The last one is gone but let's start again the debate a leftist thread

The last one is gone but let's start again the debate a leftist thread

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Fuck you if youre a democrat or otherwise left-wing in any way.


are you pro immigration even for the immigrants that refuse to integrate?
how important is democracy for you?

I'm not pro immigration for cultures that refuse to integrate in case that the state is fully secular, I am in favor of it in case that the state is still heavily influence by religious opinions.

So in France I'm in favor of anti-islamic propositions as I would be consider anti-abortionist christians people that are failing to assimilate.

It is fairly important right now. I'm not a big plans guy. I'm more of a pragmatic day to day sort of problems.

Daily reminder that the socialist regime of the USSR even had the guts to drag God to court and pronounce the death penalty against him.

Daily reminder that socialist France 2 centuries ago destroyed the high tower because their size wasn't equal towards the other buildings.

Daily reminder that socialist-raised Shafarevich declared that after years of supporting the socialist ideology that socialism is nothing but a God-hating deathwish.


This image has too much wrong with it.

Liberalism is a fairly coherent system of thought, the problem is that they don't have the courage of their convictions so they become push-overs trying to please everyone.

You "leftists" and Marxists disgust me with your ignorance. Both Marx and Engels were openly racist vs Slavs and some other races and this information is slowly but steadily becoming common knowledge. There is nothing about the human waste in that picture or his rotten philosophies that is redeeming in any way.

You should kill yourself. There's my addition to your leftist debate. Really, I wish you and your likes would just get round up in some old building and smoked alive like the pest that you are. Absolutely disgusting.

Well you know traditionalism has the big problem that God doesn't exist. I mean modernity and all that, it's not something like you can just ignore.