>verizon stealth red pilling people
Verizon stealth red pilling people
>ultimate is BBC standing between the white man and white women
Whitey btfo
>power is shaun king, his 1/16 nubian queen, and their pure black child
>so much autism
1. is poor ghetto mom
2. is immigrant family
3. is rich white family
4. is corporation, look at how they are dressed
>Cheapest option depicts a black mother, father out of the picture.
And where the hell can't you get better than 10 MBps in the US?
Good one verizon
>being a cucknnoisseur is Ultimate
What a time to be alive
My god that shit is slow and expensive.
I pay 30$ for 20/20 broadband
>tfw basic is 90 dollars in leafland
>tfw live in Northern Canada and have to pay $130/month for 8Mbp/s with a strict data cap
Is this not a joke? I have 100mb/100mb with 10€/month
what the fuck year is that from? is that for DSL? how the fuck can these prices be real
You think 30$ is cheap? That's overpriced, should cost 90% less. We haven't seen price drops in ages, still same old technology.
It's more than a little surprising that you wouldn't recognize a fellow wetback but whatever, Paco.
>tfw pay $50 a month for 60 Mbps down
10 $ for 80/80 get on my level
wtf, I pay ~$25 for 1Gb down/ 150Mb up and split it with 2 flatmates.
Serious shit my sprint phone doesn't even work on 280 as I drive past Cupertino often times. Yet these dumb fucks want to launch wifi satellites over the Congo.
Jesus Christ, why is American internet so slow?
$129 per year for 10Mbps?
Seems like a ripoff.
$5 for 120/2 GET ON MY LEVEL
>those speed option
And I thought Brazil had shite internet.
You didn't have internet until like 5 years ago so they never put in basic copper lines
I trust you because you are gods chosen
It's Verizon DSL. It's garbage tier and over priced. We have better internet available. But in rural areas your choice is DSL or satellite internet
Neat is it fiber? I do have check the market around I am at this plan for 3 years
Thanks user.
>tfw 1.5/.75 but leaching off my neighbor so whatever.
Dont make anime dreamz. The last girl i hit on was a feminist who tried to get me fired over coffee.
wiki says first ADSL net with 256 kb/s, 512 kb/s, 1 Mb/s i 2 Mb/s was offered in 2001 with prices varying from $75 to $375.
>10 mbit/s
what is this? the 1980s?
Dude I am in eastern Europe half of the girls here will go full RWDS if you offer them.
>plans top out at 10Mb
>for $130
Essential=Jackie Chan
>hurr durr eastern european internet is only good because you had no infrastructure
I was on dial up in the 90s, ADSL in the early 00s and 25/25Mb in 07, fucking 10 years ago
ISPs are the one business where we've got actual competition, that's why things are good
>$129.99 for 10Mbps Download/5Mbps upload.
>It's all so tiresome
€24 for 120/120 + landline. Get on my level.
Third world country here with 100Mb + landline + TV for $50.
10€ for 100/100
this can't be recent those are like year 2000 speeds...unless its intended for a rural village in bumfucknowhere
Same, except mine is included in the rent.
>tfw fiber internet for $30/month
I even live in the middle of fucking nowhere but it's the state capital so we got this shit before the jew companies lobbied against Jewgle
This is a blue pill.
>Successful Azn guy has a beta azn wife because his QT married a white beta
>"white"shitskin husband
>Black guy looks like the small business owner, is better dressed and more healthy than the beta cuck guy on the right.
I was looking at the prices and speeds.. I actually thinl they are pretty good... is that bad
>10 Mbps download
Wtf is wrong with you americans?
I have 10gbps for 95$ a month