Why is Trump so terrible at foreign relations?

Why is Trump so terrible at foreign relations?

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Trump has spent his travelling time visiting his citizens.

Obongo had to hold rallies in Europe because he knew that working class Americans didn't give a shit about him.

Trump spent his time holding victory rallies where he continued to lie and divide America. He's a child who only wants to hear people cheer his name. He'll quit when that wears off.


I really like how Trump has been more interested on this own people and not taking holydays all the time like Obongo

I would be honored to have such a leader in my country.


there, are you happy? you got some attention! now go do your chores

That was obongos 'apologizing for America' tour.

It was actually pretty embarrassing to have a president that ashamed of us as a country.

Oh I'm sure you'll try to have one soon when Russia finds a good candidate for you.

>1 post by this id couldn't resist commenting

didn't he meet with the chinese president?
also with putin i think. didn't the democrats say he was meeting his overlord or something edgy like that?

well aren't you a sloppy idiot
>forgets about the slogan "America First"

hitler didnt build the berlin wall fuck tard.

The world collectively loves Obama.

It makes you stupid fucks so angry that Obama is well-liked and Trump is universally despised.

Better Putin than Merkel, senpai

I refuse to believe this isn't satire.

All the people he has illegally bombed sure don't like him.
How are people still shilling this Russia shit when Trump has made so many moves against Russia? Does Trump have to go into Russia and blow Putin's head off to finally get you faggots to understand that Russia has nothing to do with Wikileaks or Trump?

Didn't Merekl visit Trump?

Nonsense. The Don is able to sit and talk greatly. Obama does hate meeting

Go back to plebbit. This is a protrump board.

Yes. But the image just talks about Trump visiting other countries, not other presidents visiting him.
It's bullshit anyway so don't give it too much thought.

BTFO hard and one-sidedly.

>actually complaining that Obama bombed muslims when you don't even want them in the country


And Wikileaks servers are in Russia, stupid.

Obama is graceful, Trump is like a bull in a china shop. Everything out of his mouth is like George Bush times 100.

It was never pro-Trump, it was just supporting him for lulz until it was time to reverse that for lulz from the other side. Thanks for providing.

its the other way around now fuccboi, now the world leaders are groveling at his feet he doesnt need to go anywhere

I hope he doesn't go overseas the entire time. Make everyone come to him, show our status in the world.

here's your (you)s shill now fuck off.

>world leaders are laughing at him


Thats nice antifa/shariablue. Ive seen that exact same explanation dozens of times on here.

Obama goes to other countries

Other countries come to Trump

He's visiting his two greatest allies soon, Israel and Saudi Arabia

Can't wait until China starts stealing New Zealand farmland next.

based trump is going to saudi Arabia and Israel soon.




>7 posts by this ID
Take a break, shill

they already came in his daughter's mouth when she visited them.

Obama had nothing better to do than go to Trinidad? Better waste your time golfing.


There is this thing called a phone. It's a crazy device that makes it so you don't have to be in the same room as someone else in order to communicate.

>Obama is this flamboyant deluded fiction, trust my purple words
Nah, Obama wanted to do it all by himself like a dictador since he doesn't like meeting

>That was obongos 'apologizing for America' tour.

>occupy memeocrats

we already know ivanka is a globalist

there's still hope for tiffany though

Barry got a Nobel prize for being black too. That's a lot of international cocks to suck, even in Trinidad.
Trump sucks no international cocks and leftists call him a retard. This is why your words don't leave your bubble.

>Other countries come to Trump's resort so he can make loads of money off them and their entourage
a-at least h-he isn't taking a s-salary

This explains why nothing of substance was accomplished during Obama's first 100 days in office. Pathetic he decided to use his office to get free travel to see the world instead of actually staying in country and doing his job. Is it surprising to anyone this occurred.

Big difference when Obama golfed that's all he did on those weekends. Trump it's always a working weekend.

(((Global elite))) is stacked against him, we already knew this. That's what makes him our guy in first place.


Lel trump is cuck he spends all his weekends golfing can't believe you people voted for dumpf


Trump made them come to him.

>This explains why nothing of substance was accomplished during Obama's first 100 days in office.
Yeah trump's first 100 days were action packed full of fulfilled promises

Because all those pussy fucking countries are coming to us. We don't need to go to them.

Security is the highest expense by far, every trip a US president makes costs millions or even tens of millions.

When a US president visits a country said country has to pay for the security.
When Trump goes on holiday the US tax payers have to pay for his security.

>Niggers clean toilets
You get it wrong, sir. The spics are the ones cleaning toilets...
Man, It's a hard and dirty work to remove a nigger from burgers' toilets. Trust me, I'm a Doctor after all

trumps first visit will be the saudi arabian kingdom.

he shouldn't have to go to them

> After being elected, Obama travels the world apllogizing for America
> After being elected, Trump travels the USA thanking his supporters


really activates the almonds

Because Trump is not a cuck


He needs to focus more on his own country, what are you a globalist shill?

Other countries visit the USA, we don't kiss the ass of other countries by sending our president there.

How many World Leaders have visited Trump?

He was in Ireland.
Heh heh heh.

kek im pretty sure they should be bowing knee to the U.S not the other way around but k.

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Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


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The One and Only

>Trump has spent his travelling time visiting his citizens.

So far, Trump has only been to seven states, all of whom voted for him.

100 days, seven states
Over 13 weekends spent at his Florida club

Abe, Trudeau, May, and Merkel at least

>Why is Trump so terrible at foreign relations?
Last I checked, our shit was pre-fucked before he got in office. It is impossible to say that he has or has not done work.

He has gotten shit done, and I am happy thus far. Besides. Fuck Trinidad, Turkey, czech. He has talked with mexico, canada and Farage.

So ya. 100 days isn't shit. I schedule shit with my great friends over 100 days out. Life is busy, and I am only president of a small household.

Trump has Visited the world on his Dime
obama looked at the plane and said lets see the world on the USA dime

Why should he go around the globe when everyone could go meet him in US?
Learn Diplomacy 101.

>trump supporters still defending this dude

>Trump has spent his travelling time visiting his citizens.
You mean his own resort where he is siphoning millions of dollars each weekend? Based Trump!

These are the same people waving pic related.

instead of traveling to other countries he let the world leaders come to him like a true alpha

Trump is a socially autistic sperg that's why Sup Forums likes him

What has he done?

No wall.
No Hillary in prison.
Starts shit up Syria.
Pisses off Russia.
Pisses off the EU.

The price that will be payed is the next generation being totally fuckt over by trump and his politics.

Based anti-immigration link poster.

All those countries let Obama in ASAP as they thought he was a rapefugee

thats a good pic. 100% true

Link was posted, dumbass. Not our fault if you won't look at the list of states he toured.

>the gif of that grand autismo Obongoleaf
>liberal opinion
>a fucking namefag on a anonymous site

Reddit is the other way

President Trump realized that the White House has a phone AND the internet to communicate with the rest of the world. O'Nigger wanted to act like a "baller."

>built Berlin wall

Probably to discuss how to jack up oil prices to fuck over the American worker. I remember gas being $5/gallon under Bush.

>played golf in Florida every weekend
Is it confirmed that Occupy Democrats is satire?

>obama went and played grab ass with people completely in his pocket

wow what a true leader


You're that retarded Bulgarian who gets btfo by me everyday.

Boy you faggots are out in force for a Saturday. Is Soros authorizing weekends and overtime pay now?

Get the fuck outta here!

>The world collectively loves Obama.
or is it just that western cultural institutions are monopolized by people that love Obama and propagate that myth?

good goy

based trump!



When Saudi Arabia dropped the barrel price last time the price at the pump never dropped with it. Someone is doing money right now and I mean a shit tone of money.


7 states

7 trips to mar-a-lago

You didn't live here then. Because the highest gas prices here were under obama. Price of gas has down 30 cents near me in 2 weeks

Sorry, there was no apology tour this time. U mad, OP?

He dropped the moab faggot


Get a job, loser.


Wow what a priviliege is to get honoured by you, mr. fragile ego.
Don't you have real estate to sell to some chinks, Obongoleaf?

Sort youself out, neo-marxist.
Before it's too late and your housing bubble bursts just like Castro did in Justin's mom 45 years ago.

So you bitch when you get a president that doesn't just spend his time going on trips?

Yes, Hitler built the Berlin wall to keep out non-Aryans.