Sup Forums was always a just an elaborate "Look at how retarded I am" type of meme. But it seems that in recent years it has attractacted and been flooded with retards that actually believe this dumb shit. Is Sup Forums a perfect example of Poe's law? And if so, how do we make the people on Sup Forums realize how autistic and retarded they are?
kill yourself you fucking moron
>hhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr strrrrraaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeen
>why doooont you fucking conservative retards just agree with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
saged, hidden and kill yourself you fucking swedish cuck
>TFW you can't refute OP
>Sup Forums are bible-thumping neo-cons
Nice try, Swedecuck. sage
You sound like you need a hug from a big strong man like me. I will whisper "Everything will be alright." in your ear.
>Implying Sup Forums isn't
fixed and also more accurate because it's what is going to happen
I unironically want to change the first amendment to exclude islam
>implying there's something wrong with that
not surprised after seeing that flag
That is literally how religions work, moron.
This is why you're being overrun by shitskins.
Muslims aren't people.
Are you fucking retarded?
Well it sure as shit doesn't apply to some sand niggers who believe if they blow themselves up they'll receive virgins as a token, or that women should dress like ghosts, or that people who aren't like them should be killed, or that pork and alcohol should be illegal, or that women shouldn't be allowed to drive, vote ... a lot of things, essentially making 50% of the population second class citizens or th..
You see where this is going right? Fuck you cuck, these people rule your country already and will be your majority in less than 15 years if you don't straighten up and fly right.
Enjoy your trucks of peace faggot and shut the fuck up no one cares what you think.
>implying it is
>typed Sven as his wife was being plowed by the fifth Somalian refugee this week
>TFW you're a religious fanatic afraid of other religious fanatics
You all sound like small, terrified and cowardly little women. You all need hugs from a big strong man like me.
- i am against big government (no world police project, no mass surveillance, etc.)
- i am pro healtcare that is ___mandatory___ for every empolyer to buy for every employee but not the providers aren't goverment controlled
- immigrants are ok, except ones incompatible with current society (muslims are enirely fucked up, sharia law, honor killings, kafirs, rape, IQ, etc.)
- church and sate mos def separated (church can be closed down for good)
- freedom of religion is ok until the first strike of another human being in the name of the religion, than that religion is banned
>you want to defend your country and your way of life?
>you must be gay lol
muslims are the ones coddled by the state and their jewish masters
OP's likely a muslim, he's on the side of destroying Sweden which is why he finds it funny.
Whoever drew that comic needs to make it more obvious which one is the strawman. When they look identical, people might start assuming the author is afraid of Muslims himself.
Here, use my template.
Nice comic user
>1st pic
Woun't work, if muslim population goes up they will start rioting like in europe and go around with signs lie ''death to those who insult islam''
and ''islam for america''
I am an atheist myself so yeah the guy is dumb but why should we take any refugees?Why?it's not our problem they are retards who go to war becouse of imaginary gods.
Okay yes so?
Taking in refugees would make situation eaven WORSE yes it's bad but taking them in would make eaven more homeless people like in europe.And we allready are helping our vets.
How do you plan funding planed parenhood exacly?
Handing out condoms or something?People are idiots and you know it moast of these poor kid come from black comonities becouse blacks leave their woman also social weltheare for poor kids would make it eaven worse they would make eaven more kids and woman would marry state instead of men, like in america right now.
How is that related to planed helthcare exacly?
Also there is allready easy acess for people to helthcare.puting it on huge social welthere funds would make it shitier becouse there would be no competition.
Constitution was writed 300 years ago in USA it can and should be changed if nesecary.
It can be changed as i said also they wrote relligious freedom before the time when muslims came in souch a huge amounts.
Islam is like christianity in 13th of century it's diferant then budishm or christianity
I personaly would be ok if islam would be primary relligion in europe for example, but only if it would be whites who would practice it and it wouldn't mean that midle eastern low IQ shitskins would take over.
You don't have to refute a strawmen, cuck.
LMAO Pölsecuck. Keep being a scared little girl. Otherwise I might take the Öresundståg down to your shithole and make your sister realize how soft her pussy is compared to my big hard Muslim cock. ;)
fixed the comic
You sounded like a rational human being right up until just before the end.
I for one agree with you on the religion, fuck people can worship a talking cat for all I care and I'd be ok with it being the primary/majority religion -- as long as it didn't affect other people including but not limited to people who don't subscribe to the religion of the talking cat.
Aand there's the problem.
That comic is starwman, false dichotomy, appeal to emotion all rolled into one. It's like you took every logical fallacy from the sticky and rolled them into one image. There is no way to logically refute an illogical argument. You will put your head in the sand and double down on the fallacies.
You don't understand. This is the product of a literal brainwashing campaign by the elites. The stupid had no chance.
That comic goes full retard at the second panel because it assumes all the people against sharia and other mudslime bullshit are bible thumping christians. I'm also all for socialism/state welfare as long as the money doesn't go to """"""""refugees""""""""
If the religion is about interfering with other people's human rights, then it's not really a religion. That's some moral relativism bullshit right there, as if I'm supposed to just accept muhammed railing some 9 year old because "durr relujus freedum".
Didn't read. Bad meme.
>separating church and state will stop the muslims from being let in
first panel is wrong
>Handing out condoms or something?
They tried that. Didn't work. Turns out it they don't care about having stuff, only about keeping other people from having stuff.
As long as the jews who control you get to keep fucking yours m8
You no fucking idea what you are talking about.
I don't give a shit if you just believe something and it does not affect anybody else (Like 99% of christians) and your relligion is basically based on "don't be a dick to others" not when your religion is based on "Throw people who don't believe it and have different interests than you off the roofs"
its reddits "the donald" board who think Sup Forums is supposed to be a dumping ground for that kind of shit
Did I accidentally break you or something? Why did you post almost the same thing twice? Relax, I'll be gentle with your sister. I'll get her to come at least twice before I bust my huge load in her.
You lurk here waiting for a response, I posted that then removed within 10 seconds. I think you're projecting m8.
No, I just wanted to remind you that your entire family gets fucked by the jews all the time to keep you in the nice bux.
If you notice the first sentence implied it would have been the first time. Quick correction I apologize.
"Separating church and state" is hardly going to prevent an overthrow of the state by people who wish to violently impress their religion on the rest of the country. Not letting such people into the country in the first place however is a surefire way of negating even the possibility of such a scenario.
If you say so.
What else could it be?
I'm simply laughing at what a gullible person and people you are.
Shadilay friend.
Okay captain sweden.
What is your problem exacly?
What "dumb shit" are you shocked about people taking seriously?
Du lyder som en skræmt lille pige, der har brug for et knus fra en stor stærk mand som mig.
Well, that Christianity is great and that everyone should indoctrinate their children with it for starters.
Okay i can agree, but then again what about islam?
Fuck all religions, including Islam.