RIP Lauren

Is she kill /pol?

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what happened?

Lauren Southern is a Jew who mocks white genocide.

OP is a paid shill promoting her brand. This is evidence Lauren is controlled opposition:

if she wasnt, she wouldnt need shills to market her.

somebody have set us up the bomb


you didn't heard?

Did she died

Wow it's literally nothing


The moment she started shilling for Ezra (((the filthy kike))) levant
She was dead to me. Sup Forums never gave a fuck about this attention whore who has never ever ever criticized Jews.

>tfw posting in a slide thread


wow it's another reddit thtread (OP said "/pol"

t. tripfag

please kill yourself

Character assasination is an obvious shiling tactic you dumb aussie cunt, and the tweets about her holocaust survivor parents were a fucking joke to trigger retards like yourself, she even posted her 23andMe data if you are so obsessed.

i understand its a shilling tactic but that doesnt mean everyone against her is a shill. shes a civic nationalist and thats just as bad as being jewish

Fine, criticize her on whatever you don't agree, that's completely normal, but when you see the typical shit photoshops and personal attacks that's obvious shilling.

I don't agree with her 100% either, honestly, I couldn't care less, but she is spreading like 99% of the message of the alt-right minus white nationalism or jewish influence and nepotism, it's suspicious then that so many (((members of the alt-right))) seem to invest and spend so much energy into destroying her or PJW or anyone on the "alt-light" instead on spending that energy and hatred on marxist scum and creating a common front with them against cultural marxism. You don't even know how much power-level people like them are hiding.

>her own words quoted back at her
>character assassination

maybe lauren shouldnt tweet anymore if she's worried about character assassination?

>tfw you'll never truly redpill Lauren and have tons of white children together

Genocide also cover willfully wiping out a group of people by setting up living conditions designed in whole or in part to make life unbearable for said group, among other definitions according to our friend the U.N (note; the term friend is used jokingly here)
Yes there is a white genocide going on, albeit slowly.

maybe someone should tell lauren southern?

what am i looking for user?

How do we convince these alt chicks that getting naked is the right thing to do for the cause?

Lauren Southern is not a jew. Nothing she said indicated she was a jew. KYS.

either shes a jew or a zionist.
which is it?

Gavin is shit.


The Rebel was founded by a jew,
Gavin is a outspoken zionist. Are you high user?

>archeological evidence

I have archeological evidence that she belongs into an oven


She must be died no one from rebel media goes this long without tweeting

Holy shit I used to think you retards who posted that picture were just misinformed, but it's obvious that you're paid shills. It's been explained a million times how you're wrong but you keep posting that same picture. Your shillery could not be more obvious. You even have the same file names.