Public Debate -- Topic: Zionism

ITT: We discuss/debate the claims there is nothing wrong with:

>Jewish Nationalism

The user who made the claim may go first in justifying his beliefs.

>inb4 Hitler wanted Jews in Israel

The German Gov had proposed moving the Jews to various other places, not just Israel, such as Madagascar. This was to prevent an actual holocaust (which still didn't happen). BUT Hitler did not move the Jews to Madagascar nor Israel because simply moving them to one place and giving them protection was not the answer then and it isn't the answer now.

Other urls found in this thread:–Israeli_conflict–Israeli_War

lel what sort of newfaggotry is this?

Anyway, how about you tell me why Jews do not deserve a space of their own and self-determination.

Do no one? Or is it just jews who don't?

>the jewish people can't have their own state
>the jews can't have any national identity
>the jews can't be jewish supremacists


>i can have my own state
>i can have my own national identity
>i can be a white supremacists

When I do it its completely different hehe and im not using kike logic i hate so much cause im white lol haha

You made the claim there is nothing wrong with Zionism and Jewish Nationalism. Please justifying your claim before deflecting to my position.

Before I can counter your points, you have to first give them.

If you can't explain your reasoning I'll be forced to accept your defeat.

Aryans aren't trying to enslave the rest of the world. Jews are.

Your post is a false comparison.

I do believe i've been baited.

Nicely done sir.

Like I said in the other thread, all peoples deserve self-determination. Jews too, even Turks!

>all peoples deserve self-determination. Jews too, even Turks!

I'm simply asking you to justify the claim that Jews, despite actively trying to destroy the white race and enslave everyone else, deserves the right to exist in a self-governed nuclear State like everyone else who ISN'T engaging in white genocide.

Please explain the reasoning for your claim.

you are right that there is nothing wrong with jewish nationalism, all peoples should defend themselves.
however there is a problem with zionism and there is a problem with jews

>burger education
Whites, and specifically modern-day Europeans, aren't Aryans. Stop appropriating that word.


>pic related

Now let's stay on topic, shall we? :)

Incredible. You're also incapable of reading and comprehending things on top of that.

There's nothing wrong with it for Jews, same as there was nothing wrong with Hitler for white Germans if he didn't lose.
Doesn't mean it's not harmful to other people which is why they oppose it.

Comon now you can't blame them all for what a few do.

And if you're so afraid of the jew then having them in on place must be much better than the international jewery.

>Aryans aren't trying to enslave the rest of the world

except for


etc ... lol .. you failed and the jews won

You still have failed to justify or even explain your reasoning.

Never forget the day that I, Moarpheus, defeated you in only two posts.

But don't think your loss is my victory.
You only lost because your ideas are flawed.
Which means you spread false ideas.
Which means you lead others astray.
Which means I have to work even harder to redpill even moar people.

Please wake up, Neo.

>descendants of ancient indo-european peoples
What language do I speak? :^)

done by jews
done by jews

nice opinion. let me know when you can logical justify having it and ill debate it with you.

Are white Hispanics white?

But I have.

But sure I concede my defeat to overwhelming autism, one can not hope to fight against such powers.

(((white hispanics)))

White isn't a race.
White is a skin tone.
Aryan is a race.
Indo-European is a race.

I'm an Aryan because I am an Indo-European.
Are white hispanics Indo-European, user?

all youve said is white genocide is being done by a few jews, and I shouldnt blame the majority for the minority. But this is a lie, user. And didnt think it worth my response. But

>pic related

There are no good Jews.

What is wrong with anything I said you fucking burger, it's a logical statement if you aren't on any side

Milo is a cozy jew. So is Dave Rubin.

It seems you can't justify the idea that all peoples do not deserve self-determination.

>milo is a cozy Jew

Milo pushes:

>race mixing
>homosexuality and degeneracy

Has Dave Rubin exposed the plot of white genocide for his audience or nah?

If nah, he's not a good Jew :^)

I rest my case.

You couldn't even answer whether or not "white hispanics" are Indo-European.

But have another (((you)))

>if they aren't perfect then they aren't good
lel i might have mistaken your retardation with autism

>expecting people who speak for White Nationalism to expose the very real plot of white genocide is asking too much

You're defeated.

>thinking white genocide is the only thing that is important

would you like to tell us all what's more important than saving the Aryan race from destruction?

>white people dindu nuffin

you sound like a nigger

What user attributed to whites belongs to the Jews.

If you disagree, why don't you explain why exactly?

Seeing how ONE person can stave off that by his own, I would say... Many things.

Want to avoid white genocide? have 7 children. You've successfully avoided white genocide since obviously you'll raise your kids well and they will continue in the same fashion.

Jew do not have to speak about white genocide to justify their own self-determination.

Just like whites do not have to speak about Native American genocide to justify their own self-determination.

I didn't ask how to avoid white genocide.
I asked you to name one thing more important than ending the genocide of the Aryan race, in response to you claiming that:

>thinking white genocide is the only thing that is important

So tell me, tell us all: what is more important?

Because they're not. And that wasn't the point when I brought them (white Hispanics), dumbass. You're clearly not understanding a thing I'm saying, or why the comparison.

>I would say... Many things.
2nd Amendment for you ;^)

>Because they're not.
Well, then I guess you have your answer, don't you? You can call them "white" if you want, but they will never be Aryan, and you will never confuse me about my race using deceptive terms like "white."

>is X white

Friendly reminder Jews create these threads in an attempt to confuse you as to what is and is not white, thus resulting in the loss of racial identity. Don't forget how evil the Jews are, and how much they hate you. "White" isn't a race. Our race is the Aryan race, today called "Indo-European." Who is an Aryan? Anyone who descends from the ancient Aryan peoples who spoke an Indo-European language. Who is not an Aryan? Anyone who does not descend from the ancient Aryan bloodline.

Your ruse is foiled.

is that your honest answer? the second amendment is more important than saving the race who wrote it?

Stay defeated, TRS.

Well, thanks for the debate boys.

Yeap. Also freedom of speech.

If we are to talk about things that are equally important, Japanese genocide anf Korean genocide are a few.

lel you forgot about the actual debate part though

Israel is the only country I would die for.

Not bait.

>loses both his arguments
>starts shitposting
>ducks out
Typical burger.

What is there to debate?

Jews conquered Palestina and founded Israel.

Goyim are butt-hurt at the notion of Jews they can't pick on.

>Jews conquered Palestina and founded Israel.

Yeah he got cucked hard.

Couldn't even justify his objection to the basic premise of self-determination.

Your map shows the Jewish conquest of Palestine. What are we even arguing about, exactly?

Israel doesn't exist because people on Sup Forums ""agree"" with it, it exists because of it's own strength.

Again I ask, what is there to debate, exactly?

>Couldn't even justify his objection to the basic premise of self-determination.
im beating a dead h̶o̶r̶s̶e̶ Jew at this point, but would you care to take another shot at justifying why Americans need Zionism?

>Your map shows the Jewish conquest of Palestine.

Israel today exists thanks to the U.S. and U.N.
Jews didnt "conquer" anything,.
They created the holohoax lie with the CIA for muh sympathy.

Gaining sympathy for a lie isn't "conquering."
Jews are weak and unintelligent, which is why they couldn't conquer anything and need the white man's help.

Disagree? How come?

>but would you care to take another shot at justifying why Americans need Zionism?

Zionism isn't for Americans in general, it's for Jews, and Israelis specifically... the premise of your question doesn't even make sense.

>Americans need Zionism
I thought this thread was about jews

>justifying why Americans need Zionism?
So the self-determination of Jews are predicated on whether or not USA need it? lel

It doesn't work like that.

Also you're basically using the same arguments that leftists use too.
>white people don't deserve a country or self-determination
>look at what they did to the Native Americans

One does not have a connection with the other.

>Disagree? How come?

Because of the history of the Arab-Israeli Wars as read by me in various conventional sources.

Based on my reading, if Israel had relied entirely on the UN or even the USA, and not it's own strength and determination, it wouldn't exist today.

Israel is pretty based military history up until recently. I get that you think that white men are superior but if that's truly the case you wouldn't be pathetically nit-picking at the Jews' mediocre accomplishments just to prove that point.

It's like pointing at a retard and yelling "I'm smarter!" Like, no, you look like an idiot.

Wrong. Zionism is the belief that Jews deserve the right to Israel. Every Jew believes this and is a Zionist by default. A "Zionist Jew" is simply a Jew.

Zionism is for the goyim who stand with muh Israel.

>Video related

I'm asking you why the alt-right is attempting to spread zionism in America. Care to answer how it would benefit us? Or does it only benefit the Jew?

>Because of the history of the Arab-Israeli Wars as read by me in various conventional sources.
k. which sources?

>Based on my reading, if Israel had relied entirely on the UN or even the USA, and not it's own strength and determination, it wouldn't exist today.
Israel didn't exist in the modern world before the U.S. and UN formed it, user...

>I'm asking you why the alt-right is attempting to spread zionism in America.
This is news to me and i did not think this is what the thread was about but okay.

Probably they are trying to spread it because they want the same right afforded to themselves. Meaning they too want self-determination for white people, just like the jews.

>Wrong. Zionism is the belief that Jews deserve the right to Israel.


>Every Jew believes this and is a Zionist by default. A "Zionist Jew" is simply a Jew.

Not quite, I am Jewish but not really a Zionist. I have considerably sympathy for Israel but I have no desire to live there nor would I place Israel's interests ahead of my own.

>Zionism is for the goyim who stand with muh Israel.

Oh well those people are retarded, yes, as is anyone who supports a foreign country instead of their own.

>news to me

lurk moar fgt. when you can tell me why as a non-Jew should embrace Zionism I'll continue addressing your posts. till then, youre merely stalling and deflecting.

>Not quite
Do you believe in the Jewish people's right to exist in the State of Israel?

>when you can tell me why as a non-Jew should embrace Zionism
I did see

>k. which sources?

Start here:–Israeli_conflict

And then branch out to the history of Israel, the history of Palestine, and the military history of Israel.

There's a lot of good books on the subject perhaps someone can recommend.

>Israel didn't exist in the modern world before the U.S. and UN formed it, user...

Israel would have been destroyed a few weeks after the UN founded it if the nascent Israeli military hadn't succeeded in fighting off a numerically-superior Arab attack:–Israeli_War

Pic related btw.

>Do you believe in the Jewish people's right to exist in the State of Israel?

Mmm... mixed feelings.

Israel is the result of the conquest of Palestine. I think that it was an injustice to create Israel but now that it exists we must come up with a solution that acknowledges that irreversible fact.

pic related :^)

>Israel would have been destroyed a few weeks after the UN founded it if the nascent Israeli military
there was no israel before we gave it to the jews. there was no israeli military until we created it and trained their troops. there was no MOSSAD until the CIA created it for Israel.

Can you tell me how the formation and maintenance of the State of Israel benefits me as a non-Jew?

fair enough, moshe. but dont you think
>but now that it exists we must come up with a solution that acknowledges that irreversible fact.
is like saying:

>well, a burglar broke into my home and i know who it was, but instead of justice ill try to come up with a solution that favors the burglar too, so he can maybe keep some of my goods


>I think that it was an injustice to create Israel

Why, because Palestinians died?

What do you have in common with Palestinians?


>you have to have something in common with a people to not want their genocide and displacement

non-aryan detected.

Yeah so you uploaded a picture of what im saying.

nice arguments u got the bud


>>well, a burglar broke into my home and i know who it was, but instead of justice ill try to come up with a solution that favors the burglar too, so he can maybe keep some of my goods

I heard that metaphor a lot but it seems to ignore the fact that many modern nations (perhaps all) were formed out of conquest.

By that same logic you could say that all Americans should go back to Europe or, if you go back far enough, that the Palestinians should GTFO of Palestine.

You can't seriously equate the existence of an entire nation-state with some squatter breaking into your house and then try to apply the same type of "solution" to the problem, it's just not comparable: scale is a salient factor here.

But yes, I understand where the Palestinians are coming from.

There was a rwandan genocide. Do you care about any of those people, their ideas, or the fate of their country?

>Jews are weak and unintelligent, which is why they couldn't conquer anything and need the white man's help.
then how are they able to orchestrate a world wide white genocide?


>Can you tell me how the formation and maintenance of the State of Israel benefits me as a non-Jew?
What does it matter if it benefits you or not?

Response to :

>What do you have in common with Palestinians?

I guess we share some basic humanity. Like I said in my other comment, I can understand where the Palestinians are coming from.

If foreigners invaded Canada and established their own State while evicting and ethnically cleansing the Canadian population and putting the rest under strict military occupation... Yeah, I might hate them too and I would probably fight back as well.

Doesn't mean I would sneak into 13 year old girls' bedroom and slash her throat though...

you claimed to have no knowledge of the alt-right spreading zionism. I linked to a TRS post literally showing them spreading Zionism.

at what point do you tuck your tail and just make another lauren southern thread?

>many modern nations (perhaps all) were formed out of conquest
>By that same logic you could say that all Americans should go back to Europe

But ancient Aryans civilized the entire ancient world. From America to the ME to China. We didn't "conquer" anything -- we literally spread civilization and gave it freely INSTEAD OF conquering the natives.

This is a false comparison.

pic related. through deception. the lie of zionism. its the same old lie. pic related is proof. notice his claims about what immigration wont do, and then realize its done the exact opposite.

Jews confuse the willingness to deceive with "intelligence." It's their fatal flaw.

there IS a white genocide right now. Do you care about any of those people, their ideas or the fate of their countries?

Lets play the free palestine game

Can anyone score any points?

Pic related

Yeah, nationalists supporting nationalism is not something new. It's kinda the whole thing.

What we're all trying to understand is how a nationalist can NOT support nationalism.


I keep seeing this image being spammed here but after an attempt to verify it through google, nothing comes up except a few irrelevant blogger websites.

Can you please give me the sources to it so I can explore them myself?

>If foreigners invaded Canada and established their own State while evicting and ethnically cleansing the Canadian population and putting the rest under strict military occupation

That didn't happen with palestine, the Palestinians got uppity and attacked first. It was a defensive war for the israelis


No it isn't... it doesn't even address what I said.

This isn't a video game you're not going to score any points by "responding" to me you don't have to reply if you don't want to, I don't care...

>is not something new.
but i thought you said you werent aware of nationalists spreading zionism in america? :^)

now would you care to explain why Zionism benefits me as a non-Jew?

no. google it and do research. pretty sure the quote is from a book mentioned in the maymay. if its misattributed or false please let me know but give really good proofs.

Sup Forums doesn't like Jews Reddit. Get over it.

>That didn't happen with palestine, the Palestinians got uppity and attacked first. It was a defensive war for the israelis

It kind of did... it would be like if eventually enough Muslims came to Canada and started demanding an Islamic State and then the UN came in and said "okay, the Muslims should get half of Ontario and you get the rest" so the other Canadians get pissed and invade, whatever, Southern Ontario (Toronto) to get our lands back and then get pushed back and lose even more land.

Like okay I don't agree with all of the Palestinian's methods, murdering women and children and old people is fucking unjustifiable but I understand where they're coming from.

>By that same logic you could say that all Americans should go back to Europe
Wrong. Because ancient Aryans were the first to civilize the ancient Americas, just like they did in every other civilization. Every Nation that now exists, including Israel interestingly enough, wouldnt have survived into today without my people not conquering the ancient natives but giving them agriculture, math and various sciences.

Your comparison is therefore false.

>no. google it and do research. pretty sure the quote is from a book mentioned in the maymay. if its misattributed or false please let me know but give really good proofs.
Alright I checked wikipedia for a while and the very first lie I spotted is that he is "jewish", when he actually isn't, and even more, his father was anti-semitic

I'll continue to dig into it and tell you if there's more.

>Your comparison is therefore false.

Your bullshit story is actually hilariously similar to Zionist justifications for Israel:

>Wrong. Because ancient Israelis were the first to civilize the ancient Levant, just like they did every other civilization...

Seriously, it reads verbatim like the shit they say at Synagogue when explaining Israel to young Jewlings.

>Alright I checked wikipedia for a while and the very first lie I spotted is that he is "jewish", when he actually isn't, and even more, his father was anti-semitic
good work. it seems irrelevant tho if the quote is actually true tho. let me know what you find, user

>implying israel is the only country jews control
>implying last man standing should grant you diplomatic immunity

>but i thought you said you werent aware of nationalists spreading zionism in america? :^)
Yeah, spreading and supporting are two different things.

Why are you behaving like a lunatic? It's like basic concepts do not compute with you, what is wrong?

You've yet to make a single argument.
>now would you care to explain why Zionism benefits me as a non-Jew?
I don't care if it does. The independence and self-determination of The Maldivian people do not benefit me as far as I know in any major way as a non-Maldivian but I still support it.

Meant to quote

>Your bullshit story is actually hilariously similar to Zionist justifications for Israel
But I can and have given proofs for my claims, unlike the Jew. And unlike the Jew, my stance doesn't result in the genocide of an entire people and the enslavement of the world.

Again, your comparison was false.

>pic related

I want to add that the mother was Asian (Japanese), so any theory that his mother has passed the jew to him (by jewish law only females do) automatically falls down.

I will download his book and check it for those quotes now

>But I can and have given proofs for my claims, unlike the Jew. And unlike the Jew, my stance doesn't result in the genocide of an entire people and the enslavement of the world.

So can Zionist scholars and politicians... and if you think the USA is not founded on genocide that's just further proof of your ignorance.

As for the "enslavement of the World" that's just such a dumb meme argument that I'm honestly not even going to address it straight up going to ignore that dumb shit.

how is it too different things? if im promoting/spreading christianity why shouldnt you assume im a christian? if they promote/spread zionism why shouldnt i think theyre zionist trash?

>I don't care if it does.
because you know it doesnt and that knowledge doesnt fit your agenda, so you simply dismiss the facts. typical tricks.

>I will download his book and check it for those quotes now
youre doing God's work

> and if you think the USA is not founded on genocide that's just further proof of your ignorance.
Pic related. It's time to educate oneself. The days of confusion are behind us.

>Pic related. It's time to educate oneself.

Lol okay I'm done, it was a good talk though, man, I genuinely wish you luck in your search for the Truth assuming that's what you're actually looking for.

They promote/support nationalism. It's what nationalists do, it's just you who have a problem with Jewish nationalism. This does not affect the validity of supporting nationalism as a nationalist.

Still not arguments from you btw.

>because you know it doesnt and that knowledge doesnt fit your agenda, so you simply dismiss the facts. typical tricks.
It doesn't have to. Like I said, I support the Maldives being independent but I get nothing from it.

Still no arguments from you.

I'm quite sure i'm speaking to a mentally retarded person though, it doesn't take this long for people to start grasping such basic concepts as self-determination and nationalism.

I just proved it was seals that sprea diseases and wiped out the Native Americans. I even used legitimate, non-biased, non-stormfront sources.

Yeah, you run off now, Moshe.

Why should non-Jewish Americans promote JEWISH Nationalism? What's in it for us?

The_Donald has declared war against Sup Forums

(You) (Cross-thread)

>Why should non-Jewish Americans promote JEWISH Nationalism? What's in it for us?
It's called being consistent.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Still not arguments btw.

>It's called being consistent.
>Do to others as you would have them do to you.
I agree, actually. Perhaps it's time to disperse the Jews and let them fall back into slavery like they are working towards with the goyim?

>It's called being consistent.
>Do to others as you would have them do to you.
or maybe we should genocide the Jewish people like they're calling or in Israel against the Palestinians?

Gotta stay consistent, user.

Turks aren't people Muhammad