100 bn... hundred fucking billion
100 bn... hundred fucking billion
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100G€ rly is not that much, for such a mafia as a state
100G€ is about what France adds to its debt each year
or what the French state spends each month...
not meaning it should be so, just saiyan
UK should pay denbts.
The UK should become an US territory like Puerto Rico and pay for The Wall on top of Trump's future Protection Tax.
erryone should pay their debts
but go tell that to an endebted mafia...
I really wonder if this going to end like it usually ends in the EU; Nothing, because political moderation is ironically extreme, or the EU is actually going to use this in some other way to impose itself in the negotiations.
Because if you think about it, what can the EU do to enforce the payment? Or what are the real consequences of not paying?
I don't think the UK will drop that much in its economic rating for "just" 100 unpaid euros in a separation process, so unless there are other consequences than that this would probably result in a harder brexit and the EU losing any opportunity of not converting the whole brexit into a constructive(or not so destructive) process.
It's like they keep pulling numbers out of their asses.
Oh shit we're screwed!
Maybe if we cut Mosque construction funding...
wow that is a big round, number.
like as if it was pulled out of Merkel's camel dicked ass
> Tell Brussels to fuck off
> trade with America, Canada, Mexico, China, Russia, and other non-un countries.
> quit being cucks
Why not 6 trillion euros? Why not infinity euros? If they're going to make up a ridiculously unbelievable number, why not make it as big as they can conceive? What do they have to lose at this point?
>100b debt
>a lot
You're like a little baby
What are they going to do if we don't pay? Absolutely fuck all because they're weak continental cucks who've never fought anything in their lives and are unwilling to die or kill for what they believe.
What are you going to do when we don't pay? Invade us?
How did that work out the last time you europoors tried it? Oh yeah. You got cunted.
We haven't been invaded successfully for 950 years.
Piss off.
they need it to seem believeable as the intention of this is scaring other e.u member states people away from the idea of leaving.
someones got to repay all that greece debt
Kek, they really want us to walk away with no deal don't they?
Just mint a 100 Billion Euro coin and throw it at them.
We can fine Brussels 1bn for failing to me NATO requirements
>"So we hear you chaps want £100 billion as payment for us leaving your shoddy and shameful kraut led union.
I tell you what old boy. How about we make you an offer. Over this side of the channel we're thinking we'll offer you two. Two billion? Ha, ha no dear boy. Two pounds. Or 1.80 euros. Do be a good sport and sod off now. We have business to do."
You cant leave then, but if you force yourself to leave, forget EU forever
You realize that's not a lot right?
Only the UK and the US out of all the major countries pays their dues. Greece, Estonia and Poland pay because they fear invasion by roaches and Russians respectively.
Anglos have been subsidising you europoor cucks for too long.
I say we fire bomb Dresden to send out a signal as to how we see the Brexit negotiations going.
What if they just dont pay?
Will other Eu members declare war on them? Will the UN sue them? Can't they just say fuck off? Because sanctions will do very little since they are free to trade outside of the EU.
I mean negotiations will fail, no one will adopt a treaty on future relations, that will only harras your economy. Your economy already on low growth since brexit referendum. Im enjoying how these scumbags, narcissistic, drunk pigs are butthurt
It's only ten years of our foreign aid budget.
I don't care if we divert it to Europe. Just transferring it from one group of gibs dependent layabouts to another.
T. Paki
tell those wafflecucks to fucking off themselves. belgium should be nuked.
We're not going to pay them a cent. Actual kek that the EU doesn't realise how much people in this country hate and resent them.
Those parasites should be paying us for continually saving them when they implode every forty years because they're spastics.
WW1 - Anglos save the day (US-UK-AUS-NZ)
WW2 - Anglos again
Merkel mania - Anglos will no doubt save you stupid cunts again
Fuck off spaniard your economy is as shit as your ability to speak without lisping
They would want to trade with the EU afterwards...
The pakis will be deported within 50 years.
Nice try Brussels, how is the UK supposed to pay if they don't even have euros? Checkmate
>Hey you owe us money
>For what reason?
>Becuz we sed so
>We're not paying you money just because you decided you want money
We make something like 2.6 trillion a year.
We absolutely could afford to pay it, but that money would be better spent launching opiates and other addictive substances into Germany (and France should they make the ill-decided decision to remain) from our brand new aircraft carriers.
>Merkel mania
It will be Muslim mainia, but yeah. We'll end up fighting again.
where the fuck that number came from?
Well... Its about time europeans start a war between themselves again.
EU is Dr. Evil now.
Acquired debt with the EU contributions.
You can't simply cut off the flow of money when there are projects working on and signed a contract of willingly pay those projects(well, at least being part of the EU countries that pays the EU programs)
I see only Sikhs there alright people.
Doesn that sound exactly like the scam that pushed Germany to adopt national socialism.
100 billion GBP huh, well, it's only natural that in counterpart the British get to pull all of their forces out of Germany and let the Eternal Kraut fend for itself in the inevitable war with Russia. US should do the same to show support for their cousins across the pond, move the forces to Poland who so far have contributed far more to NATO than the Germans eunuchs have.
Holding them ransom for 100 Billion dollars.
Did the EU folks just watch Austin Powers recently or something?
You don't get it. The (((EU))) is finished. Done. Over. Kaput. Finito. Terminado. Comprendes? It's like being on the Titanic after the collision. Germany is letting anyone with a bucket on board to bail the water out, Greece is floating on the big door, Spain is still stoking the boilers, France is "let's see how this plays out", but the clever, resourceful Anglo is already boarding the Carpathia.
You know the only lesson you should take away from this debacle? Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances, ever, ever trust, or give any power to, the Jew.
Did someone say denbts?
I dont get it. how the fck every country has a debt
Germany you own me 100 Billion dollars, pay your denbts
what the fuck, this is going to devolve into an outright hostage situation at some point isn't it?
There is a reason why there are talks of doing a hard brexit and simply throwing the whole schedule of the art.50 to the trash.
Although I see that the EU side are kinda right in the sense that if you are goint to leave at least pay what you committed to pay in the first place.
It would be like going into a friends house, ordering pizzas and then leaving because you don't like your friend... very well but at least pay the order because its on its way and can't be cancelled.
>the EU can force UK to pay
Debts are leverage.
Pay debts, and the EU loses leverage.
They will therefore never, ever let you pay debts.
It's a lot for Russians. Have you seen their economy?
They'll be lucky if the UK even pays half that.
Germany is really pushing its luck right now. Their crumbling club isn't going to last but the UK will. When germany needs them again they will remember this shit.
What if UK doesnt pay?
>100 Billion
>a lot
We will cut the gas and oil pipelines
Enjoy your harsh british winter :^)
>I say we fire bomb Dresden to send out a signal as to how we see the Brexit negotiations going.
Do it again Bomber Harris.
How will they ever recover?
Agree if you replace Jew with kraut
>wanting any European to remain within the organisation destroying Europe
Stay classy, Asia.
They should just print the money. It's what the Germans did, after all.
True desu.
Pay denbts REEEEEEE.
The EU has to put the head of the entire United Kingdom in a spike to show the world what happens when you try to leave.
At this point, all the bad things that happens to Britain will be the fault of the UK and its desition to leave.
Its basic politics, you keep the herd together because you convince everyone that uniting is better than leaving, if people leave the herd you have to give reasons to stay, and the only way to do that is by convincing everyone that independence is not the optimal course of action.
Since cutting heads and putting them on spikes doesn't even really exclude other methods, its just the logical and sane thing to do.
Ww3 hopefully. Nothing an Anglo does better than giving Jerry a good lesson in how to behave.
They'll have to deal with us, nobody messes with our dad!
>"harsh British winter"
>literally two days of mild snow in February if that.
lol You've probably been waiting for years to say that yourself, haven't you?
>Or what are the real consequences of not paying?
no trade deals
no security deals
no traffic deals
no employer deals
no energy deals
no UN voting deals
the list literally go's on forever
and EU counsel has never been more united at anything during its existence then with the brexit deal
>At this point, all the bad things that happens to Britain will be the fault of the UK and its desition to leave.
*In the eyes of the European union and other political conglomerates like UNASUR or the US.
I wasn't saying that everything is going to be bad for the UK.
The funny thing is that won't work.
Britain isn't Greece.
You can't make an example of us.
We'll steam roll you peasants like we've been doing for 500 years.
Don't make us commence 1588 again you armada niggers
It was a joke,bong
They throw their toys out of the pram and walk away from negotiations I imagine.
We have dad's back if he needs us.
Fuck off toothpaste we don't need your deals we have four other nations who we gave birth to who will chip in and help us when we're down.
>we don't pay 100bn
>we go hard breixit
>EU refuses to trade with us
>EU loses 1000000000000000000000bn from lost trade
Britain wins again
>get in EU
>get out of EU
What a fucking scam
>MFW there is a tiny chance I might just get to die defending Britain from euro trash invasion as a part of the American expeditionary force sent to protect our ally.
>Or storming Normandy again alongside Brits, and Canadians in D-day part 2, "remove the jewish boogaloo."
This is all I've ever asked for
So now we need a Mexico wall, a seawall to keep Dominicans and other islanders from illegally coming to puerto rico and a European wall. I should invest in a construction company
Why is this not considered extortion?
Daddy can pay in plutonium if he really feels like it.
I wipe my ass with that kinda money.
The EU relies a lot more on Britain than vice-versa though and this is the real reason they're starting to panic. It's literally the UK and France who keep the EU afloat.
>(((Bank))) borrows money to a country at (((interest)))
>Regardless how much the (((bank))) borrows the country incurs that debt
>For arguments sake and simplification say that the (((interest))) is 10%
>(((Bank))) borrows £100 to the government
>The government turns around and gives the £100 immediately back
>That £100 was all they had, but they're still indebted by £10
>Which they can't pay unless the (((bank))) borrows them £10 to pay it off
>But that £10 incurs a 10% interest rate which can't be paid off unless the (((bank))) borrows the country another £1 which incurs another 10% etc etc etc
People think banks are nationalised and they aren't. The best way to understand that banks aren't nationalised is, if you had a printing press, and a licence to legally print money, would you be indebted to yourself every time you used it? Of course you wouldn't because the proposition is ludicrous.
When people say "banks enslave nations" they aren't actually memeing and are telling the truth. You're guaranteed to either remain in debt or you go to war to get the necessary money to pay your debt. That's what happens with a (((central bank))) and not a national bank.
I can only half agree. Germany's big mistake is the one I mentioned. Trusting the Jew. Germany is bang in the centre of Europe and it makes it a lot easier to spread (((refugees))) around from the centre than it does from the outside. Take the nucleus and you take the rest of the cell.
(((Who))) could possibly be behind such a scheme?
Because countries don't operate on the same rules as the rest of us.
What are you on about cunt?
YES!Finally the time has come for payback.
What. You think we're gonna pay that? We'd rather drop £100bn more bombs on dresden.
But they're just going to keep raising it.
This. They don't need the EU
I was just telling whats what. personally i'd rather join the UK then stay with the EU.
and 100billion is just a starting point, everyone making deals starts insanely high and ends up allot lower but still beyond expectations.
lets say it ends with 50billion. still nice no?
oh and good luck getting the commonwealth wanting to join
Probably. Our exit going well is the worst thing that could happen to the EU. It would lead directly to the collapse of the institution.
Thus they are being as difficult as they can be.
Then UK's starting point should be a fish and chip dinner, a trip to a UK dentist, and being fisted by the Queen for EU reps.
But thats the whole point of the hard brexit, just say fuck all to the whole art.50 and just leaving by using the middle finger in each side.
Its true that it would hurt the UK, in the sense that it would have to go back to 1973 to use a legal framework and lose all the deals that could substitute other essential deals that the EU was giving to the UK. But its also true that Britain was pretty deep in the EU and leaving suddenly would put a big hole(for example; this whole 100bn debt situation)
If the UK could simply leave without losing much in negotiations it would have already done it since the realpolitik is always over any kind of ideological movement, but that can also be applied to the EU that could have just said the UK to fuck off and leave us alone.
Nothing wrong with a few Sikhs.