It appears that now, when you say something against the leaders of the country, you're immediately investigated.
I guess it was just a matter of time until the first amendment was on it's way out of the door.
It appears that now, when you say something against the leaders of the country, you're immediately investigated.
I guess it was just a matter of time until the first amendment was on it's way out of the door.
You know that this has been law for a very very very long time young one? Off yourself desu lul.
You aren't allowed to broadcast obscene content on non-cable stations. The FCC review is on whether it qualifies as obscene or not. It's not as if he's being thrown in jail, or even denied the ability to host his show.
it's hard to unite america when you have these obstructionists with a huge megaphone.
take the megaphones away, and you can get americans to unite on the fundamentals of your republic, and together you can all MAGA. Unless you want a civil war, that is.
Thanks Obama
you must be trolling, cuz you caint be dat stoopid.
This happened because Sup Forums registered complaints to the FCC en masse you newfag
He said something on TV that upset a lot of people. Of course the FCC will have to review it-- this is procedure if they receive over 40 complaints. You're fucking retarded, OP.
This board is full of hypocrisy that will defend the FCC here
You can probably trick some useful idiots into thinking that this is something, but most people know that the FCC reviews any complaints against any show.
>This board is full of hypocrisy that will defend the FCC here
Fuck the FCC, but that doesn't mean we can't use them.
It's more like
>When you do something that goes against federal regulations, the committee that is tasked with the duty of regulating said regulations engages in an investigation on the matter
>using your platform to call your leader a cocksucker of a foreign state
>doesn't expect legal reprocussions
He was free to do it and the opposition is free to respond accordingly
The FCC has to investigate if someone says 'nigger' on television. This is nothing new and has nothing to do with Trump.
>buff regulations
>lose election
>get rekt by them
>cry that the system is broken
This. The reason it's even a viral story is to make colbert seem like the underdog going against the big bad authoritarian trump
Lol only cuz Sup Forums u fuck
This was just about holding libtards to their own standards. You know damn well if any right wing talking head said the phrase cock holster about one of their darlings, the pitchforks and torches would be out.
>salty left not enjoying the taste of their own medicine
You really should of just left people like us alone when you had the chance, we were completely harmless until you wouldn't stop antagonizing us for no goddamn reason.
Now the great retribution begins, we're just getting started with you....
Are you cunts so cucked by your nanny state that you actually believe that there should be punishment for this?
It doesn't help that most people never read into a story beyond the sensationalist headlines. If people were as quick to judge what people say about their TV idols they'd finally open their eyes to the horrible hypocrisy that keeps liberals running.
>Leftists cry muh ((()))phobia about anything
>Makes joke with punchline involving homosexuality
>People cry about homophobia
>Confused when snared in own politically correct bear trap
This was also the case with Barack Obama what do you mean by "now"?
One would think they'd eventually analyze cause and effect.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to broadcast obscenities and threats.
FCC is about whats appropriate on television regarding the rating your supposed to abide by. Colbert has historically broken these rules but it's usually ignored. I'm actually surprised he hasn't been fined before.
>Fucked by nanny state
The point isn't that the joke was against Trump or the state, it was that it was homophobic, which according to liberals should be utterly inexcusable, lest it offend muh LGBTopyourselves
>muh freeze peaches
Shut your cock holster op
There is no controversy over people bashing Trump. If that were true, probably 95% of hollywood would be under investigation. The controversy is because Colbert used the word "cock holster" to describe Donald Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin. He's literally being investigated because he pissed off a bunch of fags.
Yeah but that would involve logic and critical thought, both of which are massive counterweights to leftists ideals
Pick one, my man.
You're right. When my child watches elmo, I want elmo to be saying nigger while he watches strippers and injects heroin.
This only applies during sunlight hour times which is boardcast hours between 6am-10pm. The Late shows is broadcast at 11:30pm.
This is a clear power play to try and silence dissent. even better the FCC originally said they weren't going to investigate when Trumpfags first started this shitstorm, so this is clearly retaliation after it was clear Colbert wasn't going to lose sponsors and get fired like O'Rielly.
>both of which are massive counterweights to leftists ideals
Wasn't always the case, they used to love the argument.
Hrs being investigated for his hate speech. Homophobia is highly offensive, and to be quite frank, it's murder.
Yes it does. Don't use the leftist degenerate definition of freedom of speech; that it only applies when it fits your narrative. It's the fact he said something they would usually be construed as anti-gay, and they let it slide. Muh double standards
>violate fcc broadcasting standards
>get investigated for violating broadcasting standards
Even though I think the FCC should boil in rotting shit for all eternity, what they are doing is within their contract, both legally and socially.
He was on cable in the past. It's only relatively recently that he came onto network television where rules are stricter.
>This only applies during sunlight hour times
no it doesnt you lying little faggot fuck. stop trying to bend reality to fit your narrative.
>Muh double standards
You have to force them to come to terms with it, or else their disconnect from reality will only get larger.
Intolerance of any opposing ideal has been institutionalised in schools and the media, which has crushed debate and led to people arguing for things they don't personally fully understand
>It's the fact he said something they would usually be construed as anti-gay
This is the entire point and I've read comments on other sites where people are saying it's not 'homophobic'. I personally don't think it is but Colbert and others in his position would jump at the chance to ruin someone else's life if they made a similar joke. They need to live up to their own bullshit standards or stop using them.
>Citation needed
The post.
Nah even on his new show he's been saying stuff he shouldn't be. He's too used to being on CC, he's not used to having to abide by decency standards.
All the other late night hosts have a lot classy demeanor then he does.
Faggot should have stayed on cable.
>Pai’s comments on Colbert are surprising as “The Late Show” airs outside the FCC’s long-established “safe harbor” time frame of 6 am to 10 pm in which the commission has the authority to police allegations of indecent and obscene material on the airwaves.
>They would also seem to clash with Pai’s vow to maintain a lighter regulatory environment for media overall.
Nevermind the fact that his mouth was blurred and the the word 'cock' itself was beeped out. There is no case because it's only 'implied' and not outright said. So looks like Trump has no problem overstepping his authority if it's about protecting his own interests and ego.
Talk shit, get hit (by hate crime lawsuits).
This is the bed liberals made, now you get to fucking lie in it for once.
There's a difference between talking shit out of your ass and saying your opinion in a respectful buy funny way.
Freedom of speech was never mean't to protect asshats like Stephen Colbert and other not so funny "comedians".
Also the FCC is really faggoty, George Carlin got arrested for this skit.
What Colbert said was a lot worse.
What you and a lot of anons that started #Firecolbert don't realize is that Colbert is seen as a huge ally to the LGBT community. They know that he's ultimately on their side.
The left often tells jokes as offensive as the right about identity politics but get away with it for this reason.
The FCC is an independent government agency faggot
Then it's a win win situation.
>He faces reprocussions
>He faces no reprocussions
>Double standard inevitably highlighted to more people
We have become the jew
Ha ha ha
This is what trump tards actually are trying to say.
Shut the fuck up you leftist faggot. Play by your rules or die by your rules.
Colbert has a late night T.V. show. Is there a T.V. rating for his show? If so then saying cock holster should be okay as long as the rating allows him to say that.
We are playing by the rules. How many people who insulted Obama in much worse ways. (Because it is true that Trump is Putn's cock holster) got fined by the FCC?
You boys are the hypocrites this rodeo.
>TFW you realize libtards won't ever win because they can't into parametric thinking
Better to serve in heaven than reign in hell.
"The safe harbor refers to the time period between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., local time. During this time period, a station may air indecent and/or profane material. In contrast, there is no safe harbor for the broadcast of obscene material. Obscene material is entitled to no First Amendment protection, and may not be broadcast at any time."
>may not be broadcast at any time.
now what?
>Implying it wasn't indecent and not obscene.
Looks like Republicans and Trump want to be the moral police like they always are and shut down free speech.
>Implying it wasn't indecent and not obscene.
more like implying it was obscene because it was.
>Obscene material is entitled to no First Amendment protection
I don't make the laws I just tell the ignorant people them...
>shut down free speech.
that's funny, i never see republicans "protesting" at universities because someone said a word they didn't like
wtf are you talking about you inbred low iq retarded faggot?
>I say it's obscene because it pushes my narrative!
LOL, whatever you say anti-free speech man.
I just see you trying to shut down a comedian who is making fun of your replacement father.
Using the systems available, in a manner that they're supposed to be used for.
If that bothers you, you should not have created it.
There is no reason to be upset.
you see me personally trying to shut down a "comedian"? what did i do so far to attempt to /shutitdown/?
You're deluded, Obama was never criticized on television in a vulgar manner. He never even got a stupid show like George Bush did mocking him and now Trump has one.
i'm just explaining that obscene material cannot be broadcast at anytime. you were claiming safe harbor. also they're investigating this, essentially meaning they're probably trying to decide if it qualifies as obscene.
i'm very free speech but there are still laws against certain elements that you probably should inform yourself on
Time to take these lefties down!!
They did, but Obama scaled back the draconian policies of Bush for what was indecent so they wouldn't attempt to prosecute.
Look who's going back to the old way of censorship to crush dissent? REPUBLICANS and YOU.
The FCC is run by a bunch of leftist Jews. It's been this way for years. You're a major dumbass, and there is no point in trying to reason with you..
Anybody that insults the president on TV should be executed for treason.
Trump is working hard to Make America Great Again and these lefty cucks don't appreciate him.
they have no clue how true that is
>be Democrat
>give the State the power to regulate everything broadcasted for the "greater good" - because it totally won't abuse this power, right?
>oh shit
>this isn't what I wanted, NO - STO - [Censored by the FCC]
Show me any show or circumstance on cable television that Obama is criticized the same way Trump and BUSH were relentlessly attacked with no filters.
I don't even have that big of a problem with Obama. But you trying to lie and say it's the same is horseshit.
you're so full of shit you're just making yourself look stupid
>violate broadcasting standards on network TV
>cry when you get fined for it
Hating someone in power doesn't give you a free pass to ignore the law.
he just gonna keep lyin fag thats how this works
[Citation Needed]
Really, I'm curious now
HAHAHAHAHA! Fuck you Colbert you little faggot.
shut up cunt
we did it a couple days ago, most interesting part was we knew it was working when an army of shills tried to shitpost us into oblivion
>>using your platform to call your leader a cocksucker of a foreign state
>>doesn't expect legal repercussions
didn't even have to look at your flag
>shut down free speech
Ann Coulter can't give a speech in CA without threats of violence by the left.....WHO is shutting down free speech, cock-holster?
>Obama was the butt of 936 jokes in his first 100 days in office
>Trump had 1,060 jokes at his expense
please go back
>faggot from Sup Forums makes semi hourly threads to encourage people to spam report the fcc
>woah Colbert is being investigated by FCC what happened?
Literally kill yourselves. Everyone who participated in this is worse than an sjw because they are doing exactly what they do and are a hypocrite.
The FCC fined Howard Stern for a guest playing the piano with his penis. Fining show hosts for "profanity" is what they do.
Colbert is a homophobe and broadcasts hate speech. He must be stopped :)
Not to mention the 2 months of LARPing for "free speech"
The difference is a lot of the anti trump jokes are also not all that funny and meant to be an attack on the presidency as opposed to just being topical humor
that's why CBS and all major networks have experts review scripts who know what the FCC will fine them for unlike anybody here
Its making the enemy play by their own rule book
Homophobes deserve it to be honest family. I can't believe we still have to deal with these bigots in 2017. #FREESPEACHDOESNOTMEANHATESPEACH
>liberals can say whatever they want
They will play by their own rules until they adopt our correct point of view.
They get so mad when you use their prophet Alinsky (pbuh) against them.
kys commie kike
good try commie kike