What's pols opinion on weed

Is it degenerate to smoke weed/dab?

I'm a 22 year old stoner with an IQ of 138, I don't think smoking weed is harmful to your intellect, but I don't smoke everyday or that much, I also don't drink and quit smoking cigarettes in March.

Do I need to quit to reach my full potential or can I keep this habit and still be respected?

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This post is cancer. 138 my ass.

It's not evil, but is not helping you achieve what you could be. If you are happy with where you are at, weed is a fun time. If not, it is a horrible substance that makes you feel content with being less than you could be.

I am curently filling a patent to produce BHO with a 420% content of THC, my IQ is 420 too

Op is a fag
First post was actually the best post
And this thread is Saged

Lol u mad bro


>22 year old stoner
>with an IQ of 138
Pick one bruh!
my q.i. is 207 and I smoke cats!


It helps me calm down on the weekends and I'm naturally shy so it helps me bond with my friends but I'm worried it will probably never be socially acceptable and I wish to be a role model for my people. I had a girlfriend that used it as medicine so I don't think it's evil, but I think I'll quit for a few months and see the difference

Got an iq test before I started smoking so I wouldn't be surprised if it changed


Used intelligently, it can give you another perspective on life, which can be valuable when making cost/benefit decisions (like changing a job, suggesting a new initiative at work, moving to another city, or altering your routine). I enjoy having an opportunity to indulge, step outside myself, and make observations as to how I can become a more happy and excellent human being.

This has been my justification for some time now but I've been smoking since I was 17 so I think I've gotten all I can out of it

My q.i. is like Tesla, and I tell you that a guy with 138 doesn't need to ask 4 chan if the drug is safe, it would go on pubmed or others reliable source.

BTW it cause cancer, anxiety, impariment ecc ecc and these are permanent damage.

Dont let these straight edgy teens get you down, Im 36 with a 137 IQ I have been smoking weed since I was 21. The way I saw it was, If I was old enough to drink I should be allowed to smoke weed on occasion.
Now don't let the degenerates convince you its good for you. Its harmful for sure, but I think much less so than alcohol. Just be moderate about your bad habits. Everything can be managed in moderation. Smoking weed everyday is going to make you feel lazy and want to do nothing with your days. However a joint after a long week of work with your spouse or friends is amazing sometimes.

Nice grammar there Tesla

weed is the best drug out there

you can smoke weed on any occasion. at home playing video games? weed. out on the beach? weed. theme park? weed. on a date? weed. you can literally smoke weed any time and it goes well with anything

it's relatively cheap. it hits you right away. you can't die from smoking it. it helps with pain. it might get you a little paranoid at first but usually i'm paranoid because i'm scared of getting caught smoking the damn thing

which brings me to my last point. the worst thing that can happen to you smoking weed is someone catches you smoking weed

I have an IQ of 17 gorillion and you are a retard.

weed is nothing.

it's heroin, fentanyl, and carfentanil that you got to worry about.

never try these drugs, never take strange pills of powders.

a couple grains of fentanyl or carfentanil can kill you instantly. And if it doesn't kill you, You become an addict for life - a living zombie whose only purpose becomes to get high or die trying.

This is basically my level of usage

yes, don't smoke.

buy THC concentrates and eat small amount to find your tolerance. Your tolerance to THC can change from day to day depending on diet and unknown variables.

If you have a good weed day then take a little more.

Best way to get the most high for your buck and completely healthy. Actually increases your health and gives you mental clarity. The opposite of degenerate.

Never tried anything "hard", the most I've had was acid on my 21st birthday

funny how you try to bring grammar in the subject mr. 138


Don't listen to the brainlet haters. I'm the smartest person in this thread and I smoke weed. The point of life is to enjoy it. Accomplish the things you need accomplished to enjoy life.

Nope!I'm the smartest!Also my cock is bigger than yours!

Listen to someone with more wisdom than yourself: it is degenerate and at some point you will realise that.
I was you before you were born.

good outlook. I think humanity misses the point to life because we are constantly looking for a new trick to learn. Like a bored puppy. Weed helps me to just chill and smell the flowers once in a while.

How come every stoner has such a high iq?

>Never tried anything "hard", the most I've had was acid on my 21st birthday

If someone hands you a pill or anything even a joint, never, ever take it. There are some extremely deadly synthetic opiates floating around, and many pills/joints are laced with them. And people are dropping dead all over the country. Thousands of people are dying!

I started using weed at 15 until 27, I grew up in a town that made most of it's money growing weed and selling it all over the country.
Only recently did I decide to quit it. Personally I feel a lot better after having quit it. I don't really see the downside to occasional use, but using it 40x a day like I used to was affecting me negatively in ways I didn't realize.
I've still got the pharmacological opioid addiction, though. I can't stand pure sobriety.

what if a guy at church hands me candy

Heres the way to smoke:
Do it alone or with a girlfriend or wife
Dont brag about it/acknolage that you do it
Dont let it supercede making progress in your own life. ALWAYS HAVE GOALS.
Dont let it become an excuse to try other substances
Dont do it during the day.

Weed is for losers. Who would want to be intoxicated?
Any woman worth being with will not date a stoner.

They don't, but coincidentally my best friend that turned me on to weed has an IQ of 148

>has such a high iq
>such a high iq
>a high iq
>high iq

>138 IQ
>lol you mad bro
>you mad
Fucking neck yourself

Why does weed conversation always about smoking it? Why not just eat :)

It's just funny, every single stoner online is a genius. However in real life every stoner I know is a mouth breather.

It is just another rant:



Breaks are good. I wish I could, but I have mind wrenching migraines everyday, so if I even try to go an entire day I'm crying pitifully in a corner by 8. I usually don't start until 4:20, wake n bake=zombies

Year 2 med school here. Most of us at my school smoke. But if you smoke you must accept:

1) its not healthy for you
2) while not physically addictive, it IS psychologically addictive
3) it should not be used by those under 16 years of age

If you can accept this, go for it and keep smoking. We do it instead of drinking.

enjoy your low test beta fagget weed you fucking pussy.


1) it's unhealthy for you

everything is unhealthy if you smoke it.

2.) Oatmeal is psychologically addictive

3.) I agree with that

Your new IQ is 105.

Wayy to high for any weed smoker

use weed like coffee, and in small amounts to increase productivity instead of mindless indulgence

well weed shaves off you IQ
I was a genius, and now i'm a dull emotionless retarded sociopath
thanks weed

By only moderately using I've been able to avoid psychological addiction but am familiar with it, when I started I was a wake and baker for a year and my grades seriously slipped, thank you user. I think I'll start trying to do it more infrequently because come Friday I start thinking about it almost nonstop

Well someone wasn't smart enough to quit when you should've

Can we just legalize it and then societally pressure it as a thing to be done in private?

We take away income source from welfare people selling it.
We take it away from the hippies ruining the image
We make weed a white collar drug.
We keep it out of the hands of kids.
Adds a source of tax revenue for infastructure.

this. there is nothing unreasonable here


just get a little discipline in your life. It will help you all around, not just a weed addiction.

The dull emotionless retarded sociopath

you were always a dull emotionless retard but weed convinced you for a time that you werent.

138 I.Q?

Well, you'd know, then, that you used 3 commas in your first 'sentence', even though it was technically 3 separate sentences.

You're a drug-using retard.

lol, weed is good mate you need to start smoking weed

No its degenerate

This. I've been listening to Jordan Peterson and I think that's why I'm thinking about this.

ok in all seriousness, the data I know showed that weed doesn't do permanent damage when it is consumed by adults but it indeed does cost you about 8 IQ points when you smoke it as an adolescent (before let's say 20-23 or so when brain development is not yet completed)
Im 32 now and theres virtually no difference to when I have 10 grams ans smoke enough to deplete the stash in a month, or when i don't smoke at all. It doesn't affect my physical or mental condition in any way - but I was never the type who goes through life stoned. I smoke it when i'm at home and all my daily duties are done, like work, practicing piano, doing the laundry etc.
I can say that I never ever noticed any physical addiction at all, and there is no withdrawal. When it's gone, it's gone.
However as I said, there is a problem with kids and teenagers that is well understood.

the circumstances of your life are always changing though. sometimes you smoke and a realization hits you like "this job is making me depressed" or "this girl isn't right for me", and you take action on that, and that's useful. but as an every day thing that's just a coping mechanism.

I enjoy selling it because it makes me money BITTCHH YEEEY


user, get yourself some butterbur extract, multi-b vitamins, and magnesium. That combo for a few months cured my migraines for good-haven't had one in almost a decade

You're projecting hard user it's obvious you know you're degenerate and are probably smart but haven't reached your potential because you have no willpower to quit pot, and yeah it harms your intellect on a short term basis if you keep it in your system

I'm not an aboriginal.

I mean I use daily and I wont pretend that its good for me but when the norm at my college is to spend hundreds of dollars at the bars every week blacking out (sadly this is not even an exaggeration) I dont feel so bad about spending $40 every 2 weeks or so.
I am tempted to quit but as I get older I find myself using less and less and in more responsible patterns, not smoking during the day. As it stands I still smoke daily but I have straight A's am on track to graduate cum laude and am looking to attend a top tier law school.
Not everyone can find a balance but we shouldnt be legislating marijuana prohibition based on those who cant manage themselves.
Its a problem with children and teens because they need to find personal responsibility first before they complicate it with things like drugs. I learned that the hard way but managed to sort myself out before it was too late

part of degenerate culture

almost everywhere weed is gateway drug to others because of the degenerate culture surrounding it all

Hide & Sage all cannabis threads. Pot affects everyone differently, although common traits such as apathy will be present

what about all those examples of people who only smoke weed?

Youre so fucking full of shit.

Marijuana should not be illegal.

Also, its not degenerate to smoke it. It is degenerate to smoke it and not work or contribute to society. As long as you use it responsibly ur fine, not degenerate.

the funny thing is that everything I said is true :^)

The_Donald has declared war against Sup Forums

(You) (Cross-thread)


Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Weed Causes Cancer:

Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Smoking causes lung damage:

imagine being so mad about other peoples choices that you downloaded a list

I feel dumb as fuck every time i smoke. Who knows though it could heighten fools intelligence

I'd say dabbing is degenerate, cause now you've taken something natural and perverted it with artifice.

and I'd also say that smoking anything is degenerate because of the harm it causes your lungs.

However eating or vaporizing cannabis is not really degenerate, especially if for a medical purpose. You do generally have to accept that it isn't GOOD for you and has health risks somewhere in the ballpark of alcohol, maybe a little less risk because it won't kill you and it's not as physically addictive as alcohol (weed withdrawals, if they can be called that, are negligible compared to delerium tremens).

I use cannabis medically, for me it's replaced hydrocodone for pain and alcohol for socializing completely (and it has to replace alcohol in that facet because I medically cannot drink alcohol anymore because of methotrexate)

I think out of the options I have, it's the best one.

if it was true LSD that's an even softer drug than Cannabis really.

weed is only classified as a "gateway drug" because the government does not factor in alcohol and tobacco because they're legal.

But those are the two REAL gateway drugs along with prescription opioids.

They just track Marijuana because it's the first ILLEGAL drug people might try.


Vaping is better. Eating does have 1 complication in that it's easier to take too much/"Overdose" (even though it's not like most drug overdoses, you'll live through it without medical attention... you just won't have a very good time)

Like everything, in moderation it's good, in excess, it's bad.

WTF are you shilling right now?

I see it as more of an all walks of life drug like alcohol.

Blue collar will be smoking mids/regs that taste like skunk fart like they drink american pilsners

White collar will be vaping top shelf sticky that tastes like a mix of their favorite fruits and flowers like they drink champagne that costs thousands of dollars a bottle.

Lol, my IQ is 130, I smoke every day, and I'm successful as fuck.

I get the best of both worlds.

>IQ of 138
Facebook IQ tests don't count..

If you're white and still smoking weed after the age of 23 your life is a fucking joke.

Only black culture encourages heavy weed use into adulthood.

Repeated digits tell the truth

>People still think various internet IQ tests mean anything