>not being American
Why even live?
>not being American
Why even live?
he said, posting from an american IP.
Good thread OP
You're LITERALLY a failure race. Don't talk Muhammad.
fpbp lmao
American by choice here from Norway. I love it here.
>tfw American but wish I was Norwegian
to not be american
German humour, everyone.
You need to go back (and take me with you)
You're not Anglo.
You should switch
What do you do for fun?
This is the beginning of the end... Where will the new age hitler be born?
> being part of the the country full of sharts in marts, nigs and also responsible for 99.9% of all major acts of terrorism across the world
I go back every year for Christmas an a few birthdays but I live in the suburbs of Atlanta.
Shoot, vidya, shoot, fuck, shoot, excersise a lot, shoot.
we need more people like you, tell your friends to come
The best part about it is, everyone can be American!
Ah who am I kidding, we rule the world. You're all American whether ya realize it or not!
What's your gun and state?
>be from any other developed nation
>Get sick
>Go to a doctor
>Get surgery and a thousand different meds, whatever you need really
>Not die
>Go about your life without being in crippling debt from medical bills
We live because we don't need to worry about potentially being dead
you mongrels are all 1/10 german anyway
you're knocking yourself
>literally an isis supporter as londonistans mayor
We're mostly German actually. I'm a kraut-mick with French ancestry as well.
For the day we get round to taking back what's ours, rebel scum
>all these brainwashed burgers
enjoy your ZOG
All of my immediate family is here (parents and siblings) and we have a few family friends here as well.
Waaaay more than one.
I browse /k/ a lot and some anons sold me on a few like a SCAR, AR-10, and 3 1911s. But I've got a few that I rarely shoot just maintain and collect.
living the dream user
Isn't it weird to think how we were born in America? We're part of the lucky few who were born in the most prosperous country to ever exist. It's like being born in Rome during the height of the Roman Empire.
Georgia, suburbs of Atlanta
Because one day i will be.
>keeps eyeing that MAVNI poster.
>orgasmic freedom.
>1/10 Czech
>1/10 Italian
>1/10 Swedish
>1/10 German
>1/10 Dutch
>1/10 Spanish
>1/10 Mexican
>1/10 Ashkenazi
>1/10 Cherokee
>1/10 African American
Every European I know would emigrate to America without hesitation.
The problem is we're not Mexicans or something, so it's impossible.
>being American post the Eleventh, of the Ninth, of Two Thousand and One
Oh, I live in St. Augustine, FL. Oldest European city in the Americas, you should visit sometime. The Spanish first landed here. Being in this city always makes me race concious, I know it does the same for the Jews living here.
>great taste in funs
>excercise and vidya
dear god we need more immigrants like you. instead we get shitloads of beans and rich asian kids
Why would you voluntarily be within 200 miles of Niglanta for?
>t.20 miles from Little Rock and wishing I was 1,000 miles away.
We want all the Northern European immigrants we can get, that's our people. Except Fingoloids that is.
>Every European I know would emigrate to America without hesitation.
Then you only know retarded Europeans.
Why do yuropoors have to ruin every single American thread?
You.... are not fucking Anglo.
before you die, go to youtube and search for "actual eagle sound"
t cocksucking lazy gypsy
I can live longer then you so thats good. also non poisoned tap water here
I've only been to Florida once and that was for a trip to Disney with my kids, great place desu. But I'd gladly check out Augustine.
I like the beans though, well, the Cubans anyway as unmarried one.
ATC at Hartsfield Jackson for the shekels
Hey man, I love the finsk
>Europeans wanting to live in murica
Fucking why.
I'm always under the impression that Europeans only want to come to America because of degenerate Jewish hollywood. Maybe I am wrong, maybe they just want to be near to their American Aryan kinfolk