What does Sup Forums think about Direct Democracy (also known as pure democracy)?
Direct Democracy thoughts?
Only works for people with the moral fiber of Germans, Nords and old Anglo-Saxons.
It exists only in Switzerland for a reason. We're too unruly, and the Germanics don't seem to concern themselves with the need of choice. The rest of the world's people are in the same boat, or are just too stupid and evil to make it a reality.
Tyranny of the Majority. What's to stop them from voting themselves more money?
Laws that stop stupid shit
Like regular democracy isn't bad enough already
Just look at America. Flood the country with brown people and and they'll always vote left wing. It's flawed.
That's more capitalism / plutocracy you're thinking of, when the government can enact laws, conduct war, hold elections, collect taxes, all without a single (your ethnicity) present, so citizenship becomes about economy, and it behooves these corporations and monetary entities to harm the country. That's not democracy, but they use the numbers of immigrants as weapons to hold onto money and power, make no mistake.
Im Actually not apposed to the Idea as long as It doesn't take too long and there wasn't so much miss information
We are a constitutional Republic, and have lost the moral fiber to enforce our own laws for decades, now. So that calling for the enforcement of existing laws is now called "extremist" or "racist".
A great idea when everybody believes the same thing or the issues are not too important, like voting for the winner of American Idol.
It works pretty well in small settings (Switzerland, greek city states). Would not be good for large countries though.
What stops them from voting said laws away?
It would be great if the whole world could be a collection of little townships where everything is decided by direct democracy, considering that it only works on a small scale like that. But for some reason, the elites are forcing the almost exact opposite on us, which will inevitably fall apart because the people running the show are incompetent buffoons like Jean-Claude Junker.
Constitution or some shit
What stops them from amending the constitution?
>inb4 the constitution prohibits amending
Don't you think people would refuse to create such a document that cannot be changed even if 100% of the population did not desire it?
Cant work as you vote only for your own intimidate good.
Politics and nation wide decision take fruition over many years and nobody will vote on decisions that will sacrifice them self but always try to fuck over others.
Its a Utopian idea but with us humans and our culture and behavior not possible.
>What does Sup Forums think about Direct Democracy (also known as pure democracy)?
The majority of people are too dumb for this.
a stupid idea only the stupidest people would even entertain
Democracy is an illusion.
Can't people in a normal democracy already do that