Thanks tax payers!
I'm gon eat gud tonight
Thanks tax payers!
I'm gon eat gud tonight
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Nice, what are you planning for sides?
If eating some meat is an achievment in your life, so much that you've to take a pic and post it on an internet forum, it mean that you've quit a very sad life.
shut up mohamed
>$20 meat
How much is your income? Is the hikikomori life for me?
>that anti-lawsuit sticker
protein at dinner can be good for you. a secure and orderly government food benefits system would permit moderate meat consumption.
key words are secure and orderly. THumP proposes a system where anyone can purchase only essential and healthy foods. no more shopping carts loaded with pop and sugary cereals.
Don't you have a trash bin to steal food from, favella monkey nigger?
you have no place speaking monkey
>he requires the work of others to survive
Btw how much "neet bux" does us state give?
Wow American got meat for dinner? Congratulations man, better have that with a good movie and maybe some mustard.
Enjoy your depression I guess.
It's a viable survival strategy. You are the host to this parasite, and he is thriving.
>that label printing misalignment
If you want to live like a parasite. Once shit hits the fan, this fuck will starve and it will be good.
>walmart prime rib
Enjoy it, nigger.
so never
>60 USD kg
>satisfaction guaranteed
>still red
>9.6-ounce steak
What are you going to do with that, feed a 12-year-old girl?
Get some real steaks, you fucking pussy.
Lobster tail and roasted baby patatos with sea salt and rosemary
Dry aged, the best
Was making 60-70, but now closer to 0
This is no time to indulge in hedonism. You should be focusing on getting a new job.
Argentina confirmed for best beef in the world
Lobsters are trash food, you have a huge crab and not really that much meat to eat. It's all armor and most of it goes to waste.
Pretty shitty choice, sir.
your work is required
Jesus, 30 dollars for a pound of steak? Where do you live? I made a 2 pound steak earlier and it cost me like 14 bucks. You're wasting my tax money on over priced goods ya faggot.
This is actually quite sad. The epitome of what this guy is able to brag about is eating a shitty piece of strip steak.
He's actually of the opinion that his ability to buy the steak and post it on Sup Forums will somehow impress people or somehow make them envious.
Imagine, for a moment, how shit your life has to be if _this_ is something to brag about.
Does he think others can't afford $18? Is this a special, once a month treat he has to scrimp and save for? Did he grow up so poor that this is seen as some sort of affluence or elitism? Who knows?
How much do you get per month OP?
You know that is half a T-bone steak right?
Not even comparable to crab
Basically just a sea bug, but god damn if it tastes good
You know your life sucks when someone from 5% white country can talk shit about your income.
Reply parasite. It's a direct order.
How much do you leech from normal human beings?
>not waiting for managers special @15.99 lb. You could have bought two.
>steals steak
lol statism achieved!!!111
Dropping trou and showing your full hand isn't the way we do things in America, Mohammad
Give a number, you miserable failure, low life trash. Don't be shy. It's probably something under 1k.
Your parents must be pround of the failed creature they created, why don't you hang yourself, you human trash?
The only Mohamed I know is a friend that became doctor 2 years ago, you're not un position to look down on anyone, nigger.
>spending that much on a steak
>from a grocery store
you can get good steaks in bulk from a butcher for way cheaper
That's some expensive steak.
for 60 bucks a kilo i could get wagyu
Getting divorce, need to keep the alimony and child support payments own
Uncle sams helping me get there
I mean, we all knew OP was a fag.... but this was the only part that really ticked me off.
>impatient people will never know the joy of a thick $2.50 steak they paid for with their own hard-earned money
does it say kg anywhere?
neetbux sounds so enticing at times
You do realize your ex can just take you back to court to get those payments adjusted if your income increases, right?
never pay more that 10$ on sale.
are you retarded?
I love being NEET. It's so nice that Christmas comes every week.
Thanks wagies. I love you!
You paid too much for that.
>dry aged
>spent my neetbux today on cocaine
>wagies will ragie
>This happens in America
Wow marriage is dangerous
Literally every social network
no, are you?
>he paid
You see, to be confused as to how NEETdom actually works. The hard reality is, you paid.
Get a job man, if you're single and have a job you can have something nice every day. Just like life should be.
As if I have an ex. I'm not some normie retard, you know.
And who's going to pay for your Utopian dream?
I make 20bux an hour and don't do shit just fap and lift,no gf.sad
Typical young neet.
Spends $18 on one steak.
Pissed off at end of month because ramen.
Poor NEET that's like an average dinner for wage earners.
And they get their wives to cook it for them.
You have a point. user must have a pretty shitty life if a steak is an achievement.
>18 bux for a stake
It all depends on personal incentives. Most people are spoiled and decadent, so they need to work to pay for that lifestyle. If you're humble and have simple tastes the NEET life can be abundant.
if all it takes is 1 steak a month to keep hordes of neet fatties from masturbating on my lawn, it's fine by me
No, we cheer, cause you'll likely be dead from OD in the next couple of years and won't be a problem anymore...
>getting more than a few shekels
Good luck living in some section 8 housing projects in a shithole like Kensington or Trenton.
that's why I'm not married/have any kids.
they will take everything from you, and teach your kids to hate you.
>US$65 a kg for average looking Porterhouse.
We'll never have a SHtF scenario. The States with become a socialist state through powerful buecracy that was unelected. We will then become a majorly Hispanic and African country, and look and act like Venezuela.
The collapse will be slow and unnoticed, unrejectable.
I use my neetbux to eat shit and masturbate while ''studying'''
I spent about 5 hours of the semester actually doing work and attending lectures.
I'm set to pass two of my classes easily
One has an assignment due tonight
The other, marketing, I might just give up on because it involved talking to the rest of the class
>this ((((((product)))))) was prepared from ((((((inspected))))))) and (((((((passed))))))) (((((((meat))))))) an/or (((((((((((poultry)))))))))))
I couldn't write any longer, I'm sorry.
I'm a NEET (my wife encouraged it since we like to spend 24/7 together) but yeah we definitely can't come close to affording $18 steak per night forever.
I make 13 € an hour and I think I can live like king. No gf, sad, but still I love being able to cook whatever I like. It's the best in life. Good and ordinary home food.
A man's gotta eat
I have absolutely no doubt I have perused the absolute best course of action given the current environment in which I'm forced to live.
You see, Mongol, my country has chosen to succumb to shameless socialism is the last decade, and I can't pay one cent in taxes to such idiots.
But I can most certainly consume free shit from thieves retards have welcomed into their lives. Yum, yum, motherfuckers.
Being NEET is the true achievement in life, you horrible little frog. Us NEETs are the high priests of our age, and our insights will be what saves the world. If tax payer money dries up, I bet OP will find another way to survive without wageslaving.
What's your drug of choice?
No because America doesn't measure things in faggot
>0.6 lbs
You are no real american.
You're welcome little dude, enjoy it.
>$30 per 0.5kg
what the actual fuck
SA is more white than US I think, like 80% White.
I'd say the wagecuck is the parasite. Also, someone post the superior NEET vs wagecuck pics.
8% white
Not judging your neet life, it can afford necessities. But if you can ever have a job try it, it's damn nice being able to afford furniture, food and healthcare if you ever need them.
I don't work for society either, I work for myself.
Master, teach me the ways of the neet life
Normies are all scum, they can pay for superior NEET meals.
a lot of marbling in that, not so good desu, but if it's a step up from what you usually eat then great, enjoy it
NEET here, we're talking about human beings here, not paki nigger subhumans wasting money for a high.
If people on foodstamps bought real food like that steak instead of soda it would be a good thing
>Us NEETs are the high priests of our age
It's so true when you really think about it. We actively exploit and proliferate whatever memes serve us. It's basically gibs squared.
We take gibs to benefit us, but also to punish our enemies.
roughly 60$ per kilo. Talk about expensive
I don't know how you're okay with never having a family. You're helping the white race commit suicide.
You're hearing Shlomo in your head, if you can work right, apply for Disability or SSI, or both, up to $1000 a month or more. And live with mommy. Just sit there and learn stuff.
Nigga that doesn't even look like dry aged meat.
I think you got took.
Freedom is priceless. It is literally the most valuable thing. If you're not much of a material person, it's actually a much better lifestyle.
This is what's best in the modern world, cooking your own food.