How do we fix white women?
How do we fix white women?
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get a gf
You don't fix white women.
YOU stop being a BETA piece of shit.
t. roastie
why do you care? fuck women.
ur a beta
How do we fix white people in general?
They are literal buzzkills everywhere you go and try so fucking hard to fit in.
So you either have pathetic fuckin albino faggots or annoying and awkward whites trying to act cool.
How do we fix that?
>ur a beta
You can tell this faggot is a fuckin beta. End yourself.
We don't.
I can't say that I wouldn't do the same thing.
That's fucking disgusting
We choose Asian women.
I'm sure this user of a Hutu machete making forum is the pinnacle of alphaness
no u end urself u idiot
> if we just keep pretending women are exactly the same as they've always been, and keep shaming men for not marrying the roastie whores they've become, surely birthrates will rise without us taking the scary step of criticizing female behavior
1poo treat for the doggone pupper
Fuck and marry them young so that their source of influence and guidance is the husband and not public education and (((media))). The burgers will get triggered by this because jewish brainwashing has the most impact their.
Fuck women, get into 2d anime girls.
Yes. Set the example and be what women really need/want. Build your confidence, be a fucking man for a change.
Why would anyone want to end white women? the blondes are great.
of course its a fucking leaf
mmmm poo smell
I. Rigorous self-improvement.
II. Find your place in a hierarchy and embrace it.
III. Hold traditional views publicly.
VI. Find a church you like; do what you can to improve it and become a community fixture.
V. Wife a traditional qt. Raise traditional children.
That was terrible. Wish I didn't watch that...
Quite frankly most girls are idiots and are very easily manipulated.
You guys are losers.
>He doesn't eat ass
Bitch ass nigga
>watching porn
The same way you fix niggers, and jews. Genocide
Whould you tolerate the shitty behavior of white women if the same behavior was done by niggers, jews or fags?
enough pol for me today
with jesus.
We all know the solution.
Why am I not surprised.
Find yourself a white woman that's part of the 52 percent that voted for Trump, then have children with her.
First thing to do is realize that other women are exactly the same or worse
>women are perfect goddesses and never do wrong
>it's all men's fault and men need to change
And the cuck award goes to ....
Men need to fix women. They won't do it themselves.
Achmed go home
Our ancestors knew how.
It was called "the rule of thumb."
Everyone knows white men are better than white women in every way. We only let white women have an ego so they don't all kill themselves for how inferior they are. Imagine living in a world filled with amazing technology, and innovation and your people had no hand in creating or even manufacturing it. If women had the minds of men and saw this they would worship the people who brought it into the world. Women and niggers on the other hand have to worship ghosts or spirits because they are stupid.
sauce pls
First of all, stop watching porn already, faggot.
Second, watch this video:
Third, grow a fucking pair and do what you KNOW you have to do.
Pic related: Me and my friends from Kommando MRA Gallaecia.
By fixing yourself first. Women naturally follow a strong and disciplined man's lead right?
You don't want promiscuous women? Stop sleeping around with them then. It takes 2 to tango, and if you are sleeping around a lot yet still complaining about whores, well congrats, YOU are contributing to the goddamned problem.
Get some self-respect, develop self-control and discipline, and stay monogamous.
We need to fix the law. Violence against women should be encouraged because of how bad they are.
>> tfw you do that in real life and you smell nothing but fish and shit...
heres how to fix women:
>stop being a beta
>go get a girlfriend
>treat her like shit
>she remains faithful because you treat her like shit
the first step is the hardest, believe me
Stop being a pussy. If you can't handle the wiles of women you have no one to blame but yourself.
jesus fuck
haha... fucking leaf... I shut that shit down... no faggot leaf is smart enough to trick me with /b tier. try harder.
>52% voted for trump
This is true. but most of them are incredibly old and thus undateable.
Subjugating women by force. Turning women back into property.
Oh wait, that's hard and makes me feel kind of bad. Guess I better go back to being a cuck like and rewarding women for their shitty behavior.
You take away their rights and treat them like property.
t. future alimony payer
Be a fag
Leaf genocide when
Stop dating whores