So someone unironically posted this on twitter. WTF

So someone unironically posted this on twitter. WTF.

Other urls found in this thread:

>that pizzagate heart in the corner

Those ovens will never be big enough. I promise you, the moment there's a legit push for lowering the age is the moment a lot of pissed off people will just edge a little bit more to violence.

Children should NOT be in gay pride parades.
Not because I'm because I'm anti-homo.
because they're fucking gross.

probably false flag by one of you faggots desu

How much for the little girl?

The woman behind this account is fucking insane

That's what I thought at first. She has a website as well.

stop pushing this false flag clovergender psyop faggot shit

Daily reminder that the idea that this would happen was called a "slippery slope"

Mad world innit?

>Average libertarian

you guys can be really committed

>one eye on the kids
>one eye on the cops

That's what I thought, bot looking at her Twitter, this lady is legit insane. Also:

> employed at starbucks and mcdonalds

Having sex at 12 years old is a bad idea for sure, but what's wrong with choosing a gender at 8? Wearing a pink T-shirt instead of a pink one (or vice versa) doesn't matter at all, does it?

desu the age of consent should be lowered to something in the 14-16 range

I knew the niggers wanted our women

Chill out Mohammed, it's not our fault your wife is of the same age

chosing a gender before your sexual organs starts fully generating their hormones doesn't make sense. A kid doesn't really know what it means becaue their hormone levels are really low and it's easy to "educate" the wrong idea on them.

Heart Progress Accounts:

>what's wrong with choosing a gender at 8
I don't know if ur aware normy but having a cock means you're a man. you can't choose

Fucking sick, this shit wouldn't be happening if Hitler won.

Fake and stupid.

pretty sure this is clover gender prt 2

I spit my drink you faggot. Have a (you)

I don´t think it is. The world is dark

This is why too much liberalism is bad. Too much conservatism is bad too, there has to be a balance.

>chosing a gender before your sexual organs starts fully generating their hormones doesn't make sense
Well, a kid choosing to become a pilot at 8 doesn't make sense either, but it's ok, they can change there mind later many times, it's kids. Why not the same with gender?

It is written "gender" not "sex".

I don't think this is serious. Even the most retarded libshits know that pedos aren't excatly safe to have around.

What are you talking about? Gender is not a choice.

Heart Progress Google Plus Group:

No, some of them don't. I would have never believed it but... I saw some pedos inside LGBT communities who try to spread their pedopropaganda and use the LGBT for own pedo intentions.

The gender you try to act as is a choice, because people can control their behavior.


You don't know it man. Here in the 1980s they were promoting it and selling it publicly in shops.
Even some politicans were promoting and legitimizing it, on national television. Those were truly degenerate times.

What? Choose how to act? by Gender? In what kind of world do you live in?

In this one. You can act like a man, or you can act like a woman. What's strange?

>choosing a gender

Jews need to all burn.

>Those ovens will never be big enough. I promise you, the moment there's a legit push for lowering the age is the moment a lot of pissed off people will just edge a little bit more to violence.

all those roasties. So terrifying.

>what's srange?

Well, what do you mean act like a woman orman? Do men act different from women?

I know. I've read that from commie propaganda when I was a kid and confirmed it later. Still, those were 1980s, by now people should be at least aware of it.

Can we stop acting like this isn't just a mental disorder please. This people are sick. They need help. They don't need our acceptance.

Holy-o fuck you're right

**these people are sick

>Do men act different from women?
Sure. There often are threads in /pol about women, and mostly about their behavior.


Are you telling me you are taking facts from Sup Forums? really?

Mate it is clearly done to show how fucking utterly stupid )AS)F/HASOIFASD+ people are in their scientific arguments.

1 (You) donated for a funny goy

>They don't need our acceptance.
Well, disabled need the acceptance too. But no one hate people and ban them from bathrooms for having one leg or one eye.

I didn't notice that. Your're right. It's all connected.

>Why not the same with gender?
because hormone therapies aren't skittles.

So you suppose that women behave exactly the same as men? Really?


i don't want to live on this fucking planet anymore

Having hormone therapy before sexual organs fully develop makes no sense.

Of course that not all women act like men, but saying that they are completely diffenrent is just wrong. We are still human not black and white.

Then end yourself.

that's a false flag if i ever seen one.
very well executed tough

12 is a tiny bit on the young side, but in nature the prime age to have birth is around 13-16.

>saying that they are completely diffenrent
I didn't say they are completely different. Just different, and these differences are actually the gender ones.

>advocating for pedophilia
Fuck it lads I'm out

>We are still human
>not black and white
By the way, that's where you went wrong. People can be white and can be black.

Ok, Ok I can see where you are coming from, and I´m ok with it.

Liberals will push pedophilia under the flag of "free love"

Huh. Ok

it's funny because feminists were the ones who pushed for age of consent back in the '60s if memory serves, and promoted the draconian laws regarding pizza.

and now the alt-right on Sup Forums of all places is calling this 'degeneracy'. what a time to be alive.

This is a concerted effort by a small group of elaborate alt-right trolls to disparage this poor woman.

It's hate! Where my waifu.

Also, I would like to apologize since my behaviour wasn´t the best to engage in a debate.

wtf she's just standing right on top of her toes

that can't be comfortable

but 12 year olds can legally fuck each other. This is fucking stupid. Old men just can't sexually prey on them.

>gender and sex
>not synonomous

>sexual predator
Pick one.


I'm reporting you to Adolf Hitler.

Mein fuhrer

"I'm old enough to have my penis sliced and diced!" says the 0-year old.

I remember my first 5-6 layers, you'll get through and understand the genious behind this


So are you guys still at shock or moved to denial?

fuck my sides
eyes on the prize boys

my mum probably would be proud actually

Your mother would be proud of you hating?

Look the truth of the matter is, at the end of the day, love is love and love has no boundaries.

It wasn't too long ago when we said the same hateful things about gays and how we shouldn't accept them, and now as a society we tend to accept gays much more than before.

The same can be said about pedophiles, society is going through the 7 stages of grief as I posted here
we're only at the beginning, but ultimately, we will inevitably achieve acceptance for all forms of love, no matter your age.

ah, makes sense

Why aren't we actively working to normalize "LGBTP"?

Make the degenerates look even more degenerate while putting the normies on a higher alert.



shit like this is disgusting


We should use pedosexual memes to take down the left and LGBT.

It's probably going to backfire on us, not that I have a problem with that...

They must be in a pickle, because pedo accusations are one of their best tools to unperson somebody.

wrong. pedophobe.

it doesnt make sense in any case

The_Donald has declared war against Sup Forums

that would be funny, except it doesn't make sense, because law enforcement doesn't go after pedos, child traffickers, and satanic ritual abusers in this country.

all this proves is that the first two are wrong

This blasphemy must end, if this problem becomes something more than a far fetched dream. We will act my friends it is our duty to keep this world safe from the horrors of the left wing. WE ARE THE BALANCE.