Macron Leaks contain secret plan to Islamicize France
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For the average frog, yes.
Frog of kek tell me the truth.
Does everybody live in a nice countryside or do they not notice the cities are getting blacked up harder than I fucked your mom last night?
Also can you correlate this with how the doctors, lawyers, and engineers are going to pay for pensions?
Cognitive bias is a hell of a thing.
Welcome to the 40 hours work week to pay for them.
If it's about paying our own official "clean" imams Holland started it and nobody really refused it, laicity is too problematic and pretentious, it's easier to make islam the state religion at this point.
>The (((EU))) brings in millions of Muslims invaders
>Faggots believe they have discovered a secret to learn that this is all an effort to undermine the West by way of mass immigration
It is interesting how so many faggots still do not understand that these mass immigration policies are intended to build an irreversible army of invaders that no domestic population can resist without actual war.
"Secret" Plan
>Bring in millions of "immigrants"
>Undermine the peoples ability to resist by ensure these invaders have voting rights and "protections"
>When domestic populations resist use the invaders as an intimidation mechanism (terrorism) and voting block during elections to ensure their candidate is elected
>Invaders breed and within a decade the population is beyond the point of no return and RIP
What is so hard to understand?
>Whats so hard to understand?
The purpose
Can't Frogs just go on bennies while working under the table? May as well suck the system dry instead of feeding it
Ask the french fries.
They seem to not like being made to work more than 35 hours a week. Maybe it's strange they like half of Africa.
Total centralized control, I'd say. Once the standard of living is significantly lower and many people need assistance just to get basic amenities, the oh-so-virtuous government will ask for more power in order to 'help'.
The end-game is getting people to the point where they think they need communism/socialism, and then using that as a means to obtain control over everybody.
But the Muslims will just kill them?
They are suicidal in their desire as the ends justify the means.
Take terrorist attacks for example. Countries in Europe like Sweden have accepted the idea that terrorist attacks are all apart of the cost of diversity. Diversity for the sake of diversity. The problem is we all get drug along with their experiment.
Look the french girls allready cover them selfs in silver
so if he wins are frogs going to start a new crusade
I don't think they'd mind Sharia law so much as long as they get to run the regime. Totalitarianism has many different flavors, all fine with the elites as long as they get to keep running the show.
But user, the crusade startet in 2003, remember?
this sadly
He could have announced it as a policy at this point tbqh
It's a very easy decision.
France can make up excuses for Le Pen, or France an make up excuses for Macron. Which excuses do you have?
Why even live when your enemies are in power and the world is going to shit, all I can do is watch it getting fucked.
My shitty oversized farm that I call a country doesn't even have a right wing party, by the time we will Europe will be completely fucked, I don't know about you but I don't want children in this world.
You don't really have to worry romania. No one wants to move to your gypsy land.
But it's not about my land, this is ottoman empire 2.0, even if they won't move from western Europe, we will be a vassal state
Well that's one way to look at it. You're kind of forgetting how the left/right paradigm works though:
>right wingers typically build society up
>bring order and value to society
>left starts chipping away at edifice of society
>right wing has a hard time fighting because leftists can wait and attack weak points(children, women)
>leftists erode society over a long time replacing old values with new destructive ones
>the right wing upheld the order and tolerated the newer values creeping into life because the order was worth preserving
>eventually the order is destroyed too
>right has nothing left to defend at some point
>self-imposed shackles removed, the right puts its full energy into creating a new order and values
>total war ensues
You're at the point now where typical right wingers are giving up on the system because it doesn't work. At some point it's not worth preserving and so people begin acting accordingly in an unjust society. Obviously no one wants total war but there's not much europe can do to avoid it now. The left has set you on an unavoidable path, luckily the destination isn't set yet. Good luck gypo. Also: