My question is really simple: Why do Israel and the Jewish diaspora support by proxy or directly Al-Nusra and ISIS in Syria while shilling as hard as they can against Assad? Why do they quietly align with Saudi Terroristia and Qatar, the primary source for international terrorism, global jihad and radical Islam, while agitating and pushing for war with Iran which does none of that?
My question is really simple: Why do Israel and the Jewish diaspora support by proxy or directly Al-Nusra and ISIS in...
Because Assad doesn't make whites hate Muslims. They want to puppet us into doing their killing.
The Syrian Civil war is one Sunni-Shiite conflict amongst many others, the West shouldn't meddle into that.
The question is why Israel and diaspora Jews support the most radical and violent mudslimes, especially against secular governments, if they are allegedly afraid of Islamic anti-semitism and are afraid of its violence.
Because they are allies with the US and the US does the same shit because the Saudis have us by the balls with the petrodollar deal
because they are losing.
the point is not regime change, it's to tear syria apart via internal war
Anything that weakens Iran goes, since they're the main enemies of Israel as of today.
Why? What do you gain from that? Why do you support the death of so many people? - Hundreds of thousands now! Including children.
I hate how it is deeply lodged in your skulls that this sunni shiia fight concerns anyone.
It has been going for decades now, and the west has never interfered until:
>((((Reagen)))) started meddling around
>Muzzies started devoloping hate for the US
>American retaliation in Iraq
>More terror attacks
>More retaliation
>More terror attacks
>More retalation
If the west wanted safety, they could easily work on their security more, and stop the gun flow to the middle east, but they want those terror attacks.
/BECAUSE/ even a fucking weak country like Morocco which is a majority muslim country, who had more terror plots than most European countries, was able to stop all of them without fail since the start of the arab spring.
Why can't the west? How can shitskin arabs plan such intricate plans?
Now this is a hard redpill to swallow.
A regime change or collapse causes massive instability in the region. Look at Libya and Iraq, former regional powerhouses; reduced to degenerate shitholes
Because Iran has the resources to potentially become an influential military and political force in the region and Israel doesn't want a rival or unifier like that to exist
Because Syria is an ally to Iran, has some territory they desire, and more terrorism = more western intervention from which Israel benefits and weaker Arab states
i don't even see how assad is a big threat to israel anyway, nothing is a threat to israel when they have the strong backing of america
Greater Israel Goy
He's not, they lie to encourage action that benefits them
Same shit with Iran
Gee, I wonder (((why)))
Well, part of it is that everyone around Israel basically hates it, so they have to continuous destabilize the entire middle east to continue to exist, or as with the gulf states, form alliances of convenience (and even then, they still get stabbed in the back by the Saudis funding Hamas)
Because Iran is providing Hezbollah weapons / men through Syria.
With ISIS / Al-Nusra they can stop them while pretending to destroy the evil terrorist / dictator.
Iran can gobble Israel oncethe stage is set, even with Israel nuclear arsenal.
I had a friend in Tehran who said there is a long and well planned plot for shiia muslims to hold the aqsaa mosque (which is almost a spiritual equivilant of Mecca) for the shiias to balance the influence, the jews are just an obstacle, and so is the west.
me want fuck
One less stable country that might have threatened them or decided to take back rich with gas and pure water Golan Heights currently occupied by Israel. Syria is also friendly with Iran and Hezbollah which are Israel's enemies. Saudi, Qatar and Israel are US allies and have common interest in weakening or destroying Iran.
Terrorism is a big meme. Nobody among politicians actually gives a shit if some durkas blow up a few people per year. It's just a geopolitical tool against your enemies on one hand, and propaganda to justify various actions to control the population or foreign interventions on another.
So Israel wants to destroy every country around itself that could become only remotely powerful, they want to created scorched earth, they are supported by the US deep state and military-industrial complex and of course the dual-citizen Diaspora and Neo-Cohens, and thee Israelis literally don't give a shit if hundreds of thousands of people die and Europe is flooded with refugees. Since they also want Europe to be "diverse" and hate muslims at the same time.
Is that the basic gestalt?
Pretty much.
It's very unlikely, Muzzies breed faster, and has their eyes on Jerusalem.
Iran /AND/ saudis end goal is the Aqsa mosque, it is a holy site of Islam, and has a lot to do with the end days, when the sun rises from the west, the second coming of Christ etc..
Wether you believe this or not, you must realize that both of them do, and they are ready to do anything to have Israel's clay.
"It's self-defense, goy. Pay no attention to our massive nuclear arsenal. Iran is a threat to us even though they possess no WMDs and we possess over 200 and the backing of the US military"
And our "elites" literally don't give a shit, if our people are dieing in the streets, our country gets destroyed by "enrichment" and are complete puppets of the (((USA)))?
If that is true: why the fuck don't we have a revolution and the heads of these people on pitchforks?
Most people neither know nor care, those that do are shut down and are treated as madmen, and it wouldn't solve the damage that has already been done.
So stop being such an anti-semite, goy
From what I can tell the Saudis are the most degenerate and inbred meme aristocracy on the planet, literally hated by the majority of muslims - shia or sunni - and that is also why the USA like them as puppets. They are afraid of a secular baathist style coup AND religious coup. So they depend on the USA for protection and they are, as an aristocratic oligarchy, much easier to control than Iran. Which has some force and most importantly the Iranians behind the government - unlike Saudi Terroristia in which a great deal of the people HATE the Saudi monarchy.
So I find it hard to believe that the KSA rulers would actually believe in anything religious. I think, in private, they are the greatest, most degenerate nihilists of us all.
What's her name?
>the west has never interfered until:
>>((((Reagen)))) started meddling around
Moroccan education, everyone
Reagan wasn't in office in 1971. Further, even before Bretton Woods, the USA was deeply involved with the Sauds
Well, I could have said as much. But this really reminds me of the character in 1984 who said to "Winston" that he can forget about the proles uprising: "They are nothing but cattle."
And that one high-up CIA agent in your congress who tried to tell the truth and literally got shut down.
Not that this is news, but it really makes me wonder, if any, ANY! vote in Europe could change anything about our overall situation.
It's the other way around. Saudis control us.
If they and the rest of OPEC ended the petrodollar deal, the United States would die within a month. It'd be almost the same as what happened about ninety years ago in your country.
Because they are playing 4D chess and if you never played this game you cant understand their moves.
Well, and we know how that ended. Until (((you and the Judeo-Bolshevist Union))) intervened of course.
It's about denying Iran a way to sell their natural resources via Syria to Europe which would strenghten them and endanger the petrodollar. Also a nice excuse to flood Europe with shitskins.
Burgers has lost the ability to nit back at education.
I didn't mean making deals with the saudis, I meant starting to help groups like taliban, and Saddam Hussein because of muh h8 4 commies.
That's when the muslim world started building contempt for the US, and later on, literal hate.
You should know that the same people who make backhouse deals with the US tell their people that the US is trash and should be destroyed.
I unironically start to believe the (((USA))) have become the great Satan. Not the people maybe, but the government. - So who knows, an islamic Europe could turn out...interesting in the end.
Everything must be paid, and the USA and Israel are stacking sins so high, the mountain of corpses they have to stack to cover up for it, grows so high, that it stinks to the highest heavens.
The Saudis are part of the Jewish plan... because they are Jews.
Israel has a piece of Syria that Assad doesn't recognise as Israel
Syria doesnt recognise Israel
A new Syria may wich will lead to more commerce and to cut Iran main ally wich supports Hezbolah
Granted, if KSD announced that it would be trading oil in something other than USD, I'm sure the CIA would assassinate the entire royal family within a week. However, the problem for the US in this instance is that there is no significant rebel movement in Saudi Arabia. I'm not sure how they would go about setting up a puppet state in this instance
>islamic europe will be interesting
Listen to yourself, germany
Greater Israel.
Also having a bunch of secular islamic states nearby leaves a lot less room for expansion, compared to a bunch of violent warlords.
Thats the entire reason why ISIS at the moment begs appologies from israel whenever they accidentally engage them.
Oh, it's coming. The "elites" (((you))) have installed will make sure of it. Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands they will ALL be majority muslim within two generations. Possibly even faster.
Alliances of convenience is how i would put it.
To destablise syria and iran
There is a potential for a rebel movement in Saudi Terroristia. Problem is, if you are not a radical sandnigger, they are even more fanatical than what Saudi Terroristia is at the moment:
>That's when the muslim world started building contempt for the US, and later on, literal hate.
The muslim world has been built on hate since AD 610. Pointing actions of the USA as a justification for your war on the West is just as retarded as pointing to the formation of Israel as justification of your war on Jews. You entire religion is a war, it doesn't exist except as an anti-* system. This is all the more clear with how you divide the world into darrulislam and darrulharb. USA will come and go, but your hatred of Westerners will stay the same.
They don't engage them.
As far as i can tell you the only news about ISIS are about their doings to others, so far nothing that "leaked" has been associated to ISIS.
Mostly because they can't reach that far west,
Allying with THE source of radical Islam, international terrorism and global jihad is called
>Alliances of convenience
by (((our greatest ally))).
Thanks for the red pill.
You won't like in Islamic Europe, it probably won't happen.
I know muslims better than you do, if the middle east is fixed, a lot of them will feel homesick return.
A lot will stay, but they'll start living in ghettos, and it'll take me a lot of time to assimilate, they'll be like the Irish or niggers in the US.
If you really want triumph, either convert to a version of Islam that suits Europe, or create a more aggressive form of Christianity.
You'll stand in awe looking at what religious people will do for their beliefs.
There will be no West left, at least no Europe. It will become muslim. 100%
It's just a collection of weak, old, corrupt vassal states now anyway. It's rotten and THIS SYSTEM can die for all I care. We literally have nothing to lose, if it all goes to hell.
>Everything must be paid, and the USA and Israel are stacking sins so high
Dude, read a history book some time. Our stack of sins is a sandpile compared to the horrors of 1400 years of Islam. The West has no equivalent of a Tamerlane. Whereas Tamerlane is seen as an exemplary muslim by most.
>I unironically start to believe the (((USA))) have become the great Satan. Not the people maybe, but the government.
I prefer the "deal with the devil" analogy. In this case the Devil is KSA and they have us by the balls. And yes, we are run by some satanic amoral tumors of humans.
Really activates those almonds, does it?
I was a devout Christian for almost my entire life and I even lived in a monastery for a while. - It's utterly, utterly cucked. What made Europeans resist islamic conquest were it's Pagan roots of the Germanic kingdoms. Someone like Charles Martell is much closer to Arminius than to Jesus Christ.
divide and conquer the goyim
put islamic governments in middle east
right wing governments in west
recede to a corner and laugh while rubbing your hands
To destabilize and scorch the ground
They cannot gain control amongst stability
They gain control out of chaos
That's just wrong. In all of the dark ages, the religion that was pushing hate, and was thirsty of genocide was Christianity.
In the enclave of the Americas, muslims were under the Turkish flag, and they pushed for slavery, not war. After the industrial revolution, muslims didn't fight the wars, they didn't intrude much. The west was more of a danger to itself than the muslims will ever be, you live in religious delusions, in your mind, it's us and them, the jews has dove deep in your head.
You don't seriously believe that KSA has you "by the balls". With your military? That's a sad excuse. If you wanted, you could invade KSA any minute, or have their royalty executed, or support a coup, sorry, I mean "grass roots revolution".
And I only see lapdogs in Europe. Just like Merkel who went to KSA to promise king sandnigger to train his troops.
First off, they are hated. By just about everyone. No one likes them, but they are a convenient target for radical Islam, so they are supported by others. To stop those radical Muslims from bombing them, they are providing targets for the jihadists to go after. Solid strategy. We, Americans, use them the same way.
Second, lets be honest, they are fucking evil. The shit they do, even provoked as they often are, is evil as fuck. They have no conscience. They feel no guilt. They learned that trick from the Germans. The right propaganda and your troops will not question as they gut children or blow up civilians.
And finally, there are few better ways to kill jihadists then in a long drawn out attrition war like a civil war always is. As long as this civil war continues, arabs are dying. More dead arabs, the better as far as Israel's concerned. With no money being funneled to Palestine, the Israelis can do whatever they want.
THE source of radical islam, according to you.
This, of course.
America needs Iran to be divided from Europe by sunni state. But does not want Asad to stay. Jews just work for american oil companies.
No, according to anyone who has more than two braincells and knows what he is talking about, or isn't a lying sack of shit.
Even your own tribesmen know it
" A group associated with ISIS " give me a break ... today any 18 year old idiot can link him self to ISIS.
they can't reach here, borders are tight af. the country is small. so far no attempts.
so take it or leave it user.
>You don't seriously believe that KSA has you "by the balls". With your military? That's a sad excuse.
Military actions cost big money and also have political costs. Yes, they as the biggest energy supplier in the global market do indeed have us, the biggest energy consumer in the global market, by the balls. Further, USA would have had serious long-term inflation problems if our currency wasn't saved by the petrodollar agreement in BrW. Having the cooperation of KSA and their Gulf state peons is a relatively cheap way of bolstering our economic position, not to mention our geopolitical position. It just comes at a cost, and that cost involves supporting Saudi geopolitical interests.
>Israel: 1948
>Jihad begins: 622
Damn you jews, we could have had peace with the muslims if it wasn't for you!
It's the ISIS affiliate in the Syrian Golan, I forget their name but they are pretty batshit
I do think the Muslims would be much less of a threat without Israel. They'd be too preoccupied killing each other in what I imagine would be an endless back and forth war between Iran and the gulf, and it wouldn't be this proxy bullshit we have now
Truly grows the mental capacity
According to the last numbers I've seen, you consume three times as much oil from Canada than from Saudi Terroristia, which is about 9% of your total oil imports. Combined with Qatar it's something like 13%. But with your fracking, you've basically achieved energy self-reliance.
Your support for KSA is purely political, not about oil or even the petro-dollar. Which is further supported by the fact that you have backed radical jihadists against any secular Arab government - oil or not. You used to call them freedom fighters back then as you call the Sharia Syrian Army in Syria today.
On the issue alone, it's not my problem, Iran, Assad, whatever. But it shows that you have no problem at all with Europeans dieing and their countries getting rekt by "enrichment". And you value Israel MUCH higher than any European country.
Ah yes Noam Homsky ... radical left.
His an identified socialist/Anarchist.
He lived here for a while ... and left, how about you try harder and find a real jew - aka one that served in the military like all jews are required by law.
They annexed the golan illegally and take 30% from their water without paying syria.
>if the middle east is fixed
hardy har-har
I expected the reply. Since you've also done nothing but deflect and not provided one single genuine argument.
You however called the alliance with Saudi Terroristia, and I quote
>Alliances of convenience is how i would put it.
Thanks for participating.
That might infact be associated with ISIS, and it might even have happened.
We do not lose sleep over ISIS, they are the least of our worries. it's all about Iran user.
It doesn't matter how much the US consumes, it's about international demand for the dollar
Historic Islamic Conquest is an independent issue from the direct support of Israel and the USA for Al-Nusrats, Saudi Terroristia and by proxy ISIS.
Pilpul in action, ladies and gentlemen.
Go back to Sup Forums, knuckle-dragging retards.
"Alliance" ... more like friends with benefits.
There are many forms of agreements, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
And by that same logic, it makes your country my mortal enemy, because you support the regime that is supporting the radicalization of Sunni mudslimes worldwide and terrorism in Europe and abroad. The other one is literally NATO member Turkey under Erdohitler - which just goes to show how utterly, utterly hypocritical and corrupt our *elites* are.
Ah the law of black or white, either mortal enemy or best friend.
Try harder user, I would worry more about what's coming to you after France more.
>le black and white may may
It's ironic how you try to lecture me on morality while admitting to support the worst regimes in the entire fucking world today: Saudi Terroristia and by proxy ISIS. While also admitting that you don't give a shit about dead Europeans or our countries getting destroyed by "enrichment".
Not that I am surprised of course.
You provide weak old boring shit, I have nothing to "counter" here with logic. Do you know how old Jihad is ? it's not about us scrub , it would have started sooner or later , with or without us , anyway , like it always has in history , with muslims. Your country doesn't get it, this is why you will suffer.
It's getting destroyed by your own doing. Like you have proven when putting Merkel in power (or was it also us?).
because, like I said... any 18 year old idiot can associate himself with ISIS no days ... as long as he's muslim , you need to pay attention. Wake up... They are not coming from outside, they are coming from WITHIN you.
I am providing you with the FACT that you are directly supporting the regime which supports the radicalization of Sunni muslims world wide with wahabism/salafism and global Jihad.
I am providing you with the fact that you SUPPORT terrorism while claiming to fight it.
I am providing you with the fact that you are therefor responsible for Europeans getting slaughtered in the streets by terrorists who are radicalized, armed and trained by Saudi Arabia and its proxies.
Tolerated by transatlantic "elites" installed by the USA whose foreign policy is dominated by your agenda.
You grasp at elusive straws, somewhere hundreds of years in the past, while DIRECTLY supporting terroism in the here and now.
>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Truly, Why would Israel save ISIS militants? Because they are simply such a humanitarian superpower, of course.
>Why do they quietly align with Saudi Terroristia and Qatar, the primary source for international terrorism
their royal family is jewish, its basically conquered land already.
Merkel is put in power by the USA, same with Schulz, same with any alpha journalist. So called "denazification" was enacted by the USA which enabled the radical communists to dominate the country, tolerated or directly supported by Western elites and you.
A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of the German people themselves, but also on you and the system you helped create and also the terrorism you support indirectly.
yeah... might of missed all these "facts" somewhere along your old boring shit.
I said what i said, if you're too moronic to understand that, i'm not here to teach you.
Somewhere hundreds of years in the past .... right , and you know what happened then.... Let's dig more history like all the anons before us have and reached nothing, because it's ancient fucking history. half of it is fiction, it's all cum.
I'm still curious as to how the NDP are allowed to exist
He can. But the worst Imams and the prominent German wahabist converts are directly supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar or the Mudslime Brotherhood: money, training, mission. When it comes to the reislamization and radicalization of Turks, it's Erdohitler and his organizations.
Then we have the open border and unchecked immigration problem, which is an *elite* problem, a US vassal problem.
The EU membership of Turkey was also ONLY on the table, because the USA wanted it. Same with the Turkish guestworkers in Germany and probably the Arabs, too:
It's NPD. And they are a literal honeypot. They tried to ban it a few years ago and it came out that there literally were more agency informants in it than actual party members. And some of these double-agents were responsible for inciting the worst violence and chimp-outs, which caused a huge embarassment for the system.
The radical left actually wanted to abolish the Verfassungsschutz after it, because it had been "infiltrated by Nazis" and was considered "undemocratic". But now the Verfassungsschutz is very useful for them to crack down on "far right" parties which just want to preserve their nation. It's banana republic/DDR tier.
LOL this is a bunch of bullshit, they save them almost every night ? You wouldn't be able to know this if they are "Elite israeli troops" ... trust me.
Also , I can't wait to see what happens when the son comes back home and his mom asks him how was in the army and he would say that. We wouldn't let this shit fly, if it was the case.
Again, it's boring to provide you with links and shit, From the DailyMail lol ... give me a break, we have plenty of haters, i can find more hate than i can find this so called "evidence" you seek, The jews have been around since fucking forever , naturally we have the highest amount of enemies. That was logical too, wasn't it ? see, unlike your boring shit ...
>kicked out of nearly every nation in the world
>its because of haters
Never change, kikes.