Just got Taco Bell.
>cashier was a black girl
Really made me rethink my racist attitudes towards blacks.
Just got Taco Bell
>rethink my """racist""" attitudes
t. reddit admin
>shill doesn't realize that this doesn't speak to the bell curve thus him pretending that he once was racist and was converted via this situation makes no sense
>stormcuck doesn't realize the bell curves author specifically noted that individuals vary with much greater differences between individuals than between groups
>1 nuclear device
>50 million kills
not possible unless they're all in a very big skyscraper and it goes off in the basement
norm is one of the funniest people alive
Norm is trolling. gotta love him
Norm is a funny guy
Seriously, You can't be this fucking retarded...
Massive salted bomb in New York? Probably still wouldn't get 50M, but that's about as close as you could get with a single device.
That being said arguing about the obviously fictional scenario is missing the point of the tweet.
Dude yeah that one example is proof
Is (((racism))) a bluepill?
Today a Mexican took my order and made me a carne asada burrito. Really made me rethink my racist attitudes.
Fun tweet seeing as 'peaceful muslims' is an oxymoron
>anecdotal fallacy
But yeah, continue to relax around blacks, idiot.
this. amy schumer is much funnier
Norm's still got it.
>Yeah so this one black cashier I spoke to for like two seconds at Taco Jew was nice to me so you can dismiss all those empirical facts such as crime statistics, IQ by race, etc.
>1 post
>MFW local Chicagoland Taco Bell got new manager who fired all beaners and niggers and now only employs young white people
>Best Taco Bell in entire region by far
>everything made correctly and never skimped
>employees are as courteous as Chick-Fil-A
>remembers me and gives me random coupons for free tacos
Really makes me rethink my attitude towards white people
lol, Norms still the best. Probably one one of a few leafs in existence that aren't cucks
happened yesterday
>go to diner
>see white mom black dad two kids
>don't want to jump to conclusions
>mom takes out kids while dad pays bill
>dad leaves and waitress complains about no tip
stereotypes exist for a reason
Classic Norm.
Can't forget we don't come into contact with the bad examples who don't have jobs don't go to college etc.
The boys and blue and the savages themselves are the only ones who really see that part of America. Luckily normal folk like us have the opportunity to observe from afar with liveleak and world star and the like.
They're a lot of great blacks, just more violent/monkey ones.
It's funny the ones who come from Africa or parents of immigrants are much more corteous and kid even cultured.
Those who've been here for a long time or parents from the CARIB are much more ghetto and non-cultured.
Am I the only one who sees this?
>OP just got his first real life experience with hypergamy.
racism is obsolete. If you're racist you're an obsolete human being. congrats on being outdated.
Blame the race, not the individual, OP.
Even amongst a violent race, there are a few non-violent individuals. Sadly, they are vastly outnumbered by the normal, uncivilized ones.
i need context
don't tell me people find this funny
>she totally wants to do me
>go to black staffed taco bell
>repeat order multiple times
>get food, it's wrong and gross
>eat it anyways, get sick
Makes me more racist tbhfam baka
>muh 50 garblemillion
>just one buclear device :DDD
So what? Yeah there are nigger geniuses. Of course there is a wide variance within. But these geniuses are minuscule.
>Just got Taco Bell.
>cashier was a black girl
Which Taco Bell? I have gotten shitty service across the board at every taco bell EVER. Not only do I hate blacks now, I hate whites chinese and certainly Herzegovina/Bosnians. In addition, because it is a fake Mexican restaurant owned by jews, I hate both of them also. George Takai is a spokesman. WTF I hate gays.
Your tweet is hilarious, and the thought of the backlash makes me giggle. I believe that the backlash would be so focused and laser accurate that "muslim" would be a dead religion within a decade. Go ahead. Pull the string that is attached to the trigger.
>don't tell me people find this funny
You're right, lets all laugh together with le based black man trump supporter while watching sjws gettin fuckin rekt instead.
What area could you even nuke and kill 50 million people at once?
it's a number used to make the joke work. it's an absurdly high, -terrifying- number. the joke follows.
more like baby red pilling
9.11/10 laughed along
If Derek Jeeter strikes out he's still a good baseball player
isn't this (9/11 v 2.0) already the nwo plan?
fucking paradise. my shit is FUCKED m8. I can't get a decent meal unless I go to a BBQ joint or something local. God bless Texas.
Norm Mcdonald is truly a great comedian. I fucking laughed my sides out.
It's mostly because the average carribean or african nigger that manage to leave their shitholes are wealthier than average.
The common black african/carribbean is as dumb, violent and full of STDs as the black burger
>Taco Bell curve
Norm Macdonald confuses me... He seems to be a comedian for people who don't have a sense of humor, but want to trick other people into thinking they do...
that's not a complete sentence.
fuck off he is hilarious. watch his clinton/OJ roasting on weekend update. compilations are on jewtube, fucking savage.
Being peaceful is gay
Racism isn't about feeling good or bad. Or at least to an intelligent person it shouldn't be. It's about Tribe preservation. Preservation of Eurocentric ideals and people. Only autists think it's so you can say "lol nigger" out loud.
fantasizing about a negress while feasting on mexican laxatives
its popularized by leon trotsky to shame enemies of communism
i like norm
>cashier was a black girl
You have a serious problem OP.
It's not racist to acknowledge black and white are different. It's only racist to prejudice an individual because of one or the other.
When did Norm Macdonald uncuck himself? Wasn't this faggot shilling for Hillary?
Most blacks in america have a small amount of white genes in them somewhere, sometimes they can become dominate in certain blacks and they become somewhat civilized people. They can still be kind of niggerish though.
ive never been treated badly in a taco bell, and in fact everyone has always been genuinely nice and friendly there
Kek agrees.
There wouldn't be a backlash though because it's easy to spot the peaceful Muslims. They're the ones who denounce what the likes of ISIS do. Here's a comprehensive list of them all in a handy picture format.
>me, on bus going home from work
>me, the guy one bad day away from wanting 4th reich to cleanse Europe of muslims
>sit opposite muslim girl in loose fitting hijab
>legit 7/10, looks like from indonesia or something
>has an air of dignity and breeding unlike the filth from arab turkroach dumps
>reading beginners german book, showing effort at integration
Most conflicted feeling I have had in a while. On one hand she is the enemy but on the other... muh dick.
probably india
Exaggeration is the essence of comedy. Your postmodernist deconstructionism of a fucking joke is its death.
Speak for yourself I got robbed by one in December.
No shit, retard. A good amount of black people are great folks. You should leave your house more, you might even realize there are exceptions to every stereotype.
> miniscule geniuses
Norm's return to SNL after being fired only a year and a half prior
Norm's Brightest moment right here
If you listen closely, there is booing in the crowd; it is actually the writers!
yeah that's why "real racism" is retarded
my tip is to act like a court of law: acceptable human being until proven a nigger. not all niggers are black, and not all blacks are niggers. adopted blacks, in general, tend to be perfectly fine. It's not the physical appearances that bother me, it's the behavior.
holy fucking chit checkem
controversial but there are digits on display so i'll just warn against using any adoption statistics to back a stance on race issues, because the samples are small and adoption is a totally different ballgame
choose one and only one
>peaceful Muslims
The plural of anecdote is not data.
They have to go back. Even the ones that give you boners.
When fast food employees are too nice I assume they fucked with my food and just throw it away. Unless it's Chick-fil-a or In-n-Out, because they hire nice employees and pay them well.
There is a new Burger King down the street from me, one black girl (who actually doesn't act black in the least) and the rest of the staff is whiter than Christmas in Colorado.
In a little over a month, they put the ghetto Burger King (literally 4 blocks down the street) out. It was filled with dindus of the highest possible caliber. Bright red hair, purple lipstick, xxxtra long fangernails, mixtapes on every table (I wish I was kidding, I am not).
This is in Florida.
underrated post