Sup Forums
>I'm half asian half white
>Kind of beta
>Want to date but understand to not harm the white race
>Not 100% into yellow pussy
Sup Forums what race do I date?
Asian White Mix
Taking pol seriously?
whoever you want
Don't make mongrel babies please. Otherwise I don't care what you do.
Just don't date white women and niggers, especially white women cuz they retarded af.
Why? What about helping the pures save the white race?
Date guys and sage threads faggot :3
Swear an oath of abstinence and join a priesthood, you can hang with other unwanted like lepers.
I'd like to like a normal life user.
Why would I chose to be a homosexual?
Become a upstanding citizen, help society and become an honorary aryan, its your only hope now.
And how do I accomplish this goal?
You are a nigger to us
Shill for hapa sovereignty.
Cascadia or Columbia whatever you'd like to call it, there is a growing number of Eurasians in the Pacific Northwest and generally all over the west coast.
The west coast belongs to us, let us seize it from the Marxists and progressives alike.
pic related ours when the US falls apart.
If you're a japaness hapa you're ok.
Otherwise no. Gooks =/= Nips
Latinas will breed with anyone. Like seriously, anyone.
Black women are generally pretty hard up too for obv reasons.
Pacific islander girls are qt's but rare.
Aussies hog all the abbo women's for themselves.
Stay away from Ahmedina. Bad news.
date whatever race your mom is.
Interesting theory
This is the second Iowa vanity plate with a Sup Forums reference. Are my fellow Iowans huge autists?
Not a theory you fucking fag, what mix are you.