Debate a leftist. Ask any of your toughest questions.
Debate a leftist. Ask any of your toughest questions
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Why do you hate liberty and freedom?
if owrkers should participate in protifts of an enterprise, sohuld they also participate in loses?
Are you jewish?
How do you reconcile the need to destroy an entire culture and society to bring about your utopia under your own moral code?, how much did you give Bernie?
Can you give me a few examples where a centrally planned economy has out performed the free market?
If morality is relative, under what logic makes you better or preferable to a racist?
define liberty and freedom you dumbass?
why did wall street bankers fund the communist revolution in russia?
High sounding words are often used by lowly people to thinly disguise their self-interest.
If ownership is shared that would naturally follow.
No. I'm Italian and austrian.
>why did wall street bankers fund the communist revolution in russia?
that was the first clue
Why does socialism always lead to either totalitarianism or complete collapse?
trying to start a fight on Sup Forums because you got cucked by jamals penis?
>why did wall street bankers fund the communist revolution in russia?
Wow it's almost like communism isn't actually the best for the worker.
>not even sageing because this guy is getting fucking destroyed
i know. capitalism and communism are both jew tricks.
Why did so many people starve to death in the Soviet union, who or what do you blame that on?
If communism isnt racist then why did stalin ban islam, burn down mosques and deport the crimean muslims to gulags pretty fucking racist that
>>not even sageing because this guy is getting fucking destroyed
Nobody in this thread is getting destroyed. None of the arguments from either side has surpassed the level of discourse of a kindergarten classroom sans teacher.
What do you mean by leftist? Are you a democrat or just a moderate republican?
liberty and freedom are great because they have not real definition and are subject to being hijacked.
also marx was clearly a mason, can tell just from the picture posted by op, hand in shirt, masonic signal.
>my opinion proves your opinion wrong
Wow how's high school debate going?
I don't believe that there are moral facts. I love the canon and traditional art. But I also believe that culture is a thin shin on the nothingness that is the brutal reality of internally contradictory social strife.
In short: unjust cultures eat themselves because they are divided and in strife.
The free market is an excellent instrument to gain information, but it needs the state and numerous institutions to function properly.
In the same way that symbiotic human + ai players make the best chess/go moves rather than a lone ai, so the market needs the state to function optimally. The state is slow and human but also can be far-sighted and remembers that institutions exist to serve human needs and not the contrary, the market instead is fast and inhuman optima, but sometimes (like ais) it gets really dumb.
I just think that racism is stupid. Other data (where that person was born, their education, how wealthy they are etc. etc.) is much more informative than race.
If I tell you that someone is half asian, for example, you really don't know anything about them.
stalin and Washington
Why does it fail every time?
...venezuela, most recently
hidden hand, masonic signal.
stalin, washington
Why did the guy in the image you posted write a bunch of stuff about work without ever having a job or owning a business?
There's thousand of lefty varieties. Do explain what type you are before we can have a serious discussion. What is your stance on immigration, who should own the means of production, to what extent should wealth be divided, etc.
I think it faired pretty well around the world before Hayek and Friedman made politician make a lot of very stupid decisions.
Why do people still starve to death? Why are people still poor in Russia?
Stalin was a Georgian nationalist and highly anti-religious as a reaction to his seminarist upbringing.
Are you ok with the fact that not everybody is down with communism?
But all three of the things you just listed have factors that overlap with race.
does your breath or farts smell of cum?
Why were most supporters of communism throughout history Jews pic related as well
It always fails for different reasons, in the same way liberalism and fascism do.
In venezuela it was the excessive dependence on oil profits and when the market tanked everything went to shit.
How can you defend 3rd world immigration is good?
>Hayek and Friedman made politician make a lot of very stupid decisions.
Like what?
What is an acceptable course of action for the state to take if I refuse to surrender my private property?
Why did communism lead to the greatest mass starvation event in recorded history?
You excited for 10th grade next year?
How do you resolve equality with the fact that people are not born equal?
You mean if you refuse to pay your taxes? You go to jail.
Isn't welfare the exploitation of workers by NEETs
Ok, here are some questions:
-What is your opinion about Venezuela 3 years ago and today? Be honest.
-Do you think Europe should accept mass immigration to counter population decline?
-Do you believe that all races and ethnic groups are, on average, the same (as in, same average iq, face formation, brain size, hair color, eye color, height) and that differences are merely skin deep?
-What's the country that is the closest to your ideology today?
Why haven't you read The Gulag Archipeligo?
Why did Marx -who lived in relative luxury mooching off an industrialist- leave it to future generations of dumb fucks to figure out a better alternative to capitalism than Mao, Stalin, Beanerzuela, etc?
Breath and farts smell of farts and cum.
Do aliens exist?
yes? are they different than humans?
>well obviously
So they could be potentially inferior or superior to homo sapiens ?
>yes whats your po...
Then clearly there are superior and inferior races.
Check and mate.
How can a command system properly calculate marginal levels of labor and capital in order to maintain production efficiency without the same functions of input that occur in a free market?
Why would a system that naturally has these extreme inefficiencies be sought?
If everyone in a society has their basic needs met, and personal freedom, but some have far more material wealth than others, why would a communist shift be necessary, if not just out of pure jealousy and greed?
I've been thinking about becoming a faggot too OP. What's it like sucking cock?
>define liberty and freedom
The ability to own a firearm. The freedom to not he forced to buy a BBC liscense. The ability to drop pork near a mosque without getting a 10 year prison sentence for hate crimes. The absence of a royal family. Just off the top of my head.
i'll bite.
does your mom know you're gay?
When christianity has forbidden you to hold jobs and shat upon you, you tend to kinda like the philosophy that promises a truer universalism.
They might correlate, but we have very little idea on why. Also race is a fuzzy concept and the majority of biologists still doesn't think it's real.
Yeah, I get it, but I don't get why they are conservatives and some times fascists (I understand the nihilistic fascist who just wants to win and doesn't believe in anything).
I believe nation states should have open borders, I believe that wealth should be extremely redistributed through social income, I believe that private property should still exist in some form.
I admit I like adorno much more than lenin.
>no real definition
Try eating a kielbasa without using your teeth. It's quite erotic!
How good is the english translation of Adorno?
I'll bite: I'm actually dating a famous instagram model (I know it's a stupid job, but that's late capitalism for you)
>I believe nation states should have open borders, I believe that wealth should be extremely redistributed through social income, I believe that private property should still exist in some form.
How are you keeping your state afloat when you have a massive welfare state and an open door to the third world?
I'd suggest liberty is the ability to exercise dominion over that which is exclusive to one's self, one's property, i.e. body, mind, will, labor and fruits thereof.
why u didnt kill yourself yet?
why do you romanticize mediocrity
Do you agree that forcing people to pay for the medical care of people who refuse to look after themselves is unfair? Bearing in mind that people who refuse to pay taxes are sent to jail but fat people are not.
>open borders
>distributed wealth
So I could just waltz into wherever I want and live off the labor of the people who work there?
Awesome. I'm starting my 5-decade world-traveling, lazy vacation as soon as the revolution is done. Just backpacking the world, eating other peoples food and sleeping in their homes, seeing the sights, fucking their women (sex is a distributable commodity, I deserve my fair share)
Sounds kick ass, why haven't we implemented this yet?
Since you'd rather answer bait than admit...
that the foundation of you ideology is steeped in denialism, I'll ask something else.
What's your relationship like with your biological father?
How would anarchist communists beat totalitarian communists in a revolution?
If communists came to power, there would be a split between anarchists and authoritarians. Authoritarians will win due to a larger military and will start massacres, gulags, etc.
What's her insta?
Why are you always coopted by liberal corporate democrats and succdems?
Superior by which standard? Value doesn't exist in nature but is a human invention.
For us a diamond is superior to a piece of coal, but in nature they are absolutely equal.
Man is the measure of all things said the sophist.
It's very good actually!
He died writing das kapital and in poverty, give that man a break.
I did, I really like Solzhenitsyn and I don't think he was that off in his criticism of modernity. But he is also way too bitter and like many traditionalists (see parajanov) forgets what shit it used to be.
But often tradition is better than barbarism I agree.
Btw funny story: I was reading gulag archipelago on the train in nyc and this lady asks me why I'm reading the book. But when she hears my accent she goes "ah you are foreigner! none of my students would read that book." I'm really said I didn't make the joke "my uncle died in a gulag...while being on guard duty..."
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
>"what's your relationship like with your biological father"
Best possible question to ask modern commies
Are you a race realist?
No I don't agree. I believe that the importance of giving to everyone outstrips our need to punish free-riders.
We live in an opulent society, we would be able to give healthcare to everyone for just a parcel of what we spend on private healthcare (where so much money goes to insurance companies and bureaucrats that try to get as much money as they can from them -- real useless jobs)
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism,
da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
It's very good but I think he had to work way too hard and got way too little.
My father was an example of hard work: he dropped out of engineering in college because my grandfather died when he was 19 and he had to work to support his mother and his 12 year old brother.
And despite he worked so hard and managed to pull himself up, by working on oil rigs in the congo sea, he still probably wouldn't have had enough money to get me through college if that wasn't basically free because paid by the state.
>asked to give examples
>instead rambles about how ai is stupid
How are you keeping your state afloat when you have a massive welfare state and an open door to the third world?
Health care and public education out perform the free market.
Is it gay to like traps?
Nice too hear. I had to ask because back in university we read a piece from Marx about alienation (Entfremdung) in german and english and even though it was crystal clear in the english translation it was only half as long and lacked some rhetoric quality.
Next question: Are the english Adorno readers as dogmatic as the german readers in the way that quotes are taken out of context to prove a point ( which always makes me wonder if they really read it.).
So what incentive is there to not be a free-rider? Why would anyone work at all? Would it be fair if all schoolkids got the same grades regardless of how hard they worked, and what incentive would there be to try hard at school if that were the case?
Our capacity of production is already far greater than what we need. Most problems are allocation problems, cultural problems, and poverty traps.
The statistics disagree with this, race is actually a better factor for determining crime history than economic status. For instance, the wealthiest predominantly black neighborhood in america has far more crime committed in it than even the absolute poorest predominantly white one
What is the strongest point to defend your beliefs?
Do you masturbate with your left-hand too?
>Our capacity of production is already far greater than what we need
It is not infinite, which it would have to be in such a scenario.
pick one
Define wealth in terms of the individual, and in terms of a nation.
What is the biggest obstacle to the realization of communism in America?
I don't think we need to work that much. The current ways of distributing resources (you have to work to earn money to buy products) is mostly still on not because it useful but because it is necessary to sustain the huge inequality.
A lot of work is just useless, we feel that we have to punish people for them to have something, because in the past we had to suffer. But again so much work is useless, as Russell pointed out a long time ago: we could still function perfectly by only working half the time.
Numerous researches show that most people work a few hours during the day and then they waste time.
It has to be infinite even under capitalism to allow constant growth. So same answer as the one capitalism gives.
English readers are even worse: just as arrogant and no where as well read.
Imagine people who read a survey in philosophy and loves Orwell and no understanding of Hegel or German culture trying to talk about Adorno.
What incentive is there to work at all?
>It has to be infinite even under capitalism to allow constant growth. So same answer as the one capitalism gives.
It has to be infinite in order to facilitate infinite growth, however it functions even in abscence of infinite resources.
Your model however relies on effectively infinite resources to even function at all in the first place. So how are you preventing that?
How do you deal with the reality there is no objective value of labor?
How do you deal with the fact the oxymoron of 'equal individuals' is inherent to the ideology?
I remember listening to my great grandfather's stories, when he was a kulak under the tsarist regime and lived rather decently - had a land with farmers, they were armed, well fed. Then the commies came and forced them to give everything they had to the regime in order to distribute wealth.
The good part is that since they were armed, they fought back. Everything was used to stop them, even shovels. Unfortunately they were outnumbered and he got sent to the shtrafbat, his land and resources were taken away.
The point is I pray that one day I'll take another shovel and crush skulls of every single egalitard subhuman degenerate leftoid scumbag, too retarded and ignorant to realise, what leftism eventually leads to. Like you, OP.
To make more money. As I said private property still exists.
I guess we'll have to implement a one child policy, or again answer how capitalism answers: we'll see, technology will take care of it, etc.
I mean what's the alternative? Tell people: well we'll have to pick someone to die. That's equally retarded.
How do you deal with the fact that Historical Materialism is false, the Dialectic is wrong, the Labour Theory of Value has zero empirical backing, and that Marxism is a painfully inaccurate way to analyze history with no scientific basis whatsoever?
I thought about that a long time ago, but it doesn't really make sense. We don't need all those bureaucrats, marketing people (you can complete the list if you're bored enough), but surgeons, engineers and so on are not that easy to replace if we cut work hours for everyone we would lose life quality or they would have to work more than the average people.