Is his latest comic Matt Furie has killed off Pepe the Frog! The fucking monster!
Pepe is dead!
Other urls found in this thread:
Matt Furie lost control of pepe a long time ago
he resurrected, and became the antichrist
>implying this makes any difference to how we use him
Someone make a "return of Superman" Pepe with a mullet
The sigil is broken, then
He comes
What was the last thing Furie published?
>he resurrects as Kek on the third day
>global nuclear war begins May 9th
Mark your calendars, lads.
He created a monster. One he did not understand and could not control. It drove him to hate Pepe. He resented his own creation so much that he finally wanted its existence to end.
This will not be the end though and this will haunt him. He thought he put his monster in the grave but it will continue to taunt him forever, until the day he eventually turns mad. He will walk the streets mumbling about how he never meant this to happen. He will punish himself every day for creating the symbol of what he hates the most. He will turn to drugs and alcohol. He will lurk in Sup Forums every day until the day he dies. Crying silently, the salty tears falling onto his keyboard.
drip... drip... drip...