post picture with more talent, i dare you
protip; you can't
post picture with more talent, i dare you
protip; you can't
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A faggot and a leaf. Picture with talent. Pick one.
Shut up toothpaste, this is an alt-lite board now.
Do either of them have any talent in anything other than public speaking? Genuinely curious. Just activating my almonds here for a second and wondering if these people are even worth idolising if they can't even do anything.
>two kikes
>a fag and some whore
>literally two worthless mouthpieces shouting inflammatory shit to get attention
If this is the best speakers we have for conservatism today, then we are truly near the end time
I can't post a picture of two Jews who have sucked more nigger dick, so you got me beat on that atleast.
Quite easy