Is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy the most red pilled stories ever made?
>“The dwarves of course are quite obviously, wouldn’t you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews?" -JRR Tolkien
>According to his son, the Money loving Goblins and Dwarves represented different kinds of (((Semitic people))))
>The Uruk-Hai, with their slanted eyes and banners were created based off the Mongolian Horde that threatened Europeans
>The King of the Elves is mad at his daughter for race mixing with a human
>"Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them. For Death and Glory, for your people. -Aragon
Is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy the most red pilled stories ever made?
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Why do immature and simple-minded people insist on trying to make fiction fantasy narratives fit their own political leanings?
Isn't it required reading for Golden Dawn party in Greece?
While Tolkien's statement comparing Orcs to the "Mongol-types" is undoubtedly insensitive given today's standards, he does put a disclaimer, "(to Europeans,)" before "least lovely", at least recognizing Western cultural bias and also points out that they were "degraded and repulsive versions" of "Mongol-types", not actual "Mongol-types". It is worth noting that some Orcs use crooked or bent swords (Tolkien also uses the term scimitar, which are historically associated with the Middle-East).
Tolkien joined the National Front in Britain, which was lead by a neo-nazi called John Tyndall. The NF were quite a significant political force at the time, and were strong nationalists.
had a good giggle
Nice try, but Tolkien openly hated the concept of allegory and frequently spoke of how it had no place in fiction.
I wonder (((why))) he said that?
I don't think Tolkien necessarily wanted people to make those analogies, I think it just kinda turned out that way because it's hard to make complete fiction without having some real references in there. Maybe he didn't realize what he was doing.
Or maybe he did it on purpose, fuck if I know, it does kinda line up with reality though
It was also based on Nordic folklore which is always pretty fashy
After reading all of the motherfucking literature I would deny this allegory.
Tolkien was a genius, his work may be based on different human myths, but he def did not intend your analogies.
It's really sad that he couldn't finish his work.
How do you explain the direct quotes?
hmm really makes me think
>I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours! "
>'I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.
>"I liked white better," I said.
>"White! " he sneered. "It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken."
>"In which case it is no longer white," said I. "And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
He was a linguist and his whole work revolves around his constructed languages.
The entire quote is:
>The dwarves of course are quite obviously, couldn't you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic. Hobbits are just rustic English people, made small in size because it reflects (in general) the small reach of their imagination - not the small reach of their courage or latent power."
There really shouldnt be anything written after return of the king
And his son managed to finish the Silmarillion for us, so we have everything important
>And his son managed to finish the Silmarillion for us, so we have everything important
My problem is that the Silmarillion is just a literary fragment, I wonder how Tolkiens version would look like.
Really can't base fiction on absolutely nothing, even if he tried to it would still resemble something of this world we live in. Even if he was 1488 he would have denied it. Jews own just about every publishing company and would shut it down in other way if he got it published somehow.
Tolkien hated Nazis.
He was absolutely one of a kind. One of the most articulate men to have ever lived for sure.
I'm about a quarter of the way through the Silmarillion. Incredible to think what the book could've been had Tolkien truly fleshed it out to his liking.
>the race of mankind was getting diluted
>their offspring became weaker and had shorter lives
really mages you dink
It was actully based on Anglo-Saxon folklore.
Its funny that he calls the Uruk-Hai Mongols but fails to mention that most of his fictional laungages are inspired by finnish.
>The Peter Jackson movies were produced by the Weinstien Brothers.
Still makes me have an existential crisis.
Quenya, the elven language was based on Finnish. The others, not really.
Shit like this is why I come to Sup Forums
I'm of the opinion that Saruman is what powerful Jews are but this quote from the hobbit about dwarves is pretty dead on about what your typical Jew is like.
Ah shit. Pic flipped for whatever reason. Sorry
i come for nigger hate threads and happenings
Tolkien avoided to write an allegorical piece and mentions it clearly in the introduction of lotr. However, it is meant as a "fake" mythology for the eternal anglo and you have the familiar tropes which reflect from reality like danger comes from the east and foreigners who really want to fuck your shit up are dark etc. so you can interpret almost every situation in Europe into it. that's how I see it.
I like that its written more like history with less dialogue, makes it seem more ancient and important
Somehow it helps me absorb it and imagine it better
I disagree. the sil is mistake because the more you know the more of the mystery is lost.
>Saruman is the Jews in power that betray the west for evil and greedy reasons (Saruman of many colors, hes a multicultural Jew)
>Gandalf is pretty much Odin and the protector of the white race, what the Jews should have been.
>You get more powerful by becoming whiter in the series
>Black and nonwhite people are consistently seen as subhuman and evil
>Dwarves are the "good" Jews, and act like a lot of low class Jews irl
>The trilogy is literally about defending "the west" from invasion
>Elrond tries to save his daughter from race mixing with a Aragornigger
>Elvish Aryans are the master race
Before or after they went down the crazy slide?
Eowyn best waifu
>Elrond tries to save his daughter from race mixing with a Aragornigger
that's the stupidest thing I read so far
Tolkien had much materiel that was unfinished and is being polished up and released by his son
Beren and Luthien has just been released
To put allegory onto fiction defeat the entire purpose of it being fiction.
>ywn racemix with an elven qt
What if the elves are non acting pedes and the orcs are the corrupt acting ones.
I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf. What about dying side by side with a friend.
Orcs were elves once.
its a shame they kind of fucked her big scene up in the movie, I liked this version much better
>Imagine getting to fug this immortal elf thats crazy for you BHC (Big Human Cock)
>Imagine being a shriveled old man still getting the succ from a 10/10 Elvish princess
>Imagine fugging this hot elvish slut for a 100+ years until your body finally gives out from snu snu
>Imagine fugging a girl who is said to physically resemble the most beautiful woman that ever lived and is hinted to be her reincarnation
Elrond was pissed because Elvish sluts cant resist the Big Human Cock
much better than boring ass arwin or whatever that elf chick's name was. the one who need to switch from decaf to regular.
aw shit no way. I read the story in The Silmarillion. How is this one different?
he wasnt mad that she took the EWC (enormous western cock) but that he will never see her again and she will die.
Elrond mother took the BHC too, hence Elrond "Halfelven" maybe he thought that too much mixing would just wash the elve out completely.
being elvish is a choice for mixed ones. not to mention that happened like twice in all lotr history
Except they never actually did the act, no?
I think the point of this whole thing was more about how no matter how much you love someone, there are things that are simply not meant to be. Beside in the end Aragorn got Eowyn and it all was for the better, especially since it united both Rohan and Gondor, pretty much putting a definitive end to the dangers the eastern world could bring them (while Sauron was finally vanquished, doesn't mean the entire world to the east wasn't still striving) and putting an end to the conflict between them.
Posting best scenes
>Sauron whispering "Aragorn" and "Elessar" to Aragorn, trying to tempt him to abandon his army and join him to break the moral of all his soldiers
>That look on Aragorns face, just accepting his defeat and suicidally charging in spite
>I cant carry it for you... But i can carry you!
>What are men to do against such reckless hate?
>Ride out. Ride out and meet them.
Fucking excellent lines. Gets me every time
>she will die.
She cant handle life without the BHC
They had a child, I think
Orcs are muslims and need to be genocided
pj is a hack and just copy& pasted some of the lines. you should read the book. rotk is the most heroic and inspiring piece of literature ever written. at least for a man.
>you should read the book
Im reading the series now. I read the Fellowship through and im about 50 pages in the Two Towers.
Its fascinating seeing so many things in the movie explained or given more context.