorrow, our Y chromosome will be passed on as well as our X chromosome through our daughter's. Most black Americans are part white from their great grandmother's having sex with union soldiers after the civil war. That means that there are blacks that carry European Y chromosomes. To top that, Tonnes of minorities tend to seek out white men.

>I'd like to point out that white men as a whole are far more desireable than the media gives them credit for.

that's exactly why there is such a constant push to portray white guys as undesirable

>The Mexicans still speak Mexican
They speak Spanish, not Mexican, dipshit.


Yes, and my point is that the only success that they manage to get is by making trailer trash whales feel vindicated when they sleep with black guys. That, and homo's use it as an excuse to whore themselves out (as if that doesn't already happen.

>A fucking paczki

It's About getting ride of retarded Ideas Like Communisim Islam and Fascism

>all these brainwashed right wing turds ITT

White people are prettier though, I simply prefer to live among people who look like me more or less. You can have your foreign cuisines without changing the ethnic makeup of your cuntry you know.

>"But-t black genes are domin--"

>selling your genes for good goy points because the jew told you so

That depends, it's still a lottery I guess.

> if the inflow of immigrants is at a slow enough rate.
> if the inflow of immigrants is at a slow enough rate.
> if the inflow of immigrants is at a slow enough rate.

I would add as a corollary: that they have to be the right kind of immigrant. Other Europeans? Great!

hes ugly
shes ugly

no shit those kids are going to look like hell

>races dont go extinct

Lets just forget about the dozens of races that have gone extinct in the past, right?

1. Wrong.
2. Wrong.
3. Wrong.

Ok, I take the bait.
>New immigrants
Why would you want the immigrants in the first place?

kys u fucking cuck

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




fuck off, kike

like which ones exactly?
>Why would you want the immigrants in the first place?
to boost the economy and demography

all of this is low tier alt right propaganda who the fuck believes this shit