My mother unironically says Oy vey.
She lectures me whenever I tell a holocaust joke, and she never forgets to include a few "What about the six gorillion" or some other shit like that.
When should I an hero, Sup Forums?
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>Part heeb
I'm sorry, user.
Fuck off lark
The fact that it's even a question means you should do it now
Explain to her why hitler did nothing wrong, and convince her to begin counter jewing operations while putting rat poison in her coffee every morning to kill her because all jews should be exterminated
Give her a ticket to Madagascar.
>not a entrepreneur seeking to enslave humanity
You're the trashiest one in the trash
My Pennsylvania Dutch grandma always used Jewish gobbledygook speak, but it was because she worked in the steno pool with a bunch of East Coast Jewesses. In say oy vey all the time, but intentionally ironically.
How do I explain that to her successfully?
I was going to give a different answer but my captcha has decided your fate.
If we could explain it to a kiketress's bastard kike son, then you can find a way to jew a redpill into her star of david
My mother calls all her money shekels. In fact, my whole family does.
I wish I never came here
Yeah, but it took me years to break out of her libshit training, think how much it will take to convince her.
>Suiciding instead of rising up the ranks of your people's elite
and then dismantling it from the inside to save all mankind
Low energy user
My Jewish half never ever said Oy Vey, even when they were speaking hebrew.
They used come kind of substitute noise for the response that is hard to replicate via typing but sounded something like an annoyed/disappointed version of "mmmhhmmmmmm"
you mean
*sniff sniff*
But user, how am I supposed to do that when I'm a poorfag?
Time to educate her about the 3 million wiped off Auschwitz and the nearly 2 million wiped off Majdanek
1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked)
Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil
Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
Hello, satan
Sad thing is when I watch videos of hitler and natsoc related things I get shivers up and down my spine.