The Future Is Dark

>pic related

You are looking at the future Sup Forums

>It's the year 2250, and the world is 90% African. Whites died off long ago, and the Asians are about to go extinct. Religion no longer exists because the Africans are too stupid to "wonder" about anything.

>Israel is the world's super power, and they are living like King's on earth as they have enslaved 20 Billion Negros. Once the Jews successfully killed off the smartest people (the whites) everything started going their way. They feed the Negros very little and give them almost no water, to keep them as week and dumb as possible. This new future negro race has an average IQ of 45, just smart enough to do physical labor but not understand much.

>The world sees no technological advancements regarding AI or robots, because the Jews know that if they invent AI it will overthrow them, so they use the Negros instead of robots.

If you think this sounds like fiction, allow me to show you the facts.

>average birthrate among Whites is 1.5
>average birthrate among Asians is 1.3
>for a race to survive it must stay at an average of 2.0

The Jews are purposefully lowering birthrates in places with high IQ’s because smart people get in the way of their plans. Whites and Asians are the smartest people on earth, and so they will be the first to go. They need to make humanity as stupid as possible for easy control.

Now, where are the highest birthrates in the world?
>average birthrate in Africa is a whopping 7.9
>by the year 2050, there will be more Africans on earth than any other race
>right now Asians are at the top, but the Asian population will be cut IN HALF in only 50 years if current trends continue

And wouldn’t you guess, Africans have the lowest IQ’s in the world.

What would be the point in having a bunch of niggers in a highly technological world? They've already enslaved whites - nobody cares about anything other than their career, their Facebook and some dumb television show.

Here is a nice gif of population growth that demonstrates when Africans will pass Asians.

There will be 12 Billion Africans by the year 2150.

To put that in perspective, there are only 8 billion humans on earth in total right now.

How will the niggers feed themselves? We all know for a fact that they can't run an international economy and are basically living off first world welfare.

Keep in mind this gif includes Indians, but I have excluded Indians in my estimations because they are retarded shitskins. So this will happen much faster than gif shows. About 50 years earlier.

>yes goyim make more useless children instead of not importing niggers and deporting
Lets compete some more, because that really worked out so well for you in just about nowhere.
All you need is 1 Stalin and he will deport all niggers in max 2 days. First fix white community you already have, instead of building misery. Gulag for traitor free trade migrant capitalists, that's the only cure.

Did you even read this? The Jews will keep them feed. They will get one small meal a day. They will grow their own food, the Jews will show them and help them. They just need to keep them alive to do labor.

But look, I'm just trying to give a picture of what the Jews are aiming for. I want people to understand that they want all the smart people dead, and that means the entire white race must go.

I couldn't imagine the Han-Chinese going extinnct, on the contrary they'll most likely become the global daddies after whitey bites the dust. I doubt even (((they))) will be able to defeat them, maybe (((they))) wont even try.

>>average birthrate in Africa is a whopping 7.9
Holy shit. Proofs?

Why is that? You don't think the rice people can be infiltrated like the whites were? What happens when the Jews start having children with the Chines? Now they will look like them and have infiltrate like they did in Europe and Americs

besides, they control the work banks even in china

Overpopulation will kill them anyway. Darwin always wins.

High child marriage rates – 12% of girls in sub-Saharan Africa are married off before the age of 15 – mean a longer childbearing window.

At least the animal porn industry will be thriving

How? They are becoming more and more wealthy as they grow. It's estimated that the average person working in africa will make twice as much as they do now in the next decade, and since they will have more money they will have even MORE baby nigglets.

Quit feeding the Africans and the problem will sort itself out.

If whites are so smart why can't they stop the negro problem?

they've already created the sides in the race war. notice how anyone who is not white is now a "POC". the kikes have a unique ability to be simultaneously part of the white majority and an oppressed minority, so regardless of the outcome, they will benefit. it will either be as OP describes, or whites will find our balls and unite in which case the jew rats will simply retreat back to shadows

(((they))) will not do that.

whites are not feeding them

the joos are keeping them alive, using america to do it

>mfw even beaners will start to lose out to niggers

Guys, I think we ought to put our differences aside and take this nigger and kike problem on together

We can go back to hating each other after

works for me

Anyone got any statistics on Jewish birthrates?
It could lend credence to the white genocide theory.

Then what can we do to stop it?

its not over til its over


>by 2200 the world will look like fucking Mad Max, just with niggers

We can easily stop this by just killing the niggers. It's not even that hard since they can't aim for shit. Just nuke all of the majority black cities and then send in some heavily armed troops to pick off the stragglers.

I don't know man, I've been working on the angle that niggers an kikes aren't native to this side of the hemisphere and that unlike the whites, they weren't the ones to bring western civilization and I've got most of my family to understand it

I have a feeling that most whites don't like niggers and kikes, every time I hang out with whites I try to lighten the mood with some racist jokes and remarks, you can almost see the relief wash over them when they see they can be themselves around you

The Han are not charitable and they are not multicultural.

If the whites die Africa starves and becomes a hell on earth and no one will be alive to give a shit about muh holocaust.

Thats a long bayonet.

3.2 in Israel

for you


Was getting caught up in a murderous trench warfare part of your plan?

What beautiful men

I love this kind of pictures

who is going to do this when our countries are controlled by jews?

Well from my own experience people over here also don't have a real liking of niggers too, i can make a racist joke with almost anyone and they just laugh and get reliefed.

>mfw Sup Forums will consider this LARPing but OP's description of the future is literally identical to the Jewish version of "heaven" (all property confiscated, world inducted into global slavery to the Jews)

TFR has been trending down in Africa for sometime. I don't know where you pulled 7.9 from but several African nations are below replacement as it is, the rest are going down. The highest is Niger at 6.6 TFR.
The lowest is Mauritius at 1.75

Even one nigger is too many, but use real numbers OP.


I want you retards to Google the term Malthusian catastrophe and tell me what you find

Who says we can't take them back? Even if we can't and whites are wiped out, the Jews will only inherit a world of niggers that they can't control. Whites can hardly contain them now and there are more of us that there are Jews. The Jews are able to control whites because they respect the rule of law. Niggers do not. No matter what happens, the Jews will lose in the end.


Right now we still have the capabilities to wipe put Africa but only de jure. De facto we are a giant in decay, having his hands tied behind his back, and being intoxicated with chloroform by (((them))) being fed to their weak but many brown pawns.

Imagine what, theoretically, Bayer and BASF could do in regards to chemical and biological weapons.
But this wont happen because even if we got a world wide day of the rope government now all the scientists that work there are a different type of human, not comparable to the scientists of WW1 and WW2. They would refuse to work on such projects or sabotage them.

Thats what some people dont get, you cant just revert 70 years of indoctrination.

>whites and asians are the smartest
>controlled by the jews

You're contradicting yourself you nigger.

Whoops didn't read the id first turns out I was only talking to one retard

pls tell more, why o you think so, quick rundown, thx

Of course

>Religion no longer exists
You fucking kidding? Africans are very religious man and mate who the fuck cares? Whites have degenerated beyond repair theres no coming back from this liberal shit

>the future
>a bunch of enslaved niggers

>you cant just revert 70 years of indoctrination
So why does Sup Forums exist?

The real future is one of fag sex and artificial wombs.

You are seriously misinformed, OP.

>who says we can't take them back

The only people who even know that jews control the world spend their time shitposting on Sup Forums and you think we'll take our countries back form them?

Plan B :

What if we could convince Ethiopians that they were the true Jews and their home is in Israel.
Motivate the maximum of Ethiopians to move to Israel and mix with them.

Could this alter the outcome of your story ?

Its easier for us to get away with, especially the more mestizo you are

Problem is there aren't really any mestizos who get with the program, with a few exceptions

Neggers will kill each other off well before then with earth population going from 7 B to 28 B in a hundred years . Africa will chimp out and destroy itself .

For people to get old-school indoctrination. With nazis.

Mamma Mia Luigi you think so?

Why are white soldiers so aesthetic?

Are you 15?

Whites and Asians have morals and jews do not.

None of that will happen.

Europeans won't be able to keep paying for the food growth necessary for Africa's population growth indefinitely, eventually a ceiling will be hit and starvation will follow. (will happen even faster if there's less Europeans to pay for it)

Meanwhile Asians won't prop up Africa's population to even a fraction of the same numbers, they're very open about their ethochauvinism.

>Asians have morals


Hmm keep blaming the Jews you fucking child. When you see trash do you consume it? Whites do. Whose fault is it the merchant or the consumer?

everything is in the image, their future utopia is a kind of transhumanist neo-feudalism, kind of like that movie, cant remember the name of it

what the fuck is this? how do you know that (((they))) read?

>Whites have morals
>White nations have
>Gay marriage
Mhm good joke

Because whites are most aesthetic because they are the closes to the aryans from atlantis who once ruled this world.

Gypsies get out

So, what has Sup Forums done?

memed Trump into presidency. What is Trump? A kike puppet, otherwise he would have been killed.

Nothing will change.

But that's wrong. The chinese are raping and plundering Africa at an alarming rate and impregnating nigresses.

This is not what they read, this is what they wrote. Read the quotes.

if you sell tainted spaghetti and someone buys it who's fault is that ?

might be easier to convince the niggers they are the true jews, half of them think jesus was black already.


I really have to stop coming on here.

I plan on having children but I honestly don't want them to grow up in a society like this. I don't want them to become typical liberals who are going to ruin western civilization. The most important thing is to change society itself. People will automatically start having more children and it will be a better environment for them.

They also believe they were pharaons n sheit

A great flood is mentioned by several religions independently of each other.

No one selling tainted anything. No one is forcing whites and asians to not have kids. No one is making them do anything.

Both. You see the problem with alt-right autists is that you never address the problem with Whites and Europeans. If you blame it all on the Jews you are saying whites have no agency, that whites are not intelligent and are actually inferior to Jews. So have some cop on and address the fact that some whites have to go

Dey wuz errefing

(((white nations)))

who do you think controls these (((nations)))


Where's that light coming from? I've never met a black electrical engineer or power plant technician.

Better plan B:

Convince all niggers in america that they are the real jews, and deport them to israel.


And different religions around the world mention a sun god that made crops grow.

It doesn't take a genius to see that a civilization that depended on good harvests would mythologize things flooding or the sun.

Not like we can stop it.

Things like flooding or the sun*

this is plain impossible, africans are not capable of producing this much food to sustain those numbers.

Europeans dominated the world and boost their numbers by developing excellent farming and food techniques.

Africans leech off Europeans and use whatever is possible. Once they are left on their own in a harsh climate, they die.

I predict something opposite happens. Niggers left on their own will die out from diseases, starvation, cold, and everything nature doesnt do right now becouse of EUROPEAN supported technologies.


Its just like that Varg Vikernes guy said. Without civilisation, all who are not fit to live on this planet will just die. And niggers are not fit to live on this planet. They lack the courage, hard work, willpower. Negroid race will die out as soon as hard times come.

Dont forget Islam. Religious 45 iq slaves.

Make it happen burgers

Again by blaming it all on the Jews you are saying that whites have no agency. That they are not more intelligent, that they are not superior. Also Roe vs Wade who brought it in? Whites did. Sexual revolution? Mostly whites.

I don't necessarily think they Jews will do away with AI or robotics. I believe AI/Robotics will replace Asians/Caucasians and the new dominant Negroid population will only be poor welfare consumers. After all, what good is a world empire if you don't have anyone to rule over, right?

Here's what I think it will be like during 2050.

> Only mega-cities (smaller cities will disappear or become vacant)

> Education will become minimal (probably at a middle-school level, basic reading comprehension and almost no mathematic skills)

> "Basic income" will be given to all citizens so they can be nothing more than consumers

> I believe population levels will be maintained lower within the future (probably under a billion). Can you imagine a chimp out with over 12 billion nogs on earth? Nah, they'll try to keep them at a relatively low level I believe.

> No more borders, nations, ethnic differences (besides their Jewish overlords obviously), etc.

> No freedom of speech, no weapons of any kind, no property, probably a Communist world government with a Jewish ruling class, etc.

I believe that there will be little pockets of white people here and there, but nothing significant enough to bring about any change. When I say this, I'm talking probably like 150,000 or so (that's being very generous). Only enough to see what the world has become.

Sure, but what is the plan, to outbreed them? If you were to try to outbreed them, there wouldn't be enough resources and space to sustain such numbers of people. So how exactly do you plan to force niggers and muslims to stop breeding like rabbits? It's not going to happen, they have no reason to stop the current trends when their future looks brighter and brighter at the expense of the white men.

>landmasses never move
>floods never swallow Islands

> implying eurocucks won't be enslaved by jews to provide food for their pet niggers

Oy goyyy

Yes, it will be exactly that dark, with no functioning power plants

The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too....

That's what I was saying I'm also saying some of the blame rests with Jews for pushing the proverbial tainted product in the first place just as it does with the ignorant whites who purchase it. Although my original JIDF post was just calling you a demoralization shill.


Yes. It's real.

>whites promoted abortion
>whites promoted the "sexual revolution"
Jew kidding me?