There's so much wrong with the picture that it hurts just to even look at it

>haha we're just like you goys-i mean guys! ahah x]

This is what you created.

Do you feel proud?

Here we go again

>Hey guys, i am with Sup Forums now
>SHADILAY,BASED TRUMP, KEKISTAN...i am one of you now..right?!?!?!


Don't stick your dick in crazy

you might lose it


>There's so much wrong with the picture that it hurts just to even look at it
I agree. It actually does hurt part of my soul.


Goddamn it hurts to even think it....

At least they are putting a cute millenial spin that every SJW could enjoy.

Either way, there is what? Like a dozen of these fucking retards out there.......

Who is to say that this is not another Sup Forums counter-ops to make reddit look like a bunch of fucking retards?

Is this the upside down?



>take Sup Forums seriously

has obviously never come here

>Sup Forums is a serious business, us nazis rite? XD

new level of attention whoring
apparently being social warrior has become passe.
Fucking normis

cartoonposters and serbs have never been welcome if you want to go way back

Fuck off shill.

back to /ptg/ containment zone

Why do you guys care about this shit so much? The bandwagoning normies who do cringe shit like OP's pic and the fat cake dude will never last here. They'll get bored and leave because no one gains personal attention or recognition on Sup Forums. People who do this cringe shit are doing it FOR ATTENTION. Which they can't get here. So quit bitching and moaning about it.

Don't you have a goat to fuck, Tonibler?

>when Tuta Bugarin atempts to be funny
here is (You)


the white man just stands there like a cuck like the people you idiots insult for having different opinions, ha!

>when leddit latches onto something

kill it with fire


Fuck off, shill. Sup Forums will not abandon Trump for bombing some communist shitskins in the uninhabitable desert.

Go away, we're the Sup Forums now.

i started browsing /Sup Forums / 6 months ago you guys changed my life i am nat soc now

Newfag get out


i'd stand behind to peep dat booty too

Can you imagine what the history books are gonna look like 30 years from now?