Am I a cuck, Sup Forums?

I hate the whole SJW self loathing white guilt bullshit and I am an individualist.

However, I genuinely don't have a problem with "people of colour" as a whole and I am of the stance of living and letting live so long as the individual is an honest, law abiding person.

I grew up in the inner city so I am used to being around blacks and Asians. Some of them are complete scumbags, some of them not. Same with white people. I've seen white council estate chavs chimp out to biblical degrees.

I also have issues with Islam, but I have issues with every religion too.

Politically, I'd say I'm generally left of centre. I'm also neither pro-Trump nor pro-Hillary. I voted remain for my own personal reasons, but have faith that the majority of the British public made the right decision.

Verdict? Cuck, based or just purple pilled?

>i am an ____ist

yes you are a cuck


Why does it matter what Sup Forums thinks? What makes you think you'll get a single, definite answer that will satisfy you?

Asking on Pol make you a cuck

>current year
>not being national socialist or white nationalist

you are are cuck

>People of colour

Nice. Real fucking nice, OP. Would you use the phrase "coloured person?" Of course not. So why do you think it's acceptable to say THAT?

Yes you are a cuck. See how much niggers care about your individuality when you are a minority. kys fag

What color is indians?

We're all cucks now OP

i have no problem if people are civilised. but it is hard to ban uncivilised people. its better to group them by "colour"


I'm not sure if this post is bait or not, but if it isn't, yes you are a cuck. Specifically because you came to ask Sup Forums for an opinion on your "individualist" nature. Go post on a better imageboard/10

With criminal records and educational ranking it's actually easier and more effective to ban by other criteria.

If you are subbed to The Young Turks, you are probably a cuck.


It sounds like you're on Stage 2.

You're not a cuck, but you still have a long way to go in order to reach enlightenment. Keep browsing.

You're just a fairly decent normie, user. You don't like violence or people being cunts to each other.
But unfortunately we're far past normies being able to live their lives peacefully. Civilisation as we know it is actively collapsing. Unless drastic steps are taken to save it we're going to have more in common with present-day Sudan than present-day Switzerland before the century's half done.

Research race and crime & race and IQ
I don't dislike the individual person that looks different than me, but there are some facts that you gotta get straight that will make you hostile to immigration, for very good reasons.

Lol cuckold

'enlightenment' jus means you fap to trump videos btw

fuck off

>don't have a problem with "people of colour"
>looks at flag
God dammit Britain

>I am of the stance of living and letting live
Ah great, the corner stone for a society full of apathy. What could go wrong?
>insert "at least I still have the constitution.jpg"

>I am used to being around blacks and Asians.
That's sad. You have not even experienced "real Britain" in your life while being born there.

>I also have issues with Islam, but I have issues with every religion too.
Is there any other religion on the planet that might be a threat to your country, i.e. basically takeover by birthrates?

>I voted remain for my own personal reasons
t. Egoist

That's basically the reason why everything goes to shit. The people get the "individualism pill" hammered into their heads and completely ignore the collective. Hyperindividualism ultimately leads to egoism and apathy and with it, the downfall of the nation. Once society has been atomized into individuals without seeing a bigger collective, you will have the simples form of society to govern over.

Note the speech marks, leaf. I don't use that term, but that's the PC way of describing anyone who isn't white these days.

I agree that it's the same as referring to someone as coloured though. It's stupid.

Close, but I'm only half Jewish.

It's the Poles and Romanians who will be the majority in the UK.

I suppose socially I lean towards libertarianism but I don't agree with libertarian economics. Sometimes government involvement is better, i.e., having nationalised healthcare.

I wouldn't call myself a normie but I still have faith that this identity politics game will pass like every fad.

>God dammit Britain
The only people I'm actually racist towards are Germans, funnily enough.

>Ah great, the corner stone for a society full of apathy. What could go wrong?

Worked for the Romans.

>That's sad. You have not even experienced "real Britain" in your life while being born there.

What is "real Britain" though? Cultures are so varied around the country. Look at the stark differences between Manchester and Liverpool for example, and they're not even an hour's drive apart.

>Is there any other religion on the planet that might be a threat to your country, i.e. basically takeover by birthrates?

Catholicism supposedly was until around the 1990s.

>t. Egoist
Like pretty much every person who has voted for anything ever.

>The only people I'm actually racist towards are Germans, funnily enough.
>Anglo Saxons
>He is racist against is own people basically

How the fuck is that even possible? Have you ever met larger amounts of Germans?

>Worked for the Romans.
Yeah.... right until it didn't work anymore.

>Look at the stark differences between Manchester and Liverpool
Taking big cities as an example in the post 1990 world is not a good idea. They are all places of degeneracy ready to be nuked, without exception.

>Like pretty much every person who has voted for anything ever.
This statement hurts so much I don't even know what to respond. Have you even any kind of basic understanding of philosophy? This "every person who has voted for anything ever" is just what I was talking about in regards to hyper-individualism and apathy. Voting behaviour was different in the past and of course people thought about the "bigger plan", i.e. thinking about the collective and not only voting because of selfish needs.