What are your thoughts on Palestine, Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on Palestine, Sup Forums?
no such area exists, nor ever has :^)
Wrong flag
It needs to make space for the biggest concentration camp ever. Go hoard behind those walls, kikes!
Hope it gets its arse in gear and wipes out Israel
Israel is our greatest ally
it's a geographic name like europe or iberian peninsula
Don't know why making a flag for something like that though
nose detected
Semites killing semites. I don't have a reason to give a shit.
keep the monies comin m8
Should be exterminated like the rest of the goat fucking shit skins in that entire area
Good goy. Glad USA will be Brazil 2.0 soon. Depraved shithole
As much as I hate kikes, I also despise sandniggers.
Pale-niggers are "useful idiots" to expose the Jews and their hypocrisy.
I fully support faux outrage at crimes committed by Israel against the Pale-niggers.
>Free Palestine
>I hope Iran nukes Israel in the middle of the night
>World peace would ensue
stay gone
Lovely people. Went to Khan Yunis in the 80s. It was mesmerizing.
>TFW you realize the only reason the Muslims are chimping out in the middle east is the Jews keep stealing their land
>nuke Israel
>thinks there won't be massive collateral damage to the palestinians
lol k
Roaches are atom resistant though.
Gas yourselves yids
*yawn* weak b8 is weak
Palestine is the ruling country area and it is over Israel also israel needs to be more small. Or it will be wiped out Israel is a piece of.land inside Palestine or judea. Design for jewish return. So jews encourage all jews too return you are.not that much hu man population also youalready have a country. Palestine for arabs
It needs to be fumigated.
No one here believes your Nobels or Oscars anymore, yid.
I would agree with this if not for their people in my country keep begging for gibs....
In their posh apartments and dining in posh restaurants while giving speeches in posh convention halls.
All sponsored by my tax ringgits, thanks to my government who want to look good in front of Muslims here.
So yes, I fucking despise them for using my money to live like kings while doing nothing but horrible shit that make everyone who share the same religion as they do look bad.
Since when is fighting until people are hospitalized over football is a fucking Muslim behavior?
But for Palestinians, it apparently is.
Israel doesn't need to defend what it chooses to do to defend itself, either to you, or the world
shit and die
yeah, like they need an excuse. Nice try ahmed. Paris now has Israel like security measures is that because the jews 'stole arab land' too?
not my president not my state same shit. yes trump is POTUS and yes 'palestinians' live in israel
I don't give a shit about them, Israel or any other sandnigger country in that shithole desert. However, I'd be marginally happy if they destroyed each other.
>No one here believes your Nobels
where is "here" exactly? Sup Forums is fucking dead, just look at the threads lol You bitches lost the war. You got stomped by the normies at reddit, and god damn it feels good man!
don't get butt hurt at pol, don't take it seriously, storm fags and larping nazis, why do you give a fuck about them?
I don't really. I've been on 4chin since 04 and many many times people have claimed OMG IT'S DEAD over the years, but this time it's true. Look at Sup Forums FFS, it's a ghost town.
gookm00t killed it
because most Sup Forumstards are older and now browsing Sup Forums
Sup Forums!!! fuck off, you look at Sup Forums my stomach can't handle any more. pic related
>ITT: 6,000,000 Jews
On one hand they're griefing the israelites. But on the other hand they're muslims being kicked out of a land where they don't belong by the rightful owners. I don't know what to think.