Women are adapting to the falling marriage rates. They are pretending to be traditional women who never sucked a dick before. Then they snag a beta provider who wishes to create a large conservative family. But this will not last cause they are unable to pair bond. Being degenerate before meeting their beta. It will end up in divorce cause she wont be satisfied. And there will be hordes of single mothers.
Red pilled women
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That is mostly right. Of course exceptions exist, but mostly spot on.
only virgins talk like this
What bothers me about the dual standard thing is women's inability to see the sexual market for most men. They do not see that there is a difference in how easy women have it to get laid compared to the average man.
Your shaming tactics make you sound like a woman.
That is a major problem and why casual sex trends basically look like harems for Chads
Have you read those female dating blogs? They think that men choose women. And that men refuse to commit, and just want to have one night stands.
God I hate when i meet a decent girl - usually millenails in the 23-27 rnage since im a thirties guy. They start out great then as soon as things arent going completely thir way they try and make you jealous, or brag about their exploits like a man. So off putting makes me immediately hit the dump/gas button.
Yes, and I regret doing so. Don't get dating advice from women. Get dating advice from men who successfully date women. If you aren't Chad, find the closest guy to you who still has some success. Women lie to themselves and each other about nearly everything. They are horrible sources for information.
Also, many Chads basically do that because they can. The funny part is that most of them are completely honest and women go along with it and then lie about being misled later.
I find it difficult to justify the idea of dating and getting married in this day and age. If that contributes to the collapse of civilization, so be it, since society exists for the benefit of women.
Some female journalists are honest. And admit to not caring about the bottom 80 %.
Getting married is not some end of a chapter. Women will divorce you cause you're not good enough. Even after getting kids and a house. (Assuming the kids are yours.)
It will happen more and more, unfortunately, plenty of people even on Sup Forums will fall for it and wind up getting divorce raped.
Yeah exaclty ive basically given up on being married. Unless some 18 year old virgin church girl comes along im not rolling th dice on a roastie. Too many people have had it bad that i know.
I still like getting laid though. I'm tall, but chubby and can easily pull tail. Learned to harness my energy into getting laid easily but the flip side of the coin is that after some of the things that women have done with me without any remorse and with very little prompting or courting makes me never trust any of them and have a deep belief that 99% of women are whores deep down inside.
>most men have given up on life
holy fuck these guys are delusional. They need to get off the computer. The losers who spend all day doing nothing all get together on the internet and suddenly feel like they're in the majority. Protip, they're not.
>They think that men choose women
It's kinda true
Men compete for women and women compete for the alpha male.
Even you Pajeet? Don't your mother and auntie find you a wife?
That's what they think because that's all that is in their frame of reference, because they're only going for the high status and/or most physically attractive men.
If a woman does not immediately think "I want to fuck him" and/or "I want his money" on first sight, he does not exist to her as a "man". He's just a flesh and blood automaton, a NPC that you talk to only if you have to.
There are many good men, women just don't want them. They then blame society for their own irrationally high standards.
I recommend reading pic related, very powerful.
Women don't even like men. Most/all of them are closeted homosexuals who only use men as an easy meal ticket because they're too fucking useless to function otherwise.
This is the final redpill.
I am talking about western countries where hypergamy exist.
I am already married, arranged ofcourse
The white race needs babies. Impregnate at all costs young old traditional conservative mgtow is a Jewish trick
From what I've heard women search for Lesbian porn because it's actually targeted at women and thus focuses on the women's erogenous zones. Male porn appeals to the male sexual fantasy of "young woman genuinely enjoys sex with me", not to whatever women's' fantasies are.
This thread is so fucking cringey it hurts to read
Can you folks stop using the term "Chad" to describe attractive and successful men? Holy fuck how low is your self-esteem to talk this way
Also fyi, men do choose women. Men set the conditions for women to be attracted to them. Women do not choose men. Get it straight. If you haven't realized this yet, you haven't dated enough women in your life yet
it's "targeted at women" because women are dykes
Women choose. Men propose, women dispose. The ultimate final say belongs to the female of the species. They have eggs, we have sperm. They carry babies and give birth, we bust a nut. This means that, in strictly reproductive terms, women are worth more than men.
But women's innate Hypergamy means that they just plain don't want most men. The rub is that you need most men to have a stake in society if you want stability and peace. The way you do that is monogamy. You regulate the female tendency to cheat and "trade up" and the male tendency to bail out after busting a nut.
Calm down becky
bro...have you ever spoken to a girl in your life
how fucking delusional are you. get off the Internet and go outside
If you want to keep making excuses as to why you are a virgin at 30, feel free to do so. Plenty of men enjoy women. Shame you haven't figured out how to make yourself attractive to others
>successful men?
In case Chads were actually successful, women wouldn't seek a beta provider.
90% of eggs in women are gone by the time they're age 30. If they're not less than 23 and tradcon they're a waste of your time.
you are truly stupid
For marriage, certainly.
wow, such a great argument.
Fucking fat 'muri-tard.
Ok roastie
the fact that you had that picture saved on your HDD kind of says everything. Good luck in life buddy, hopefully you figure it out before you an hero yourself
oh wait
It seems you are actually a kike or even a Chad.
Go kill yourself. Hopefully soon. Fucking loser.
Not an argument and I'm not your bro.
Basic biology isn't hard, kid. But hey denying fundamental fact is the in thing right now, so knock yourself out.
>all this projection from a comment and a meme
>Posts: 5
>Arguments: 0
It's like you think you're fucking with /r9k/. This is Sup Forums, bitch.
>LTR material
What does LTR mean? I don't want to lurk moar
Is this true or just Sup Forums virginspeak?
Sometimes I wonder if these threads are used to backwards-rationalize why we're all alone, and attracted to 18 year olds after we turn 22
>being this new
>opening your cock holster
Choose 1
He's just stating a fact
>doesn't understand a normie expression
You don't need to lurk moar you need to read a book
I know of men who would still take that on.
tits or gtfo
I sort of disagree about this "regressing to a primitive model of breeding". Most hunter-gatherer societies are monogamous. Polygamy only really develops at later stages of civilization.
This is self selecting for women who view porn
It is true that women control the sexual and relationship market. Most just dont realize it. Most think men control it because men are expected to ask, therefore they feel limited to only those who will ask them. The truth is, they mostly control which men ask them based on their behavior and they have the final yes/no because the man has already said yes when he asked
Women choose, men approach.
>dumb cunt detected
good pic
it's been replicated in random samples as well
I got into /r/seduction, then was a early member of /r/TheRedPill and after a lot of time/effort, I struggle to recommend this path to anyone.
I am fit to impress women, work a great job to impress women, have a dope apartment to impress women and drive a nice car to impress women.
I'm a peacock. But now that I look back on all this, and all I've got, I'm not happy.
You could get 80% of what I've done with 12% body fat, 6 months of talking to someone new every day and a motorcycle.
>Most hunter-gatherer societies are monogamous
You got it backwards, In hunter-gatherer societies it was quite common for men to die early so long term monogamous relations was literally impossible. Monogamy only developed at later stages of civilization.
>cock holster
God damn it. I want to raise a big strong family, but marriage has become such a gamble that I don't think I can do it. I'm going to fucking die alone, thanks feminism
It's true, women are just generally pickier than men. Again, it goes back to the ratio of sperm to eggs, and the fact that pregnancy and childbirth is insanely taxing on the body whereas it's easy to bust nut.
Sure there are men who use it as a rationale to not bother anymore, but to pretend the deck isn't stacked against you by nature as an average or below average man is just denial of biological truth.
That's nature, but throw in the internet and dating apps that present women with a menu of cock on demand, and you have a way by which women can disqualify you with a swipe of the finger. Men who may have had a chance by meeting "organically" in person are now sort of lost in the shuffle.
Then even if you do get a relationship it may not be worth it since the social standards of behavior for women are pretty lax now.
Basically there's less and less incentive for men to bother with finding a woman and making a family now.
>must be 6'3 (my friend's bf is 6'2 and I have to beat her)
>i'm 5'1
Protip: There's absolutely 0 incentive to contribute to a failing society like this and everybody knows it
you think that's bad?
Fair nuff
Uh, most PEOPLE get more conservative, family minded, and religious as they get older. This is not new nor specific to wimmins.
Sick argument you retarded faggot
This is sad dude. I will pray for you.
Imagine all the potential your mom and dad thought you had as they held you as a baby only for you to go on and make this post.
Especially if you actually did all that. But like i said I'm mostly sad for you and will hope you find God.
>Can you folks stop using the term "Chad" to describe attractive and successful men?
No. See below why
>men do choose women
Only Chad does. Not always.
Haha. What a horrible cunt.