So people have been spamming this picture around. And while I have no objections to the idea that having less or no immigrants would limit the likelihood of Islamic terrorism, I do have a problem with this image. Specifically, because this map seems to have no source and it doesn't cite any years or the kinds of terrorism it is showing. In fact, there's no proof that his map even cites terrorist attacks at all.
So people have been spamming this picture around...
Other urls found in this thread:
This, for instance, is a map of terrorist attacks with 1 death from 1970 to 2015. As you can see, they don't really match up.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
It doesn't but who cares? the lefties will lie and be extremely disingenuous to push their agenda, there's no reason we shouldn't do the same.
If you want a better one make it.
What terror attack occurred in my country?
Can't think of one to save my life
That image, for instance, does not specifiy islamic terrorism. Hence why ireland is a giant mess.
3 dots on netherlands?
we only had 1 muslim related terror attack and that was a assasination
>car bombing spaincucks
>"""""terror attack"""""
And Poland is the poorest of all of them.
Reason being that migrants create wealth
There is a reason we shouldn't do the same, you fucking faggot. We don't have to do the same, because the facts are on our side. When we lie, the moment we are caught it immediately turns people away. There is no purpose to lie when the facts are right there backing us up. Lefties lie because the facts aren't on their side, and when they get caught there are no consequences.
Post a sourced image or post nothing.
Ireland is not even included in the image..
>map of terror attacks in Europe
>Poland is piss poor
>draw your own conclusions
/fixed're right...Poland is's over...I'm now pro-EU, might as well get it over with bros...there were just too many migrants to stop...
>irish fighting for independence is the same as 3rd worlders blowing up first world countries
You're missing a couple explosive years
>terrorist attacks overwhelmingly in countries with Muslim migrants
Take out freedom fighters and it makes sense.
Poland actually has a force field around it that keeps out all things nonwhite.
Right but how in the world do they benefit from a white genocide?
poland did the christmas attack in germany
Thats a dangerous mindset that results in you becoming the monster you fight.
No idea.
I think you're mistaking my desire for accuracy with a political agenda.
Depends on how you define terrorism; if its just an attack attempting to scare people into doing something, an IRA attack is a terrorist attack.
force field = being poor
Probably Myyrmanni bombing. But that had nothing to do with terrorism.
ok achmed
>fighting for independence
>oh hai New York
that forcefield was jews.
everybody killed cats in europe except in poland apparently due to polish cultural influence, no cats meants uncontrollable rat population spreading the disease.
Or jews didn't poison wells where they were living.
I'd be an Isis guy, I'd gun down tourists in auschwitz
>there's no reason we shouldn't do the same.
No, fuck off. I hate people like you. We should never stoop to their level because after all telling the truth was why we're here in the first place.
If something is a lie, even if it's pro-right wing, out it as such.
>terror attacks in the Netherlands
Fake news.
Our last one was 13 years ago.
If Poland is so great, why are Poles emigrating to Western Europe?
leftists love to target some concrete person, an individual precise terror
this shit doesn't make it to the news
now draw a map of nations who fuckt up iraq in the illegal war.
Draw a map of nations who tortured Iraqis and other middle Easter citizens and you see its the same map like this.
Saudi puppets and lapdogs.
This is the end of the petrolldollar and the death of the saudi king house
Go Brush your teeth and think long and hard about why this is a awful idea.
The truth is on our side fäm
Jokes on you faggot. Our last president was attacked with a chair.
>from 1970
They were anti-communist
>Y-yeah you stupid immigrants stay out of my country
Not like anyone would actually want to live in Poland.
>Reason being that migrants create wealth
Western Europe was struggling until they were saved by migrants, right? Bullshit. Migrants create crime, violence, hatred, distrust and divided societies. Reason being that wealth attracts migrants.