Is Miss Helsinki Finnish enough?
100% fingol blood
It is like having a race for disabled people, and then complaining that the least disabled person won.
That happens sometimes.
white power hand gesture confirmed
Just look at those dopey eyes. Is there anything going on up there?
The runner up
Blacks are so full of contradictions. No one hates blacks like other blacks.
Every time I see that face I am shocked at how ugly it is
They could have got a better looking nigger, they are out there but no they got the single most hideous looking ape they could find
We all bleed red.
What is with the white power ok signs?
Yeah, and so do monkeys. What's your point?
Just a bit of the ol' jokeroo, friendo.
and this is why the non-white race will never maintain civilization without whites, they will just eat each other when whites are gone
Bitch looks like a full on mexican black my ass
Why do they need a Miss Black University in the first place?
Because if everyone is a winner then no one feels left out.
I wonder what he has to say.
FUCK, forgot pic
>our father is black
I think their father got cucked or was barely black
And how is this a surprise. Niggers are the most racist POS out there.
>we need to stand united instead of hating each other based on our appearance
Did she miss the democrat diversity memo?
>OP pic related
Made ya look
Imagine the reverse, a miss white university pageant then people getting upset because she wasn't aryan enough...the fucking press would go bonkers
desu it isn't baseless. But we all have seen the recent miss Finland.
Yet if she had invented something or done anything worthwhile they would be claiming her
We wuz white and shit.
Maybe the choice was ironic, a satire for sjw culture
such brazen white supremacy
This pic says it all
>Half-black white girl wins "black beauty pageant"
Whites truly are the master race.
Classic. Seeing blacks hate on blacks for not being the right kind of black is as good as seeing Muslims kill Muslims for not being the right kind of Muslim.
These people always talk so much shit about how much better the world would be without white people when the truth is that they will all hate and kill each other over dumbass shit until the end of fucking time.
Father was probably a quadroon or mulatto lmao that butch aint 50% black
>Our father is black
Momma must have been getting some vanilla pudding on the side.
Black men want black superiority, but only want to date white women. Niggers are so awful.
MiLK jr
I am so sick and tired of these fucking niggers on my campus. All they do is hoot and scream about muh racism while getting full scholarships for useless degrees. The University of Texas at Austin is a degenerate shit heap.
well she doesn't look black at all desu.
Race is skin deep.
She looks like she had one pair of chromosomes too much. So yeah, breddy finish.
but how do they settle this?
They wonder why hybrids are so fucked mentally.
Squabble and muddle through. The same as how a White Nationalist organization deals with having a member who is questionably/borderline white, etc.
She's as black as Shaun King is and he's been accepted as a prestigious member of the black community.
>criticizing shitskins for not being white enough
>DAS RAYCIS though
wow a living neanderthal, how is this not bigger news?
I'd rather live next to a house full of monkeys than 1 nigger desu.
Because there's a continenet called Africa willed with them, there's Abos too that a similar
*continent - I fucked up, sorry
Miss black?
Shouldn't be allowed for being discriminatory
She should've smoked crack and had bastard children to prove she the niggest.
Dark-Skinned black chicks are well documented in having an unholy anger against light-skinned black chicks.
>1960s: mulattoes weren't white enough
>2010s: mulattoes aren't black enough
has american racism come full circle guys?
>everyone in this pic is atleast 50% european
The same reason we have the special Olympics.
So what would happen if a transgendered white guy who also identifies as black wants to enter? How bou tha?
Little hottie
>with white genes, you win
shes white, yall got bleached, lol,
He is even whiter than the girl in the OP, lmao.
will spooks ever be happy?
he is definitely white. you can't claim to be black and be that white.
>Miss Black Pageant
That's not very progressive of them to have segregated beauty pageants.
lot of that going around.
>black my ass
that's what your mom said last night lmao
>miss black
now is she really black? she is like pushing the upper limit right?
shes like a generation away from being totally white.
Holy shit couldn't they at least choose a better looking nigress?
It's just not diverse enough if an ethnic woman conforms to european standards of beauty.
Progressives are unironically seeking out the niggest looking whores to win beauty contests and signal how virtuous they are.
I'd say 2 or 3 generations, ideally we want there to be no remaining visible traces of niggerism before we can call someone "totally white"
>give this student no pencils
Because he stabs his classmates or because he steals them?
Depends on the monkey. Chimps are rather hard to live with apparently.
now shes black, now other way about it. shes pretty good.
B-b-but Mrs. Goldberg told me that when we all mix the racism will disappear??
she lays it on, without laying it on too thick.
Cripple fights
I though diversity was supposed to destroy racism.....
the guy though.....
Haha she's almost been completely bleached.
Kekd irl at 4 am
Is this surprising to anyone? Black men don't care about pageants and nobody treats mixed kids worse than Black women because they know that means a black guy fucked a white woman. They can't stand knowing most people don't fine them attractive.
Looks latina to me. Must be a quadroon or octaroon