Germans to have 20 Million Muslims by 2025

Based on Pew projections, which were proffered before the current migration crisis, the Muslim population of Germany was to have reached an estimated 6 Million by the end of 2015.
Adding the 800,000 Muslim migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015, and the half million who arrived in 2016, combined with the 77,000 natural increase, the Muslim population of Germany jumped by 1,117,000, to reach an estimated 6,477,000 by the end of 2016. This amounts to approximately 7.6% of Germany's overall population of 82.8 million.
The Muslim population of Germany could swell to 20 million as early as 2025, according to the president of the Bavarian Association of Municipalities (Bayerische Gemeindetag), Uwe Brandl. His forecast is based on so-called family reunifications — individuals whose asylum applications are approved will subsequently bring between four and eight additional family members to Germany.

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thank god we're out of the eu.

Also reminder that the Muslim population is far younger than the German one, hence just naturally over time Germans die and muslims don't quite yet. This also boosts the percentage.


>still calling it germany

sorry hans you don't have much time left

thats a long way off my friend. lot can happen. you sure you got faith in this projection?

who would have guessed a hideous commie dyke who loves islam would ruin europe? i can see why you all voted for her.

Fuck me that's a black pill

As long as they in krautcuckistan - I'm fine with it, just don't let either krauts or shitskins out of the zoo.

they always project like everything will keep going like it is, but it never does.

What's a black pill? A sad redpill?

It's the opposite of a white pill. But yes, it's a sad pill

A pill that crushes your soul and pushes you to accept defeatist attitude towards the current situation.

Germany will transition to a Islamic state within a generation, there are only 30 million native Germans of breeding age.

GG no re.

>importing welfare recipients
Isn't socialism the kind of communism that collapses with too many dependents? How is what she doing not treason against her country?

iirc socialism goes full blown communism when the welfare scheme collapses.

I think what pisses me off more is

>import immigrants to virtue signal
>all of them a tax burden
>could have spent that money on space program, made mars into the nureich.

Atleast I live at the country side.
No wild shitskins in sight, only shitskins that actually go to fucking work. Feelsgoodman

Germany is fucking done, 20 million is way too much. Saudi Arabia has 30 million and look at the fucking country.

I'm predicting terrorist attacks almost daily in the near future and a potential civil war if the Germans could wake up. This is going to lead to catastrophe. Germany would be like Lebanon 2.0

europa wanted Jesus out of its they face the music....I have little sympathy for those that persecuted and perverted the church for their own selfish desires....

if it is war the elite desire, then war they shall have!!

>lol its literally nothing you stupid imbeciles xD

they did kind of abandon god. and everything went to shit.weird.

The only reason "socialism" works in Scandinavian countries is because the population is so small and literally everyone works. It also helps that it isn't real socialism, it's just a large welfare state where benefits are affordable because everyone has money and can pay taxes. Enterprise is free and not controlled by the government

Socialism or democratic socialism has never worked when there are lots of welfare dependent people. Merkel is an idiot and wants to ruin Germany. I really do truly believe her goal is to just ruin the whole country

We all know what happened, right?

Merkel thought she was getting a little replacement migration and was unprepared for the tidal wave of refugees and economic migrants that she accidentally invited in. Then when the true facts of the situation became apparent, Merkel, in an attempt to save her own political fortunes, remade herself into THE great humanitarian who is only trying to save these poor, poor people. She did what she had to do to save her own ass politically. Due to Germany's size and influence within the EU there's nothing anyone else can do about it.

This was a Frank Underwood move.

Christianity is a foreign Jewish religion that has skull fucked Europeans for centuries that was replaced by another foreign Jewish ideology. Communism.

it worked good for a long time.

gibs me dat link to the statistics

so is islam

>christianity is jewish maymay
That's like saying NatSoc is Jewish/marxist because muh socialism

bad muslims = hang out in their groups and do not talk to anybody else

good muslims = hang out with others and realize that their religion is fucking retarded

you use to call the shots, now look at you.

Christianity is a garbage religion that encourages pacification. Fucking look at Rome before Christianity I would argue it was much better.

This doesn't mean that a return to Christianity wouldn't facilitate and overall return to tradition in Europe. For as flawed as Christianity is, the West is Christendom and turning from the religion totally shattered the purpose and moral values of people in the West. Europe is getting powerfucked by this

>when virtue signalling turns into who is the best at destroying a country.

There are at least 12 million there already
Either legal or illegal
Pew research is not a reliable source for multiple reasons
Never listen to them

>Germans to have 20 Million Muslims by 2025

What, they're deporting them now?

This is so sad. I remember only a few years ago when the >800,000 meme was going on, if only we knew how bad it was going to be

Nothing can go wrong

It's all a ploy to crash the welfare state haha that has to be the reason hahaha

But for replacement migration she could've just invited a bunch of Slavs over. They blend in and you can't tell the second generation from the natives.