that is so fucking cringey.

is this the_donald?

>Mega Milk

My fucking sides

The shirt is what makes this bad.

Where can I buy this shirt?


why the fuck would you?

haha totally epic meme xD My sides

whats all this "Pede" shit I've been seeing recently?


i meant is the guy in the picture from the_donald

>This was the autist spamming "awooo" in every single Trump general during the primaries.

The guy in OP pic is a regular here on Sup Forums

Because I can..?

>The guy in OP pic is a regular here on Sup Forums
since when? the election time frame?

also, i dont view the trump threads here, is it there?



tards from the t_d board always come here


Top kek! xD


What the fuck is a pede?

The centipede is a predator.

Nice vintage meme faggot, now explain.

Why do these faggots have to ruin everything?


Two hollow fangs.


severely underrated


is that guy actually from pol?
also, you know... even if its a mistake, hitting a woman is pretty low. i understand the circumstances in that picture are different but still.

FFS don't use memes in real life

> all this reddit
> nothing but reddit now
> is this how white germans feel?

I would just like to take this moment to say that Broccoli Dog was always the shittiest fucking meme, even back in the day

this so much. so sad

that girl should feel ashamed wearing a shirt that tight

Because Sup Forums pushed these retarded weeaboo memes.

Anime is fucking trash guys.

When did Momiji become such a mainstream Trump/Alt Right symbol? I don't get how she of all things made it outside of Sup Forums.

So this is the greatness you talked about, huh

Nobody cares what some pussy thinks. I'll abuse you worse than that women.


Go away.

>mfw the /jp/ plot to make Touhou mainstream is working

>anarcho communist flag
>Muh helicopter rides
Hi /leftypol/

This autist is STILL spamming awoo in trump generals.
The weird part is that he still looks relatively normal, minus his autistic clothing.

It's a reference to the song since it was played in some popular Trump video. It's a leddit meme.

ahahaha this was at the recent philadelphia trump rally. I talked to this guy briefly and have a video of him shouting "American colonialism has made every country better" at a woman on a bike

> I'll abuse you worse than that women.
the most cancerous and retarded post I have seen in sometime on Sup Forums.

you should go bicker with idiots on youtube.

>dude epic meems irl!!!!
>we flood the board with retards, only shills would have a problem with that!
>surely all these immigrants will assimilate!

>hitting a woman is pretty low

any woman that steps up to the line with a jameson bottle in her hand is fair game


go back

nah I saw that dude on periscope he said he was from 4+Sup Forums


A leaf was the founder of the trump general and started posting her.

can confirm. I saw that too.

The mega milk jug is a nice touch and I'm not gonna let the rest of the awful getup spoil it.

You're a little faggot dude. Protect them women all you want, they still ain't gonna want a loser like you.

>LARPing as an alpha on Sup Forums

kys redditor

no. well...actually...maybe...he just was parroting what his jew shill masters were telling him to do.

jewish weebs. jewish shills promoting weeb shit.

Right, because OP wasn't like that when he found Sup Forums.

They will go full 1488 in a couple of years.

Truth hurts. I bet you're a fat fucking loser. I wouldn't even rape this disgusting bitch.

>pol, the documentary

Those "Can't Stump the Trump" videos that got popular during the primaries always start out with some wubstep song that goes
>The centipede is a deadly predator, with two long hollow fangs etc etc
t_d plebbitors fell in love with it and started calling each other centipedes, or pedes. Anyone who uses it is assuredly a ledditor.


>is this the_donald?

do you need to ask??


If you piss on a turd it's still a turd, Sup Forums is that turd only worse.

We all knew that this place was fucked as soon as GG happened.
I cant get off this ride

If you piss too long into an ocean of piss, the ocean pisses into you.


My dick isn't ashamed you massive faggot

holy fking shit these people have no limits.


You only have yourselves to blame for this future Sup Forums.




>muh sharebloo
>muh shills

Yeah. Everything Reddit touches turns to shit.

the reverse midas' touch

That's a skype you fucking reddit idiot.

look at the filename next time

Lurk more newfag. The google/skype meme is barely a year old

>implying I don't know about that
>implying the image isn't literally named "shareblue.jpg"
>implying leddit doesn't scream about shills constantly if anyone disagrees with them or does something they don't like

how do we get them off?

>1 post by this id

>there are no shills on pol

Nice job fellow pede!

start spamming dead niggers all over, it always works and scares off the reddit fags

No one is buying it you fucking retarded shills.

Anyone with even an ounce of understanding about politics can see what you're trying to do. You will fail.

I never said that, just that people who scream SHILL about everything they don't like are generally from plebbit, and are probably the same people dressing up in le dank meme costumes and getting angry when people make fun of them
Personally I'm just tired of this "he disagreed with the hivemind, BAN HIM" mentality that they bring