What exactly happens after pol redpils all the the teenagers and redditers you've brought here?
What's the end game?
Does actually gassing jews for real this time come next?
What exactly happens after pol redpils all the the teenagers and redditers you've brought here?
What's the end game?
Does actually gassing jews for real this time come next?
I'm going to let you in on something you probably already know, alphabet stew:
Picture related is very important.
When the brown influx surpasses the brown to green conversion rate it becomes a subverted socialite shitfest.
Generally speaking when this place gets media coverage, whatever good memes are going at the time are destroyed.
the destruction of every hobby and every meme is marked by a lack of immigration policy, not that it's possible to put a wall around ideas and still keep them honest.
That other website is sort of a release valve for the release valve, think of it like our immigration policy. The memes are exported to there, where they are slowly digested by browns and normies in a safe environment where the memes die a natural death relatively free from any sort of co-opting.
Everyone can move to www.godlikeproductions.com and join the older like minded crowd. There are many people from pol already there and the GLP effect is something that the younger meme warriors would find interesting to utilize. Sup Forums and GLP combined would be an unstoppable force spanning teenagers to late Boomers.
They're going to make this board better, redditers tend to be more intelligent than most other humans on the planet and teenagers are very creative, this is like the renaissance, things are going to get a lot better.
we get them to kill themselves, they are all insufferable
being confident you're intelligent is not the same thing as being intelligent you virtue signalling goofball.
>reddit intellectuals
White ethnostate
The End Game is worldwide Reform. It comes from source lying behind Sup Forums and even older groups on Sup Forums. This board used to talk a lot about psychological warfare and achieving unpopular objective truths. This is all part and piece of the OWO(OldWorldOrder). But it is the OWO reformation process. So that we don't lose what makes our nations great, and the world ends up gray and "equal"
No you fucking idiot the kids just buy retarded fake edgy flags with their dads credit cards
The last great happening was wwii
Nothing will ever HAPPEN
>Does actually gassing jews for real this time come next?
You and I both know that isn't a feasible option.
Its just too inefficient and a waste of resources.
>Does actually gassing jews for real this time come next?
If only.
edit: a word
edit2: wubba lubba dub dub!
edit3: haha THANKS based anonymous Rick and Morty fan! first GOLD ever!
What are some examples of pic related?
>I need at least 10 good examples for that Cracked article I'm writing later
are you implying teenagers actually care about politics?
if they do, they are faggots (in a triple sense) and they need to gtfo from pol
also, OP you are a major faggot, i'd tell you to gas yourself, but someone gassed me for real, and it wasnt funny, like not 0,0000000001 funny, absolute zero
>tfw brown
>tfw entered Sup Forums in 2014 because I heard about the meme raids
Am I an oldfag yet?
comics, video games
Crashing the plane.
>Being this much of an autist
Kys if you bought that flag goodness. Fuck now the right-wing will look like autistic spergs
t. increasingly nervous Jew
You could never even attempt to gas an entire race, that Idea is just utter fairy tale
This is how it goes down,
>redditer comes here
>get red pilled
>burns all social bridges in the process
>expecting a loving family in pol
>just to get mocked and told to go back
>We then laugh as some redditer ends his miserable existence on Facebook live.
World becomes a slightly better place.
>that Idea is just utter fairy tale
That's what they said about going to the moon.
Anonymous was probably the first great meme co-opt of Sup Forums. You had all these normies and edgy teenager hackers running around "identifying" as anonymous, as if that makes sense.
Right now though, happening and kek are in the process. The kek memes have spilled into real life, normies parading around showing off how cool they are for "le pepe xD" and happening, well. Used to be it meant something, now it's used by edgy teens to draw attention to their threads. It too is spilling into real life.
ah but I digress.
If you were talking about hobbies, video gaming as a whole. People who would ridicule you for playing pokemon in middle school play it at the bus stop today 20 years later.
magic cards
Fuck off
Silly burger.
What I mean is, it's so impossible that it LITERALLY NEVER COULD HAVE EVER HAPPENED ONCE in human history ever.
accept this is not a game
That's the goal for me once I finish my schooling to becoming a technician. I will breed a big breasted Jewess with my white cock.
Hopefully. But for now lets just focus on deporting (((them))) and getting our Ethnostate. Our survival depends on it.
while you are a part of that "better place" ?
kys faggot
Oh and liberalism. Not Sup Forums related but it has been majorly co-opted by virtue signalling socialites as a result of the continued polarized politics game that politicians play. Did you know most liberals today identify as communist AND socialist? Gotta bash the fash! Black lives matter! Refugees welcome!
The irony of course is that it's the easiest ideology for bullies to use to bully. The litmus of course is of course, anything that a high school bully supports is naturally something meant to fuck you up for their enjoyment. The amount of school and college assholes I know who push stuff like transgenderism is unbelievable, and they push it hard.
>yeah mean get the surgery, be who you were meant to be!
>wow so empowered!
>black rights are important, they need more programs
>[laughs internally]
> What's the end game?
You would know if you need to.
>Does actually gassing jews for real this time come next?
Yes. Now you get it.
>shawshank and monty python are reddit
>american dad isn't
i didn't even clicked in his image, but i know you're a fag
>Does actually gassing jews for real this time come next?
Number of people killed by meme = 0
nuke them, imprison, work camps would be the ultimate irony
we'll only be free if we exterminate low-iq and scum
The only difference between real life and games is one is work and one is play. Otherwise it's exactly the same.
Real jews are black kings and queens you cis neanderthal scum
What happens is this:
More then 0 Whites get redpilled
Jews keep pushing
((their)) War comes
More then 0 Whites have a fighting chance because pol redpilled them
>What exactly happens after pol redpils all the the teenagers and redditers you've brought here?
it becomes mainstream so we switch sides
that score chart is such subjective bullshit
>Bobs Burgers on the same order as South Park
>+0 for (apparently) new Simpsons
>Only lose points in movies for art-house, indie shit
>-1 for Curb Your (((Larry David)))
please leave.
"Kekistan" is literally the most retarded thing to come out of Sup Forums.
How often do you see genuinely redpilled threads here anymore? Sup Forums is dead.
as a high-iq member of the choosen race...you ought to have the anwsers,what's the low iq threshold and who's gonna do the grunt work?
back to r9k
Niggered is triggered
>that pic
Sometimes i wonder if we are creating monsters.
The flag is a good way to identify autists though.
You will never stop us from coming in. We from reddit took what /pol did and made it better!
We are starting redpill the normies. Kek is not real. Who is going to stop us?
This website.
This so much
I know that many of you will probably be shocked when you hear this, but that frog that you keep spamming here with your epic meem magik XD is not only out of place but also makes anyone who has browsed this place for more than 5 years cringe. The frog was already old in like 2013 and *very* old in 2014, then it got resurrected by /r9k/ in 2015 for a few months and finally died for good. Until you guys came and started spamming the exact same 5 year old images for another two years, and by spamming I mean having 50% of this board consist of them.
If you've ever wondered why people here hate reddit it's exactly because of that - because while we had the minimal social capacity required to realize that a joke is already old and its time to stop repeating it, reddit didn't. It took them about 5-6 years to realize that for ragecommics, and some of them still haven't. And when someone calls you out on that you call him a shill, followed by a cringy circlejerk of your buddies sucking each other's dicks and agreeing with you. You're the pink and brown lads from the pic.
The return of the old gods is the goal.
Im pretty sure most people here being "redpilled" are actually not even redpilled in real life. I found this site from memes n shit, and every single person in my social circle, even those who are pure nordic and white are browsing this to shitpost. No one is gonna gass the jews or "crusade". If you think that, you can fuck of to storm front you delusional cuck.
I'm liberal and I don't think my self as a communist but I do like socialistic policies as do you.
Eh, unfortunately gassing the jews would still attract too much negative stigma, and would be virtually impossible without generations of consistent propaganda without sabotage (very unlikely).
It would be far easier to just finish what Hitler started with Haavara and confine them to the promised land that they're supposed to occupy according to their own bloody holy book.
That way they get their promised land, we get our planet, and we're about as happy as we're going to be able to achieve from a practical standpoint.
>Those areolae.
Not even once.
Nice mental gymnastics, Sup Forums fag.
>redditers tend to be more intelligent than most other humans on the planet
The US can muddle on for a long time, but shit is going to go down in Europe one way or another in the coming decades.
>not wanting to suck on huge nipples
Sargon did this!
Oh my fucking god it's happening.
send semi nude pictures now, i prefer stockings
But he's right. Reddit and outsiders have ruined this board. Hell, even moot jumped ship.
They get sent out into the real world and get their asses kicked because the the red suppositories of Sup Forums are a bunch of bullshit in reallife.
And they'll also learn that screaming memes at the top of their lungs doesn't help either.
They will buy Kek rings?
>implying I like socialistic policies when they're used to enslave entire demographics.
Big nose breathing all the white man's air
There is power in numbers and influence.
Videogames industry. On the other hand: many of the original creators were already libtard cancer
Look in horror of your enslavement at work.
If you actually care about politics you would be happy that you've turned centrists/leftists to the right, even if it means that they repeat cringy memes in public. It's like some of you retards care more about memes than actual politics.
and yet, somehow this board attracts worldwide attention
why faggot?
>roads are socialist
>anything organized by the state is socialist
>when the king traveled it was also socialism
merely pretending to be retarded?
Moonman is elected president
Because now it's attracting outsiders like you. Because there's more people doesn't mean this site has gotten better.
that photo was clearly made by a salty sperglord autist
To me it seems the other way around. Liberals like Sargon are trying to coopt and flood Sup Forums with their ilk to change the board culture entirely.
And it's really a fucking joke that the alt-light, especially McInnes tier people and fucking Milo, are considered in any way "conservative".
> make them natsocs
> pit them against socialists
> Laugh as the niggers kill each other
> profit
That's the master plan, now keep stuffing those redpills up your ass.
For a website that encourages impulsive, almost instinctual desire.
Instant tansmission of knowledge and opinion.
Ive kind of felt like there wasnt too much of a long term goal.
Its only here and now kinda thing.
Yes, roads are a socialist policy. As for the road and king analogy, false equivalency. The king owns the road while the people today own the road. Are you pretending to be retarded?
We don't have to gas the Jews, just expel them
Jesus Christ
You fucking have to go back.
what's your real age?
don't worry i don't want to butt fuck you, just to embarass you!
because you wanted to interpret "worldwide attention" as good while playing the outsider card, because if one thing an autist likes, is attention
KYS faggot
I've seen many, many things and sites completely overrun and redesigned due to normielization, but for some reason the event horizon for yotsuba is what fills me with the most sadness. not in a "muh secret club way," but in a "visited your friend in the hospital's bedside for years trying to ignore the worsening symptoms and at this point you're just trying to make sure you're here for his last few moments to not be alone" kind of way.
we can try to act like board culture and redpills can still subconsciously cling to nu-newfag visitors, but one of these days we will inevitably look at this place with the same bittersweetness as thinking about places like NG or ytmnd, etc.
all we'll have are screencaps of memories.
I think you're over reacting, bringing in more people is good because at least a few of them will become very good at meming and they'll teach the noob memers who will them redpill other less intelligent people.
This board will become the symbol of humor and creativity, eventually everyone on earth will get redpilled.
Look in horror of your enslavement at work.
who the fuck are you trying to impress shitbird? any women who frequent this shithole are not worth white knighting.
Look in horror of your enslavement at work.