Look what you did.
Look what you did
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums no...
Sup Forums YES!!!
Why did he let the Russian shills on here influence the u.s election?
Damn it, Hiro you cuck. You're not my real dad!
Time to meme hard Boys!! All the way until the ballot box closes
>Organic internet movement for Trump
>Obama openly endorses Macron
>>Radio silence
Fuck you gook I'll do whatever I want and you can't stop me
Hiro's owned this shithole for HOW long, and he still can't speak decent English?
hiroshima nagasaki has a point desu
>Hiro's owned this shithole for HOW long, and he still can't speak decent English?
>tfw you realize hiro is just as autistic as we are
They teach Spanish at every American one
I want to marry Umi.
Plus he went to school in the US for a few years as an exchange student.
Must be tough being a Sheriff
Oh he speaks perfect English but if you act like you cannot people tend to leave you alone and ask less questions
The madman
I dindu nuffin.
>Le Sup Forums
Because the Russians paid him that time to look the other way. This time the Russians didn't. Oh and the French media is much more vigilant in cutting the head off the snake for fake news.
You should have listened to /qa/ and come down hard on all the personal army and dox threads in Sup Forums Fish Lips. You reap what you sow.
>Why did he let the Russian shills on here influence the u.s election?
Sup Forums is an international board
It's an act you fucking retard, he can speak perfect english.
You retards, he's asking Macron not to go full retard and attack Sup Forums
Go back to 9gag fucking faggot
>confused gook is the target for when anyone from basement autists to government operatives influence world elections from a 14 year old image posting board
macron is faggot
france is fucked
>Macron proven to be working hard with the DNC
>CIA previously found to have interfered on behalf of Macrons old party
>Obama openly meddling in the election
>Some kids on Sup Forums make Le Jokes
Literally the end of the world.
We learn spanish here, too. Yet most of us struggle to hold a basic conversation in it.
Question is:
>Will Le Pen win?
>If she does, will she mention Sup Forums?
>>Will Le Pen win?
No, Europe can't be saved.
Why won't Hiro just fucking get new mods? Replace global moderation with a massive volunteer admin system like he had on 2ch
Hiro is forced to deal with the full might of the French government EU bureaucracy.
>Even more lies
>Damage control
Day of the colony soon Ausfailia
He can speak English when begging for shekels or ordering his 20th beer of the night.
When asked anything he doesn't want to answer "me no speak engrish!"
This, He knows exactly what he is doing.
Trust nips, get zipped.
>You should have listened to /qa/
Never listen to /qa/. It's literally a paid army of reddit mods trying to ruin Sup Forums.
If Macron wins, I'm pretty sure Hiro is getting the hell out of France and moving back to Japan full time.
hiro is scum
fuck off back to ebaumsworld, faggot
Just going to go with ad hominems? Not even some alternative facts?
btw Australians are the worlds most powerful race.
No shit he's sketchy. That's why I want that fucker to sell the site. But in its current state Sup Forums is not worth nowhere near a million dollars. He needs to improve the quality on here. That means recruiting new mods and the moderation system
>Hiro is forced to deal with the full might of the French government EU bureaucracy.
>full might of the French government EU bureaucracy
>full might
It's beneath us. This is America and we speak American here. You wanna talk Mexico, go back to Mexico.
I hope a big guy from the EU uses his black cock to punish Hiro
Fuck off plebbit
>Move back to Japan
>Where he's wanted for tax Evasion
>Telling the truth is an ad hominem
If you're so powerful, why are you still subservient to the Brits?
Why are they so icky about these dumb leaks. There wasn't really something incriminating in there, was there?
>Hiro outjews newfags
Love it.
He can speak fluent english. He puts on the MOSHI MOSHI ME HIRO ME NO SPEAKY ENGRISH act so he can worm his way out of shit.
Off yourself. Le is the masculine of the in french. I was excpecting a burger flag for that stupid post.
Who told him to say this?
We'll need a new owner soon.
He's been compromised!
>tfw took two years of Spanish in high school
>tfw still can't speak a single sentence in Spanish
spics and their shitty language can get fucked.
Yea, at the top of his head.
He's been over there multiple times already.
He could also just move to the USA
The French police are looking for you guys.
In the email to mixtape.moe’s owner Drybones, French police officer Claire Allegre said she was in charge of a case based out of a high court in Paris for “forgery, use of a forged document and diffusion of fake news which can disturb an election.”
It is on hearts dot com
You're welcome.
Whoops...heatst dot com
Amen, burgerbruh.
le forum Sup Forums :D
yeah, but how does french law apply in whatever state mixtape.moe is in?
is everyone retarded now?
>Me no speakeru Engrish
It's the tactic that kills the FBI/CIA and SJWhores
can I marry your sister?
> Le forum Sup Forums
Fucking hell my sides
yeah diversity only suits you when you can exploit it right?
How about you learn Japanese?!
at least its not
>le hacker known as Sup Forums
*exploding van*
>Sup Forums
Imma start doing this.
Thank god for being a bilingual spic.
Le Sup Forums XD
Hellos fellow Pepes, I am Cool French Pepe looking to meet you all in Paris for hackings, please give me address, I am not Inspector.
what an attention whore
>half the people in the thread don't know who Hiroyuki Nishimura is
stay classy, Sup Forumsddit.
Is that a korean idol?
>le forum Sup Forums
This really made me think.
In my state, foreign language classes aren't required to graduate from high school, but you are required to take two years of a foreign language to get accepted into university.
Also, in most US high schools (especially the poor ones) the only foreign language offered is Spanish.
Therefore, you would assume there would be a lot of spanish speakers, especially amongst university students, but this is not the case. Most university students who take foreign languages choose ones that are more interesting or useful, like German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, etc.