What is Sup Forums opinion on trump by now?
What is Sup Forums opinion on trump by now?
He's exactly what I thought he'd be.
I'm not thrilled, but it could be worse. I'm really waiting to see what he manages on tax reform and infrastructure. If he manages those two well I might actually vote for him next time.
Gorsuch was a positive.
Who the hell is Trump?
the guy on the pic
did you vote for him?
my favourite goy!!
Somehow even more of ineffective buffoon than I had imagined.
I love how he declares each month "insert x minority here rememberence month" for Sup Forums butthurt.
He's the politician the USA needs right now, but not the one it deserves.
So we'll hunt him, because he can take it.
>Sup Forums's opinion on..
data mining thread.
Small step in the right direction. Needs more work. Not perfect.
He was the lesser of two evils.
No, I voted for Johnson. 3 main reasons
>Muh big military spending
>Muh protectionism
>Muh anti-immigration
As an educated and successful individual, I value immigrants as a necessary underclass. I don't regret my vote for a second. I voted true to my beliefs.
>ineffective buffoon
do you say that because you think his policies are stupid, or because he can't make them pass?
what do you think about the wall? personally, I think a lot of people took it out of context. He has done many bad things, but everytime he was attacked about the wall, he said the same thing: we're gonna build a big great wall, WITH A BIG GREAT DOOR. I know it's not worth the money it's gonna cost, but I don't blame him for trying to make a process the US is already doing (protecting the borders from illegals and cartels) more effective.
long story short, a lot of people talked about his wall, but close to none mentioned the door.
Gave him way too much credit for thinking he was playing some sort of Machiavellian character a la Nixon, and that he would really only be in it for votes and popularity.
Went to show just how estranged the American political system and its citizens are. For much of his campaign, Republicans refused to associate with him in any major way, and taunted him often.
The left did the same, and to add insult to injury, they let Hillary run, all the while laughing to themselves that Trump would face a humiliating landslide loss.
It's sad that the only "viable" options were these two, and it is sadder that people are fine with it. I can't wrap my head around this anachronistic loyalty to a political party.
more the latter. His job is to get shit passed, dems job is to obstruct him. Dems are currently doing a much better job with far fewer resources. Embarassing imo.
The only thing Im really really against is his treatment of the EPA. and no Im not some climate changefag, the pollution rollbacks are what gets my goat.
I don't want less immigrants, for the reason I stated, but I believe the true purpose of the wall is to make the US seem less immigrant friendly.
He has achieved his objective in this, with the number of immigrants attempting to come in being much lower even without the tangible wall.
I don't support the wall. I'd rather spend that money on trying to fix our shit highway system. That's the only thing a big spender president is good for in my mind, critical everyday infrastructure.
The power is so firmly grasped by the two that most Americans are unwilling to "waste" their vote by going third party. even if both options are disasterous.
adding to this, I oppose the wall also for the environmental concerns and because the cartels have proven themselves to be incredibly resourceful when it comes to finding cheap countermeasures to our expensive attempts to thwart them
He's a real straight shooter and I can't fault him for that, nor would I want to. I wish he'd make fun of minorities and retards more, but what can ya' do? Definitely better than the alternative. There's literally not a day that goes by where I don't thank the Lord on High that I don't have to listen to that nasty, corrupt cunt talk down to me for the next ~4 years.
But if his bills don't pass and the ones that do cause outrage and public revolts, don't you think it might be because he, at the very least, didn't think them through??
take the muslim ban for example: the whole world opposed him as soon as he instored it, and it got back to the way it was WAY before he did anything to "solve the ISIS situation", so the endline is he threw a shitshow that did nothing but fuck things up in airports.
what's your take?
>He's a real straight shooter
>Contradicts himself every time he talks.
Fuck you burgers are dumb.
gotta give it to mr wallaby, trump is many things, but he is not a straight shooter. at best, he's like a typical politician, but he targeted rednecks instead of rich pricks in his campaigns
>Forces half assed Affordable care act replacement down just for the sake of "see guise, I've replaced Obamercare :D"
>"I'm a nationalist and a globalist"
>Jared Kushner and Ivanka apparently influence Trump to launch tomahawk middles into Syria
I honestly want to still believe he's on our side but it's overwhelmingly clear he played us like a violin. The only two good things so far is the fact that SJWism won't be encouraged or mainstream for much longer since Hillary didn't win and the wall is beginning to be built
Pretty good, user. You need to make it a bit less obvious next time.
I wonder how long it takes people to realize that their political machine operates under the
false assumption that political parties are representing a set of values, instead of realizing that a political party is a collective of individuals who band together to raise money and collect votes. Nothing more.
Doing exactly what I helped vote him in for
I mean reading the language of that bill it seemed like it was written by a legal intern. I hate the 5d chess meme but the whole thing reeked of something that was intended to fail from the start.
if trump has proven anything its that he seems only interested in preaching to the choir. If his bill fails he can then blame the obstruction on the opposition and temper his constituency. My question is whether or not this is a stable strategy in the long term, if the people who voted for him will end up expecting some real, measureable change.
His most recent EO on religious freedom has already come under fire from religious for not being expansive enough. Im expecting a legal challenge to be filed by tuesday at the latest which halts the whole thing. If such a thing occurs Trump will start the cycle of blame and then the media will forget about it. Rinse Repeat.
Heres my forecast for the next 4 years. Trump passes a ton more bills which are ineffective at best and as long as he does something new every few monthes he can tout himself as making progress. BUT if the popular vote is anything to go by Trump is in office by the sole grace that the republicans put him there because they didnt have anyone who could beat him. If by some means they find such a person in the next few years (im thinking someone young) then Trump is in real hot water.
is he though? because although he tried, most of what he started either backfired (repealing obamacare) or failed (muslim ban)
don't you think that although he had the right ideas, he kind of shat the bed?
It will take until someone can convey that idea to the layman and then have some attractive policy ideas which can reach across the aisle. As it stands its simply too convienent to just attach to one side or the other and pretend that it somehow represents us.
>SJW not encouraged
dude their using trump as a rallying cry to be in public. Fuck dude I never used to see these freaks en masse, now its almost a weekly thing
what do you think about the fact that while he passes bills that are doomed to fail, he seems to at least try, if not succeed, in instoring bills that overwhelmingly favor the wealthy (himself) which are better written, more under the radar, and overall set to stay for a longer time and be harder to undo?
the impression I'm getting is that he doesn't want to make your country great again, he wants to make his country better for himself.
and play golf, he wants to play golf.
>He's a real straight shooter and I can't fault him for that
For me I think it will take time to tell, I dont like kneejerking with everything the man says or does because thats gotten nowhere. Hes not my guy and I will no doubt be voting against him in the next election assuming the alternative isnt hillary again. Again his consistuency could give a fuck about that stuff so it really doesnt matter to him and he has no insentive to stop. to me the real shady shit is what will be passed in the house and senate under his watch. thats where the real change is going to be made.
So you like a necon who sucks Israeli cock and bombs Assad
Only the_donald redditors support this orange kike puppet
how did he shit the bed? he's not a dictator, he can't just impose his will and pass any legislation he pleases.
He's being attacked harder than any President in decades, the MSM and pundits are mercilessly lambasting him, which in turn brainwashes half of their country to agree with the criticisms whether they're valid or not. Hes been dealing with a mountain of bullshit that most Presidents don't have to deal with to this extent just because the libs are buttmad and won't shut up and let him do his job. Then all of that manifests into politically motivated delays like the circuit court unfairly blocking most of his EOs (sanctuary cities, immigration policy) causing further delay.
Regardless I think he'll get past it and things will die down eventually, might take him a full year in office first, and then we'll really start seeing progress.
>Jared Kushner and Ivanka apparently influence Trump to launch tomahawk middles into Syria
You think that's bad? Bush invaded Iraq because "God told him to"
>now its almost a weekly thing
I didn't say it would die off, of course they'll throw huge temper tantrums, it'll only alienate more people, plus all they do is get offended, shit their pants and hide in a safe space, well atleast the Trotskyites do, the militant leninists or antifa somehow think they can start a revolution out side of their all segregated whit suburbs
yah so he appoints goldman sachs cunts and sucks israels dick. hes still way better than obama bin laden, and hes making an effort. at least every week there isnt some faggot bill to squeeze the second amendment
Overall he's done well.
I was extremely frustrated about the Syrian strike on Assad's planes, but other than that he has done quite well.
He has stuck to the majority of his campaign promises, but he is limited by Congress. He would only be able to stop the H1B and H2 visas if he shut down immigration completely.
The budget he just signed was a budget for fiscal 2017 that Obama never passed. He had limited ability to modify its contents without shutting down the government.
The real test will be in September when he tries to pass his own budget. So far he has stopped all federal agencies from hiring, reduced illegal immigration 70% from where it was previously, and has repealed Obamacare in the House (although the plan is still shit).
I give him a B+ at this point. If he gets the wall completed, reduces corporate taxes to 15%, and eliminates the Department of Education, he'll be the greatest President of all time. Nobody on here would say otherwise unless they're a commie.
Fucking love him with all my heart. I would die for Trump at this point if he asked me to go to NK.
Your comment is silly.
Gary Cohn wants to cut corporate taxes to 15%. Steve Bannon also previously worked at Goldman Sachs. Most of them are right wing, they just have to virtue signal because they're in New York and the majority of the politicians there are Democrats.
>mountain of bullshit
>has a majority in senate and house
>has a diehard following of supporters
If a president cant handle the media I have no sympathy for him, its part of the job he volunteered for.
The best thing Ive found is just to tell them they arent real communists (they arent). I think its a shame that the general public is so swayed by the rhetoric and actions of extremists on both sides. We need a centrist party focused on inclusive CIVIL discourse. so tired of people fighting against their own intrests just to get back at the opposition, its ruining this country
>Fucking love him with all my heart.
Top kek, this is the most pathetic thing I've read in a long time
take the new health care system, for example.
he said he wanted to repeal obamacare, but the only thing he did was replace it with basically the same thing, except shittier and favoring the extremely rich.
also, if he had been more competent, the muslim ban would have lasted more than a week and a half (or however long it lasted, too lazy to check), but the language in the bill was apparently badly written.
he had promises. I'll grant it, he tried to go through with them. but the combined incompetence of himself and his staff end up making him just as shit as any other white collar.
>Gary cohn
>right wing
How did you come to that conclusion?
I would die for him. God bless you President Trump and god bless the USA!
"And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."
Kind of surprised that so many people are still eating Trump's bullshit on this subreddit. /Pol I thought you've grown.
Shut up nigger. Go fry up a watermellon.
He's fucking GOD!
i don't really give a huge shit about trump in the same way i don't give a shit about porn after i cum. for me he already fulfilled his ultimate promise on day zero: making tens if not hundreds of millions of leftists all over the world scream and claw their heads in unspeakable psychological agony, scoring mental scars into the international consciousness that will persist for generations to come.
if you comment on trump in any way without keeping this fact in mind, then i'd say you are, at the very least, criminally ungrateful.
I initially thought Cohn was left wing, then I checked who he sent campaign contributions to. He supported Scott Brown for Senator, when he could have supported Elizabeth Warren.
Cohn is not extreme right, but I think he really is apolitical outside of corporate taxes. I don't really think he is pushing for amnesty because that is not his area of interest. Mnuchin and him are solely focused on getting the taxes down to the same level as places like Singapore and Hong Kong.
what does pissing off people I dislike do to actually better my life in any way whatsoever?
>eliminate the department of education
and replace it with what? wouldn't that fuck up a lot of things, on top of raising another generation of cretin creationists?
>He has stuck to the majority of his campaign promises.
That is a lie. What little he has passed has been stalled by outside powers.
What is this Negro you speak off? Never seen one.
Honestly he's far too left wing to even be considered a conservative. Pence would be a much better president.
>raising another generation of cretin creationists?
Better having that than a generation of retarded psychopaths who believe in 1398137 different genders.
No, it wouldn't.
Most people in the US are nominally Christian, but they aren't radical creationists. If anything they'll just focus more on engineering, mathematics, and maybe some trade skills rather than learning about 57 different genders and white privilege.
im not saying he can't "handle" the media, but it still takes effort to do so, effort he could be spending elsewhere.
If you really don't think the MSM has been going at Trump harder than they've gone after newly elected Presidents in the last ~20+ years then I don't know what else to tell ya.
Disrupts the enemy
personally, I haven't been able to keep a straight face when thinking about the phrase "president donald trump", so I agree with you on that point.
Of course. Our government is filled with Communists. Nobody expected his promises to come true after a few weeks. This is all going to take several years, but the genie is out of the bottle for the GOP so they can't go back to being globalist cucks anymore.
Paul Ryan isn't going to be president after Trump is done. If anything, either Rand or Ted will be the next president. Kobach would be the best, but I think he's too redpilled for the average citizen.
And that's why you're still a leftist. Niggers change peoples minds about the world through their niggery niggerdom. Trump is a miracle.
Aaand PM Trudeau is not cringe-inducing at all?
Best not to throw stones in a glass house, leaf. Your country is a clown show compared to America.
>Of course. Our government is filled with Communists. Nobody expected his promises to come true after a few weeks.
What about the promises that he said he would do quickly and fast.
that's also why you guys should keep the dep of education, especially with trump's cabinet. picture this: a world where the government could basically go to all the SJW with their 5 thai genders and reply with:
chromosomes, motherfucker. learn about them
he literally has multiple secretaries who handle the negative press for him and only grants interviews to people who softball him or at worst he just stops the interview.
They were going pretty hard on Bush as I remember. Obama was given a hell of a time by all of the right wing media for all 8 years. And thats okay because its part of the job.
I dont define myself by what the enemy thinks or does. He's done nothing to benefit me so far.
Well, Trump is letting DACA expire. He's not going to renew it. He has already deported 43 of them, so anyone here illegally is subject to deportation at this point.
The wall going up will be huge. We will need that completed by the end of his second term, otherwise Democrats will just go back to flooding the US with illegals again.
trudeau ain't perfect, far from that. but he isn't a mighty duck-esque story of beating the odds and becoming the first president to ever say "bad dudes" in a formal address
Pretty neutral at the moment. He has done some good, but it's become obvious that he's a good goy and heavily influenced by Jewish advisors. He's also very pro-Israel. I'm not sure what the future will hold. Going forward he'll probably serve Israel's interests well while doing the bare minimum or being mediocre domestically.
as someone who was fairly ambivilant towards him (thank god hillary isnt in the WH) I think this is the most disappointing thing. Wheres the isolationism he promised?
>I initially thought Cohn was left wing
What gave it away? being a registered democrat perhaps? oh he donated to some republicans, this definitely makes up for being a self proclaimed globalist. he couldn't be more left wing.
Same with Mnuchin, he is a fucking hollywood producer, goldman sachs executive and business partner of Soros.
What are you going to tell me next? Kushner is a nationalist?
The_Donald has declared war against Sup Forums
The_Donald has declared war against Sup Forums
(You) (Cross-thread)
9/10 would vote again.
Anyways leaf... why are you online? There are tree mining operations that require every Canadians immediate attention. All those maple trees aren't going to collect all that fine syrup themselves. There is job security in tree mining and as a leaf, you are likely to have an intuition pertaining to mining trees that you may not fully understand.
Don't allow yourself to get any further into syrup withdrawal. It hurts your family and yourself and the consequences can be devastating. Syrup withdrawal is extremely, extremely serious.
instead of making an elaborate meme depicting me using your meaningles flag as TP for my bunghole, I'm just gonna rate and comment your insults.
2/10. no bite, public opinion on tree leaves is pretty neutral, and canada isn't the only country with leaves on it's flag.
>tree mining operation and emphasis on maple syrup collecting
3/10, canada isn't the only country that does maple syrup, and there is probably more emphasis on maple syrup "mining" in vermont. the thing is we know how to make it good. Also, while I'm at it, I'm gonna point out that the glue you put on your pancakes sucks, and maple syrup is simply better in every single way.
>syrup withdrawal
1/10 if anyone here has any condition close to "syrup withdrawal", I think we both know it's you fat-so. I mean, one of us here buys coke in a bucket at walmart, and it aint me.
and on a last note, I would like to say that not only are your "insults" are averaging about as high as your school grades, they are misdirected, because I didn't attack your trump-sama, I asked what you think about it.
TL;DR: next time, keep it to 9/10, words might be a bit too hard for you.
>Most people in the US are nominally Christian, but they aren't radical creationists
In U.S., 42% Believe Creationist View of Human Origins (Gallup)
Atlanta FED is predicting 4.3 % growth in second quarter...Look it up..Its true...New York FED says 2.3 %...Look it up in same article...
It will be over 3%...Trump has locked and loaded economy and Wall Street assholes know it by the 12% growth since election...That's all that matters...All you cucks go wack off and let us real men get back to getting rich again
He will win again, using the slogan "At least I'm not a communist".
Also Obama left Trump with economy at 1.6% GDP..A big joke like him and no quarter reached 3% GDP...
Absolute garbage
Trump's an embarrassment for most of the US population and the rest of the world. He doesn't think before he speaks causing him to say a lot of stupid things. Most of his followers think he straight forward, but he's just talking without thinking.
Butt hurt leaf is butt hurt.
Also, please lurk more. You've just exposed yourself as a newfag.
Beat me to it. Silly newfag leafs... he was actually thinking I was insulting him for some sort of reason hahaha. I'm not sure he knows where he is atm.
He's the man...
lol, half an hour to muster a total of 18 words. nice.
I've never liked him much and still don't, but he's the only alternative to much worse options.
>Cowards are annoyed the battle isn't going exactly as the general predicted.
>Shills going to shill.
He's going to accomplish even greater things after we primary the fuck out of moderate conservatives in 2018
You're embarassing us, eh.
you know what, nevermind. I fucked up. the gig is up. I take my leave. /thread
I've been in this thread for barely a few minutes. Your newfag is showing again... You know there are poster IDs right? Lurk more idiot.
It's still funny
he ditched bulk price negotiation
and of course meme tax relase
i really wanted free global medicine, but anyways it's good that usa is financing pharma jew
A president that's done good so far. Not amazing, but not as bad as many people are making him out to be. No regrets voting for him.
He expanded weapon sales to saudi arabia.
There isn't a bigger betrayal of his voter base than this. he couldn't have been worse
Better than Hillary. Itll take longer to see how good or bad he is. I wish the wall was a higher priority. Also wish he wasnt weakening net neutrality but its not a deal breaker yet.
His administration is a clusterfuck and that's what I voted for knowing full well what it will led to.
Kek. Yeah right. As if you don't know.
For non americans he's just as bad as hillary, a neo con jewish puppet who is about to start WW3
Former Trump supporter here, he's everything I hoped he wouldn't be. Drumpf is right. I hate this guy now.